Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 97 Fury: It has nothing to do with me

Under the giant tree of Erythnul.

Noah flipped through the Mandarin's memory.

The connection between Pierce and him was immediately found out by Noah.

It really is Hydra.

Noah sighed.

Hydra is troublesome.

The most troublesome thing is that they are well hidden.

No one knows the identity of Hydra, so naturally there is no way to find out.

But unfortunately, Noah is the only one who knows about Hydra.

At least, Pierce, who is on the bright side, can know it clearly as long as he devours Pierce's memory.

That being the case, let's start with Pierce.

Kill Pierce directly?

this is very simple.

But that won't work, because no one knows he did it.

So he not only wants to kill, but also wants everyone to know that this is his method of Noah Allen.

Only by doing so can everyone understand what not to do.

In addition to Pierce, there are many people involved.

That night, there were more than ten murders.

Moreover, each of these bloody cases involved powerful figures.

Early the next morning, the whole of New York was covered with news of the murder.

The whole of New York was panicked.

No one knew what happened, and everyone was worried whether there was a murderous maniac in action.

Only a few people have some guesses in their hearts.

But even they weren't sure.

Because things happened so fast.

Umbrella's attack had just happened.

Ordinarily, let alone retaliation, the investigation work alone may have to last for a long time, and there may not be a result even in a few months.

Many forces that are hostile to him are waiting to see his good show with full expectation.

But last night's murder directly silenced the entire New York.

It’s okay if Noah didn’t do it, but if he did it, what does it mean?

It shows that he has extraordinary tracking and investigation methods.

There are many people who want to deal with Noah.

But no one thought that he could kill Noah.

No one even thought that they could escape Noah's attack.

So the best way to deal with him is to suppress him through rules.

But there are always some people who are very concerned about Noah's weakness.

There is no doubt that Noah's parents are his greatest weakness.

But they dealt with Noah for profit.

If the price is unexplained death, no one will want to touch it.

Almost everyone was terrified at this moment.

They can only pray in their hearts, those murders were not done by Noah.

Because that means Noah Allen has no scruples.

Then, that afternoon, two government officials died at home.

This news made the entire New York police force run at high speed.

The forces of all parties are even more horrified.

Noah Allen crazy?

Someone flipped the table, you can take revenge.

But this kind of crazy killing, what to do if you kill the wrong person.

How do you know, those people must have something to do with it.

It can be said that at this moment, everyone is in danger, afraid of being targeted.

Then, the military and the New York police entered the hive at the same time and had a conversation with Noah.

The outcome of the conversation is unknown.

But the killing, at least, was over.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Noah has arrived at the gate of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The killing before was just an appetizer.

In front of people of Pierce's level, the people he killed were nothing at all.

As for the reason for stopping...

The military is here, and face is still to be given.

Anyway, they were almost killed, as for the rest.

Just let them live a few more days.

His revenge has only just begun!

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury felt a deep uneasiness in his heart.

Most importantly, there were some documents in front of him.

These are information that he has never known before.

He had the urge to yell.

This is SHIELD, and he is the director of SHIELD.

As a result, there was so much information in S.H.I.E.L.D. that he was completely unaware of.

What scares him the most is that he doesn't know who is involved.

He couldn't even be sure which of the top secret agents he trusted were worthy of his trust.

Brock Rumlow himself was a senior agent whom he trusted.

Even agents of this level can betray.

Make it hard for him to imagine other people's loyalty.

Especially among the people who attacked Umbrella, T-101, the tyrant who belonged to their S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's easy for a Brock Rumlow to explain, but the deployment of a biological weapon like the Tyrant T-101 requires approval at various levels.

It's hard to believe that he, the bureau chief, doesn't know.

It can be said that this directly put him on the fire shelf.

The most troublesome thing now is, how should he deal with Noah Allen?

Hiding the documents in his hand, Nick Fury planned his next actions.

This secret investigation document cannot be leaked.

Even because of Brock Rumlow and Tyrant T-101, many people already know about this matter.

But if he kept it a day longer, he would be able to find out more enemies.

The current situation made him feel for the first time that things were a little out of control.

However, this is S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is a department to protect the world from superpowers.

At this point, nothing will change!

Even in the face of Noah Allen, he must not show weakness.

Nick Fury has one sharp eye.

Just as he was thinking.

The door burst open.

Noah came in through the door.

"Noah Allen, why are you here!"

Nick Fury saw that Noah's face was not very good.

But because of his black face, Noah couldn't see it.

Noah said silently:

"Your people don't want me to come in, so I can only come in by myself."

Nick Fury's complexion changed drastically.

"Where are they?"

"Don't worry, I'm not dead."

Noah's voice was indifferent.

"The most serious injury was just a few broken bones. I haven't tried to kill anyone here yet."

That's right, Noah didn't kill anyone, and the heaviest thing was indeed just a few broken bones.

But as long as the members of the SHIELD he saw, all of them received this treatment, and the number of them... maybe a hundred or so.

Nick Fury was visibly relieved.

The heaviest one was only a few broken bones, it seems that other people have no serious problems.

He was really afraid that Noah would do something out of the ordinary.

Now it seems that Noah Allen still has some scruples.

Noah stared at Nick Fury's eyes, and said:

"Although I'm just a commoner, isn't what SHIELD has done too much?"

Nick Fury's face remained unchanged.

"What did S.H.I.E.L.D. do?"

His expression was calm enough to make all those who questioned him ashamed.

But Noah obviously didn't agree with him, and said with a sneer:

"S.H.I.E.L.D. was cooperating and even directly involved in the terrorist attack on Umbrella.

Don't tell me you don't know about this! "

Nick Fury heard the words and said with a serious face:

"I'm still investigating this matter, please believe me, I will give you a reasonable answer.

But I can assure you that this matter has nothing to do with me or S.H.I.E.L.D. "

Noah sneered when he heard this.

"It doesn't matter?

It's a shame you can tell. "


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