Big Time 1958

Chapter 331: congressional elections

Four Arabic numbers, the first two are the code names of the First Division of the First General Administration, which is the North American Division, and the last two have different meanings. The first number is 1 for active penetration or 2 for cover retreat, and the last number means Whether the purpose of the task is the character or the item is more important, 1 is the character important, 2 is the item important.

   The combination of the four numbers means that the North American Division of the First General Bureau will perform a task to cover the retreat of a character, and if an irresistible factor is encountered, the protection of important items will be the priority. Later, the Soviet consulate in Los Angeles received the order. After confirmation, the reply understands...

   "I hope it's worthy of me to use someone from the Operational Execution Department!" Then he picked up the phone and told Mendelev to let him contact the United States one-way. Serov fell into a state of worrying about gains and losses. He wanted to know what was recorded in the diary, whether there were secrets between American political forces, or some important secrets that Kennedy leaked. He has put so much energy into this diary that he even put himself in it. In case the things recorded above are irrelevant, Serov doesn't know what he will do to invite him.

Tell Menderev to be careful, it is not easy for the KGB to train a killer who runs rampant in the world, and he does not want to put his subordinates in, so the basic condition of the order is to step on the point first, do it if you can, and bring it back if you can't. thing.

If things fail, and the assassination of the Operation Executive Department lurking in the United States is also exposed, isn't Serov similar to the always despised Semichasny, not only did he not persuade Stalin's daughter to come back, but he was also arrested by the Americans when he sent the killer. Found.

   Planning an operation on U.S. soil at this time, especially during the Cuban Missile Crisis, is risky, but opportunity and risk always coexist. It might play a role in disrupting Kennedy. It's impossible to assess whether it's good or bad until things break out. There is also no historical event for Serov as a reference.

   Very irritable Serov. That night, I drove the car on Issemotny all night, and the next day, Lubyanka could not find the first vice-chairman. He was afraid that the things he had invested in for so many years would come to an end, only to be deceived by the conspiracy theories of his previous life. This blow was too big to face.

When    came to Lubyanka again, Serov, who pretended not to enter, just arrived at the office when he happened to bump into Lieutenant General Serdyuko, the director of the Internal Defense Intelligence Service, who was escorting a prisoner in.

   "What's the matter?" Serov, who did not confirm the news of the success of the operation, asked with a cold face, but it was very close to Lubyanka's original temperament, and normal anti-rebel workers should be like this.

"The Osad State Security Service caught a sneaky guy in the port, who claimed to be an Azerbaijani, came to Osad to be a guest. But we didn't see the pass, and we didn't miss his home address. !" Lieutenant General Serdyuko replied immediately. This is not normal. Those who want to leave their own state or republic must apply for it before they can leave. I am sorry for the right to move freely, but the Soviet Union does not have it. If it could move freely, the population of Siberia would be wiped out. Who would want to live in such a cold place?

   "Spy? Azerbaijan? The guy sent by Pahlavi? Wait a minute and I'll see how you interrogate." Although it was a questioning tone, Serov's face was quite certain. He has worked in Azerbaijan and knows it very well. The main job of the Azerbaijani KGB is to prevent Iranian infiltration. Northern Iran is a gathering area of ​​Azerbaijanis, even more than the Azerbaijani population of the Soviet Union. It is not difficult to find some Azerbaijanis to train for the Soviet Union to infiltrate.

   Iran in this era is a staunchly pro-American country, just below Israel’s rank among America’s Middle East allies. Even more important than countries such as Saudi Arabia. As for anti-Americanism, that was after the revolution.

   Not long after, Serov came to the inner prison. The spy was being interrogated by two interrogators, and of course the process was not friendly, as evidenced by the high swollen cheeks on the Iranian spy's face.

   "First Vice-Chairman!" Seeing Serov come in, the two interrogators immediately saluted and reported.

"Go ahead, I'm just taking a look!" Shelov waved his hand and found a stool to sit down, just looking at something called torture to extract confessions. As a country ruled by law, ordinary cases have now eliminated this outdated method of interrogation. , because it is completely unnecessary, but this method is still effective in the field of security, especially when the KGB captures spies, once it is determined that the other party is a traitor, this kind of thing cannot be avoided at all, and Serov is not surprised.

The Soviets are unique in many places, especially in terms of interrogation techniques. According to archives, KGB anti-rebel workers once made 1,700 confessions in one day, and it took another day to make these people disappear from the world. .

