Big Time 1958

Chapter 674: oil crisis

"Actually, we in Saudi Arabia feel that we should not only take action on the battlefield, but also think of ways from other aspects." The Saudi representative glanced at the representatives of the surrounding Arab countries and said, "For example, there is one thing we have the most in the world. , and Western countries still badly need it.”

  Oil! This is the thought in the minds of all representatives, they are all oil producing countries, but there is a difference between a large number and a small number. They don't even know what their own country's specialties are, so they don't have to mix it up. The Saudi proposal was passed quickly, with Syria first cutting off an oil pipeline on the day the war broke out, and Lebanon closing its key southern port of oil at Sidon. A few days later, Iraq announced that it would nationalize the shares jointly owned by the US Exxon and Mobile in the Basra Oil Company, which is part of the Iraqi Oil Company.

   But the actions of Syria and Iraq can only be said to be petty and will not have any impact on oil. As of now, the price of oil is still in the hands of the United Kingdom and the United States, and the price is less than three dollars a barrel. Oil-producing countries are dissatisfied with the old capitalist oil system, especially the low prices. The western world's demand for oil has grown sharply, but Western oil companies have refused to make concessions to the demands of developing countries that mainly produce oil to raise prices.

   Now is just an opportunity, and isn’t there still support from the Soviet Union? Taking this opportunity is the time for them, the Arabs, to get their wealth back, and there could never be a better time than now.

   "European countries have provided convenience for the United States in the end, and this time we have to teach them a lesson." The speaker was the representative of Egypt. So far, Egypt is still the center of Arab nationalism and the primary partner of the Soviet Union in the Middle East. At least on some public occasions, the Soviet Union treated Egypt with great respect.

   "We in Iraq are very welcome to raise the price of oil and communicate with the Soviet Union. We will do it." At this time, the Iraqi representative reminded the surrounding countries, the special relationship between Iraq and the Soviet Union. In theory, Iraq is now a part of the socialist camp. Of course, the relationship between Iraq and Saudi Arabia is not good, but it does not mean that there is no chance for the two sides to cooperate, such as this time.

The    news was sent to Moscow by Iraq, which was enough for another meeting of the Soviet Central Presidium to discuss. The Soviet Union is an oil-producing country. Not only is it an oil-producing country, but its output is stronger than any other country, but it does not export much, which seems to have little impact on world prices. For the Soviet Union, rising oil prices must be a good thing.

"The main purpose is that Western European countries other than the United States, including Japan and the Federal Republic of Germany, which are currently the most violent, and even Italy, do not produce oil in their own countries. Once the price rises, I think the economic crisis will come. They The deficit will definitely increase!" Serov, as the boss of the Soviet intelligence service, was very aware of these enemy countries' information.

financial crisis? If there is a word that the Soviet leadership likes the most, economic crisis must be at the top of the list. So far, the Soviet Union has benefited from all economic crises.

   Sure enough, this sentence aroused the interest of Kosygin, chairman of the Council of Ministers. He was an economic expert from the Soviet Union. He speculated in his mind the possible consequences of the oil boom, and immediately concluded that the General Political Commissar’s words were reasonable. Originally, he did not suggest that the Soviet Union would intervene in the Middle East war and the United States would play dangerous games, but now his mind has changed.

"We should give the Arab countries huge support, which is beneficial to us." Kosygin's first statement surprised everyone. In everyone's impression, Kosygin's group has always advocated developing the economy first, not thinking about it. The sudden change in Kosygin's attitude when confronting the United States took everyone by surprise.

   "This is no problem, Comrade Gromyko, express our support." Brezhnev likes this kind of occasion, and he doesn't want to spend time persuading one by one.

   With the support of the Soviet Union, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Iran decided, OPEC decided to raise oil prices. Increase crude oil market prices in the Gulf region. The international oil market panicked, marking the beginning of the first oil crisis. The next day, the ten-nation Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) ministerial meeting announced that it would immediately reduce oil production. It was decided to reduce oil production by 5% every month based on the output of each member country in September. Oil supplies to countries that support Israeli aggression, such as the United States, have been cut by 5 percent each month. On the third day, the emirate of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates decided to completely stop oil exports to the United States. Then Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and other major Arab oil producing countries also announced the suspension of oil exports to the United States.

