Big Time 1958

Chapter 758: famous traitor

Severely pressing the phone, Serov still couldn't stop South Africa from taking chestnuts for the Americans. Valya wanted to play the game of offense and defense, but now is not the time, so she asked carefully, "What's wrong? What makes you so angry? ."

"South Africa used black people to organize an infiltration force, and they want a civil war in Angola. To prevent this country from becoming a pro-Soviet country." Serov said with an ugly face, "I didn't want to mess with this country, but South Africa insisted on doing this, I can only kill him."

  South Africa's geographical advantage can wipe out a lot of the Soviet Union's national strength. I didn't expect that South Africa would rush over just over a month after the withdrawal of troops from Portugal. If there is no shadow of the United States behind this, Serov would not believe it at all. However, at present, the Soviet Union has only one battlefield in Thailand. It is not like so many battlefields can not support it later. Moreover, the Soviet Union itself is now much stronger than it was in the same period in history.

   In view of the painful lessons of the Soviet Union in the 1980s, which simultaneously supported four wars in Afghanistan, Angola, Vietnam and Nicaragua, as long as South Africa did not die, he could have spared South Africa. The general political commissar can only consider the standards of the United States in later generations. Two wars have been won at the same time, and four wars have brought down the Soviet Union. The two wars may not necessarily have any impact. At least the Soviet Union still has Cuba as a sharp knife.

One of the military camps in the eastern suburbs of Luanda, the capital of Angola, was originally the barracks of the Portuguese colonial army. Now it is the base of the Alpha troops. The Alpha and the signal flag, as the direct subordinate troops of the KGB, have maintained a rule since their establishment, that is, the two troops take turns. Living abroad, this year is the return of the pennant, while the Alpha Force lives in Angola.

"Lubyanka has come to give orders. The Cuban aid team in the south was attacked by the Zulu contingent in South Africa. The General Political Commissar asked us to kill these invaders and teach South Africa a lesson." The commander of the Alpha Force face The scars on it are particularly conspicuous, adding a three-point grim look, "Just like in other battlefields, our soldiers still have to fight for a living."

   "Then kill them and see if the black people in South Africa are more capable of fighting." The commanders of other squadrons nodded one after another. Since the establishment of the Alpha and Signal Flag units, they have begun to take turns fighting in hot spots. On the one hand, the KGB gave them favorable treatment, and on the other hand, it was accompanied by higher casualties than domestic troops, but in general, with the technical and quality support of the Soviet Union, they did not suffer huge losses.

At present, this kind of infiltration battle has not been put on the table, but the Cuban aid team in the southern part of the An People's Movement base has been attacked. The Alpha troops, who received the order of Lubyanka, began to carry their own sidearms. Guided by the guide of the People's Movement, they headed south to the location where the Cuban aid team was attacked.

  The geographical environment of the tropical rain forest is not very unfamiliar to the Alpha Force. When the last time it was rotated with the Signal Flag Force, the Alpha Force was stationed in the territory of one of the pro-Soviet forces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Achieving the Alpha Troop with off-road vehicles and individual weapons, they divided into several teams and went to their destinations to investigate the scene where the Cuban aid team was attacked. From this, we can see the fighting style, "It's basically light weapons, and the weapons we carry. Almost, the attackers lurked in the woods and suddenly attacked the Cubans."

"South Africa does not use heavy weapons either. After all, it is a secret operation, so tanks and armored vehicles should not be transported. This is very good, and it is more secure to clean them up!" Another squadron leader spread out the map and said, "We each squadron is responsible for one area, Try to annihilate this kind of latent contingent, and at the same time capture a certain number of prisoners, so that you can gain some moral support."

   Several captains nodded, notified the Cubans on the radio to collect the corpses, and entered the dense tropical rainforest. At the same time, Agostinho Netou, chairman of the Angolan movement, condemned South Africa's infiltration of Angola, and hoped that South Africa could stop the current hostilities, otherwise it would be a war. South Africa doesn't care about the threat of Agostinho Neto, the chairman of the Angolan People's Movement. In the whole of Africa, South Africa only looks at Egypt in the north.

   But bad news kept coming. The Zulu contingent that entered Angola began to lose news. It was only through agents in Angola that they found where these soldiers were attacked. This situation surprised South Africa, and it was a little different from what they expected.

These soldiers were handed over to the Cubans by the Alpha Force. Castro angrily condemned South Africa's attack on the Cubans built in Angola, and said that the South Africans were new colonists, replacing the original status of Britain and France. It is the biggest threat to the newly independent countries in Africa. South Africa has turned a deaf ear to accusations that Cuba has military power in Angola. It is to make Angola a part of the victory group. South Africa is only self-defense.

