Big Time 1958

Chapter 755: nuclear reactor

   "Chairman, can you tell me the specific tasks? I can transfer people from relevant majors."

"What is the task, we will know when the task is issued. The problem now is to hide first and find a professional related to Kodak's business. The more important things are, the less anxious we should be. Maybe we will not contact them in a few years, understand When you understand it, go to prepare." Shelov tilted his head and said slowly. Everyone can see from his appearance that it is best not to ask this question a second time, "I want to say something to General Chebrikov, comrades can leave the meeting."

  In general people's opinion, Kodak is a salesman. They never knew that there was a nuclear reactor in the basement of Kodak's headquarters, just like they didn't know that Samsung first sold dried salted fish and Nokia was an arms company. Many companies have historically made quite a few choices, but when it comes to installing a nuclear reactor in the basement of their headquarters, no one but Kodak has dared to do so.

  Since last year, Kodak has been hiding in a golden house in its basement in Rochester, New York. The reactor was once loaded with 3.5 pounds of military-grade enriched uranium, which means Kodak once had the raw materials for a nuclear strike. The reactor was installed in a basement of the Kodak headquarters building with two-foot-thick concrete walls.

  In Rochester, and even in the entire state of New York, no one in the government, the police or the fire department knew about it. Only a handful of engineers and federal employees involved are aware of the matter. But unfortunately, this incident was seen by a keyboard politician who loves to read unofficial history in later generations.

   Even more unfortunate is that twenty years after the Soviet Union woke up, this keyboard politician started in some notorious department of the Soviet Union and could have the ability to operate this thing. If it hadn't been for a telegram from Markus Wolf, Serov would not have remembered it at all. It is impossible for people to remember everything they have seen, but they can trigger similar memories through another event.

   Now that Serov remembered it, he began to calculate the pros and cons. This reactor is a bit small, and it may not be able to explode, but it seems that it is not too difficult to cause a leak and create a nuclear pollution area. Serov just thought about the matter of blowing up the nuclear power plant carefully guarded by the U.S. government. If he really did this, the Americans would fight with the Soviet Union, but if it was an illegal building by a private company, he was really not afraid to demolish it.

   So this plan will start from now on, cooperate with the Soviet Union and help potential comrades get promoted as soon as possible. This kind of company values ​​nothing more than profit. If there is an opportunity to enter the Soviet market, similar to Pepsi, he really doesn't think highly of the integrity of the capitalists.

  Kodak's nuclear reactor is definitely not comparable to Chernobyl, but the first reactor is secret, and no one in New York State, including the government, the police or the fire department, knows nothing about it. Unlike the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the bright side, this hidden nuclear reactor will definitely buy some more time. That's for sure, maybe the firefighters just arrived at the location and didn't know what they were facing.

   "You are courting death yourself, but don't blame the enemy for being too dark." Shelov felt more and more like a conspirator, but he still thought he was engaged in great things. I don’t know if the U.S. government will, like the Soviet Union, risk nuclear radiation to evacuate people in the event of a nuclear leak. As long as the local government in the dark doesn't respond properly, New York, which is more densely populated than the cities around Chernobyl.

   The chemical arsenal of the Federal Republic of Germany, the nuclear reactor of the Kodak Corporation of the United States, when it is time to do something, he will write articles, nothing special, just want to see if the Americans are not afraid of death.

   "Chairman, what do you want me to do?" General Chebrikov left here alone and asked curiously. This young chairman basically decides all major matters for the KGB. The daily maintenance work is never concerned, and the other vice-chairmen are allowed to play freely. Once he starts to guide the work, it shows that a certain thing is particularly important to Serov. General Chebrikov believes that this is the stage now.

"Give you a year to reserve enough talents who understand China, and we should have done some work long ago." Facing General Chebrikov, Serov said, "The general environment is going to change, and China is no longer the That iron-clad country, where we can't reach out, do you understand what I mean?"

   "Understood, leave it to me!" A flash of light flashed in General Chebrikov's eyes. He actually didn't understand what it meant that the environment had changed. Serov said it very vaguely, but he always agreed with the chairman's judgment.

   "Well, let's prepare, we can go back." Serov said seriously, since it is open, there is no reason not to open it to the Warsaw Pact countries. As long as the opening is opened, the KGB will be remiss if it does not reach out. In the face of responsibility, feelings should give way...