   At the same time, the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued notes to the Warsaw Pact countries one after another, stating that the rise in oil prices would not affect the socialist economic construction in Eastern Europe, and that the oil in Eastern European countries was provided by the Soviet Union, and there was no need to worry too much. The Soviet Union would never kill its allies when the price of oil went up.

   "Are you all ready?" Rubbing his eyes, he looked at Shelov who planned the plan. He picked up his official seal and put the chairman's decree on the plan, expressing his agreement to initiate action.

   "Everything is ready." Tsvigon and Zinev looked at each other and said at the same time. While the war in the Middle East had caught everyone's attention and the KGB's plans had come to life, Zvigon and Zinev were each in charge of a region.

   "Don't let the central government and the people down, take down these two countries." Return the plans to the two people, Serov said.

On October 19, the Soviet Red Navy and the U.S. Navy were still in a tense confrontation at sea. The total number of ships in the Mediterranean Squadron reached its highest value, with a total of 96 ships, including 34 surface ships. A massive maritime force capable of launching ninety anti-ship missiles in its first attack. At the same time, the U.S. military deployed a total of 60 ships, including three attack aircraft carriers, two amphibious assault helicopter carriers and nine attack submarines.

The US task force was always targeted by the Soviet army. The three Soviet anti-aircraft carrier formations tracking the US aircraft carrier battle group launched fifteen anti-ship missiles each when they launched their first attack on their respective targets. Soviet submarines patrol the nearby waters.

The   Red Navy has very powerful cruise missiles, and they target only five US military targets: three attack aircraft carriers and two helicopter carriers, and other US ships are secondary targets. Everyone was waiting for an order to attack. If war was imminent, the 6th Squadron would conduct a preemptive strike, and the Soviet 6th Mediterranean Squadron would take steps before the outbreak of war, incapacitating the 5th Fleet's carriers and **** ships before they could react.

"We are ready to die, but before we die, we will definitely pull the US aircraft carrier battle group to die together!" Rear Admiral Samonov, Chief of Fleet Staff, telegrams to Admiral Gorshkov, Commander of the Navy said in.

  Airlifts from the United States and the Soviet Union still shuttle over the skies of various countries. In addition to transporting equipment, although the front line of the confrontation between the Warsaw Pact and NATO is very calm, the air bases in various places are always on standby. The Soviet airborne troops and the U.S. Marine Corps faced each other in their own bases. Although they did not meet, all they thought about was the shadow of each other.

  The Mediterranean is getting closer and closer to a war situation, which makes all European countries restless. They don't care how the Arabs and Israel go to war. Not to mention that the oil price hike has just begun, and Europe has not suffered yet. Even the mighty 11-nation coalition on the Arab side would not worry too much. Anyway, the battle between the two sides is fierce and can be controlled.

The United States and the Soviet Union are completely different. Once these two countries go to war, all allied countries will be involved in an instant, representing a decisive battle between the two major military groups involving all powerful countries. They just felt that the world peace is not long, and it is still there. Sing praises for Brezhnev's détente policy, and the war is so close?

   For a time, Western Europe, including the United Kingdom, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Italy, issued appeals for world peace. Both the US and the Soviet Union should exercise restraint, and the Arab-Israeli wars are their own business. Both countries are better off not getting involved. Subsequently, the foreign ministers of several countries began to visit abroad one after another, hoping to gather enough influence to calm down Moscow and Washington. The foreign ministers of France and Italy visited Moscow, the foreign ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom went to Washington, and Western Europe launched a shuttle diplomacy. Prevent the outbreak of war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Compared with the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, other things are trivial. For example, on October 20, a military town in northern Thailand, the headquarters of the Third Army, which was responsible for suppressing the Communist Party of Thailand, was raided, and the commander of the Third Army died on the spot. . At the same time, a remnant army used by Thailand to deal with the Communist Party of Thailand announced to join the Communist Party.

  The KGB's co-optation finally turned this unit into a mutiny and became the trump card for the Thai army. Within three days, four cities were freed from the control of the Thai royal family. While Hanoi continued to attack South Vietnam, it was also supporting the Thai Communist Party.

   At the same time, there was a mutiny in Ethiopia. A group of middle-level officers announced the establishment of a National Coordination Committee. The storm quickly spread to the entire Ethiopian army. Within a few days, all the troops joined the National Coordination Committee and began to control the military. (To be continued~^~)

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