"South Africa is not only an emerging imperialist country, but also an apartheid country, where the vast majority of black people in the country are in a dominated position, which is essentially no different from slavery." Royanlovsky shouted righteously, "South Africa is not a democratic country, and the whole world should block this country against humanity."

But immediately Australia pointed out another thing, "Indonesia has been infiltrating East Timor, why did the Soviet Union not stop Indonesia's territorial ambitions, but care about Angola, which is thousands of miles away, and obviously adopt a policy with Indonesia to subvert the local regime and establish A puppet state centered on the Soviet Union."

"This is a slander against the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union exerts pressure on Indonesia, it is equivalent to implementing the theory of limited sovereignty that is attacked by your capitalist countries. You will still think that the Soviet Union controls all socialist countries, no matter how they do it. , you all have a pretext for attacking us.” The Soviet ambassador Trojanlovsky retorted to the Australian representative, “In fact, whether Indonesia has ambitions for East Timor is a false proposition, because East Timor is currently occupied by Australia.”

   This rhetorical question made the Indonesian ambassador to the United Nations stand up and applaud. The problem in East Timor, like Angola, is an overseas colony that was abandoned after the Portuguese Carnation Revolution. Because Indonesia is a socialist country and is very anti-American, neither the United States nor Australia wants East Timor to be acquired by Indonesia. Australia occupied East Timor under the instigation of the United States.

To the United States, Indonesia is like South Africa to the Soviet Union. South Africa and the Soviet Union have broken off diplomatic relations for decades, and Indonesia has also broken off diplomatic relations with the United States for more than ten years. After the Suharto coup was smashed, Indonesia because of the garrison of Malaysia and the United States, The resentment against the United States has reached its climax.

   "The issue now is South Africa's aggression against Angola, not other issues. Also, I suggest that the UN General Assembly vote on saving South Africa's apartheid system and expel South Africa from the UN." The Soviet ambassador said righteously.

Of course, this was blocked by the United States. South Africa’s trouble with Angola was supported by the United States. CIA Director Colby personally directed the operation of assisting UNITA and UNITA. First, the CIA’s C-130 transport aircraft sent the arms stored in the United States to the mainland. After arriving at Charleston Air Force Base, they were transported by C-141 transport planes of the US Air Force to South Africa's "mandate territory" in southwest Africa, and then trucks provided by the South African army were transported to the UNITA and ANLF base camps in Angola.

The quarrel between the two sides at the United Nations, and the official dinner time in Moscow, made Serov watching TV very interesting, but a person on the screen always caught Serov's attention. This look caught the attention of Valya, who was knitting the child's sweater, and asked, "What's wrong? What happened? Didn't you support Alpha's actions?"

   "Who is that person?" Serov pointed to the Soviet diplomat at the United Nations above, as if thinking of something.

"Isn't that Shevchenko, I know him, he's Ukrainian!" Valya's words reminded Serov of this person next to Ambassador Trojanlovsky, Shevchenko, the Soviet Under-Secretary-General to the United Nations .

   is this idiot? Serov didn't expect the second-ranked idiot in the Soviet Union to be pretty good looking. At least he is more energetic than the first-ranked Ge Tutu. If Shevchenko endures for another ten years, he may be the core figure of Ge Tutu's new thinking.

  According to the time, Shevchenko should have contacted the CIA by now, Serov stood up immediately, which surprised Valya for a while, not knowing what was wrong with her husband. Shelov also knew that his reaction was a bit big, so he sat down again immediately, and he had something to say tomorrow.

   Shevchenko's stupidity is that although the Soviet Union is so different from the propaganda, it makes him feel lost. But this idiot actually believed in the language of the United States to promote itself. It turned out that after contacting the CIA, the United States treated him as a spy, and no one was greater than the other.

   The next day, in Lubyanka’s own office, Serov specifically met with the Tenth General Directorate of the KGB, who was also the director of the General Administration of Archives, and specifically asked about the list of Soviet spies lurking at the UN headquarters.

   "We have a total of 23 spies lurking in the United Nations. This is the file. What's the matter with the chairman?" The director of the general bureau with the rank of lieutenant general asked nervously, is there something wrong with this group of people?

"Divided into two months, give me two batches of photos, and let them continue to report after confirming that there are no problems, but secretly arrange a group of people. The task of the new group is to keep an eye on Shevchenko!" Still feeling unsafe after the order, Serov contacted Markus Wolf again and asked Stasi to help keep an eye on this high-ranking diplomat. (To be continued~^~)

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