The most difficult thing to make this decision is to make this decision. After opening up, China started from the bottom. For a long time, relevant talents have been lost, especially the talents of military enterprises. Therefore, there is only a period of time to build missiles. The saying that it is better to sell tea eggs is rampant. If the level is too far apart, consciousness may not be able to withstand the temptation of material things.

But the American profession and the Soviet system of military enterprises are completely two systems. Those who are proud to go to the United States to see the door, it is better to come to the Soviet Union to continue to do their own profession. This has nothing to do with Serov. People who do not come to the Soviet Union will also go to the United States, so it is better to come to the Soviet Union.

   If you know the future and you can reach such a high position, you will naturally not miss this opportunity. For example, the uranium mines in the Soviet Union have all been closed now, and the uranium mines used to make nuclear bombs are all supplied by North Korea. It is very simple. North Korea owes the Soviet Union money, so it has to use the minerals to supply the Soviet Union's military industry. In this way, it seems to be more than the Soviet Union. It's much cheaper to mine by yourself.

  The phone on the table kept ringing, interrupting Serov's inner hesitation. When he picked up the phone, he heard Brezhnev's voice, "Yura, come to my house for dinner at night."

   "Okay!" Serov agreed simply, thinking about what happened to Brezhnev in his mind. In the end, there was no result, anyway, you will know when you go. Brezhnev has kept an apartment since he became general secretary.

"Yura, I will build an Asian security system to ensure the interests of the entire socialist camp in Asia. How sure do you think this is?" After the meal, Brezhnev talked about this issue in a negotiating tone. . The Soviet Union's Asian territories had always been a vulnerable part, and he felt there should be no problem with being prepared.

"North Korea is just a **** and will not join for the time being, and Indonesia is unlikely to join, because our Red Navy is not as strong as the U.S. Navy. India has always been a leader of non-alignment and basically does not Will join this system, only four countries agree to join, the new Kurdish Republic, Syria, Iraq, are some West Asian countries. Without East Asian countries or Southeast Asian countries to join, this system is very easy to embarrass.” Shelov said one thing. Said, "But this plan is good, but we don't have enough strength yet."

   "When will we have enough power?" Brezhnev further asked. This is not the first time he has talked about establishing an Asian security system. He has proposed it six years ago. As Shelov said, few countries responded, which is indeed embarrassing.

"At least until Thailand changes color, the only remaining country in Myanmar can easily make a choice. Whether Thailand can succeed or not largely determines whether the plan of Comrade General Secretary Comrade General Secretary can be implemented." Shelov thought for a while, Vietnam is definitely willing to join . There is no doubt that it will not be so embarrassing by then.

"I don't know if things will happen in southern Africa after the Portuguese army retreats, but I think we will stabilize our existing allies in the Middle East and attack mainly in Southeast Asia and southern Africa. At present our front has been stretched too long. Get it. After Southeast Asia and Southern Africa, let’s talk about the next attack.”

  Brezhnev nodded, the Soviet Union's attack was indeed a bit too long, and the earlier Southeast Asian battlefield was not in his test. In Brezhnev's mind, the Middle East and southern Africa were much more important than Southeast Asia. If he hadn't suddenly felt that the Vietnamese army was quite capable of fighting, he would have ignored Southeast Asia at all. But the General Political Commissar has always been interested in Southeast Asia, helping the Soviet Union open up a strategic offensive direction. The two-front operation planned by Brezhnev became the current three-front operation.

   "Dad, and Uncle Serov." While the two were chatting, a man who looked very energetic led Brezhnev's daughter to push the door in, just in time to see Brezhnev and Serov.

This uncle made Serov feel uncomfortable, and his voice changed. "You can call me by my name or the general political commissar. I'm not very old." Churbanov is obviously only nine years younger. Really shout out.

  Compared to Serov's blandness, Brezhnev was very happy with the arrival of his daughter and son-in-law. Isn't this nonsense. Serov was also very happy to see his daughter, but these two were not his daughters.

   As the mobile phone he was carrying rang, Serov, who answered the call, heard the voice inside and said, "The Alpha troops have boarded the ship."

   "Yura, what's the matter?" Although Brezhnev's health was not as good as before, his hearing was still good.

   "Some things in Angola, I'll ask the Alpha troops to come and train." Serov returned to the sofa and said. (To be continued~^~)

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