   Under Serov's gaze, the time passed by the tragic screams of the captured spy.

"Are you strong-willed? Your motherland didn't cultivate you in vain!" Serov, with one hand on his head, said boredly, "If you underestimate the rigor of the Soviet Union's household registration, the information of the entire alliance is in our hands, you say It's Azerbaijani and we don't have the address, so we can be sure that you are lying? What are you doing in Ossad? What is the purpose of the imperialists sending you here? I advise you to be honest, otherwise you will regret it..."

The spy's response was that he didn't respond. If he hadn't known that the other party was not dumb, Serov would have thought that he had brought in a disabled person. This attitude was not good, very bad, and blatantly despised Lubyanka's proud interrogation skills. It is provoking the existence of anti-rebel workers.

At this moment, Issemoteni walked in, and before she could speak, Serov said, "I'm in trouble, go to the fourth floor and bring a box of Veritaserum, to blind your willpower, let's see if you say it or not! "

   "Got it!" After a while, Isamotne returned and took out the needle in front of the spy to prepare for the injection.

   "Tie him to the table!" Seeing the spy start to struggle, Serov immediately asked two interrogators to tie the man up. The beautiful eyes stared at the pointed needle. After adjusting the dose, a strange smile appeared on Isamotney's face, which matched her originally beautiful face, and looked indescribably paradoxical.

Approaching the spy step by step, she suddenly pulled out the dagger from her waist and inserted the spy's arm directly into the armrest. Listening to the terrifying cry, the woman injected Veritaserum into the prisoner's other arm without any hesitation. .

  Isemotny, who had completed all this, threw away the needle, and Shelov ordered, "Ask some basic information, such as where you were born, and whether you have any relatives, etc. I will come and personally interrogate when people are sober."

   After finishing speaking, Serov left the inner prison at the bottom level. It is absolutely necessary for Issemotny to come to him. After finishing the matter, we will continue to interrogate the spy.

   "Call No. 1, things have arrived, a complete success!" Isamotney took out the telegram to report, "We have successfully evacuated the United States, people and things are hidden in Canada, they are looking for opportunities to come back..."

Hearing the news of the success of the operation, Sheloff took a deep breath and said excitedly, "Be careful, pick the safest route back, let our forces in Canada respond, and give me the diary as soon as possible. Take back…"

Shelov didn't know what was in the diary. Maybe it was some **** with the Kennedy brothers, but even these things were useful. Once these things were known to Shelov, there were many unexpected effects at this sensitive time. Knowing that the Soviet Union is about to prepare to confront the United States head-on, even if it only involves some of Kennedy's energy at this time, it is good. It is worthwhile for Serov to prepare for so many years.

  The day before the KGB operation, Elizabeth Taylor left Los Angeles to continue filming Cleopatra in Rome. This timid woman has done her best for her friend, and now she needs to stay away from the whirlpool.

   At this time in the White House of the United States, two middle-aged people are facing each other face to face. The two are similar in temperament to appearance, which is normal. The two are brothers, the current President of the United States and the current Attorney General Kennedy brothers. At this time, the faces of the two of them were very ugly. Kennedy looked at his brother and asked coldly, "Disappeared? He disappeared without waiting for you to act? Our Ministry of Justice will reward me with this kind of achievement?"

"I can't mobilize the FBI agents, I can only contact the gang! But obviously some forces that we haven't noticed are already staring at that woman!" Robert Kennedy was also a little uneasy in his heart, looking at himself His brother asked, "Is it our political enemy? Or is it some big family?"

"I don't know, I'm in a bit of a mess right now. The congressional election is coming soon. We must block the news and use our secret power to investigate first. If it is some family or political opponent, we can manipulate the election issue to face the other party and slander it. , because the other party has broken the rules first." Kennedy forced himself to calm down and think. In fact, his presidency was not convincing to the public, and he also played tricks in the election with Nixon. He knew that many forces were not convinced by him.

"That's fine, but what if it's a Soviet?" A question from Robert Kennedy made the atmosphere here instantly freeze, and it took a long time for a voice to sound, "No way, the Soviets are crazy?" They don't know about the Soviet Union The madness is not here, but the force that is gathering in Cuba every moment. (To be continued~^~)

  PS: Tomorrow is probably the main topic. Does anyone have a movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis for me to watch?

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