Big Time 1958

: The two hundred and sixty-fourth palm last day

  The entire Baikonur Space Center is in a busy scene, and the first successful human flight to space without gravity will begin here. In charge of this is the garrison of the sixth headquarters of the KGB. Unlike other headquarters, the garrison of the sixth general bureau has a lot of scientific knowledge and knows how to deal with emergencies in emergency situations.

"The first task is still to counter espionage. The movement of the Baikonur Space Center may not be concealed from the eyes of some countries. Pay attention to the movement in this area. If you encounter suspicious people for a long time, you should catch them first, and wait until the launch is successful. Check slowly. Just remember not to cause a wrongful case!" Shelov stood on an empty launch pad and looked into the distance, taking in all the surrounding scenes. It took some courage to climb up through the steel stairs little by little. Not lacking. Serov did not believe in such steel that would rust over time, but believed that his strong hands could protect himself.

   "What if it's been confirmed that it's a spy?" It was Kazakh KGB chairman Kamiyakin who spoke, and he was reluctant to follow his restless boss to look into the distance, but when he came up, he found that the view from the heights was quite good.

"No matter what the nationality of the other party is, there is only one solution! First ask about the valuable situation, and then..." Serov's face turned to the side, his smile was very strange due to the bright sunlight, although the person was on Serov's side The back position, but Kamiyakin still clearly saw the movements of the young boss, stretched out his index finger and made a light gesture around his neck, which means that all spies are equal and will die...

   A country that publicly acknowledges the existence of a spy network and rescues the captured spy, even at the expense of kidnapping each other's scholars in exchange. There is only one in this world, and that is the Soviet Union. No second country will openly admit and rescue. This is why the KGB was so successful in the Cold War. At present, the KGB is negotiating with the United States to exchange the downed U2 reconnaissance aircraft pilot for the KGB Colonel Rudolf Abel who was arrested earlier.

"Standing here and looking at the ground, I feel like the people below are like ants. I don't know what the view of our earth will look like from space!" Looking at the staff members wearing various military uniforms and belonging to different units below, Shelov sighed very much. Said, "If this manned spaceflight is successful, the astronauts will be the heroes of the entire alliance!"

   There are tens of thousands of researchers and guards in Baikonur. From the side, the advanced level here is second to none in the Soviet Union. All kinds of living equipment are readily available, including bathrooms of course! It would be better if the shower head wasn't rusted.

  Sometimes Serov hates the Soviet Union's mentality in dealing with this kind of facilities. This will not change because he is holding two Mao girls in the bathtub. It's normal to take a bath with a woman in your arms.

   "Can't our factory find a way to prevent the manufactured shower heads from rusting?" With an unhappy expression on his face, Serov, who closed his eyes, let the two Mao girls wipe his body for him. In terms of enjoying life, the Soviet Union is really far behind the Americans. This may be because the Soviet Union has to produce everything by itself, so everything is simplified in order to improve efficiency.

   This is still related to the strategic disadvantage of the Soviet Union. If the current state is that the Soviet Union is crushing the United States, I believe that there will be no Soviet Union holding back all its strength to develop its military power. The civilian equipment is simplified.

Serov's resentment against this inequality has deepened. As long as the US petrodollar cannot be established, sooner or later the national power of the Soviet Union will be in the same position as the US, and they will understand when the US is empty because of the Vietnam War. , What have you lost, it is not easy to win back the initiative like in history.

"That is to say, Comrade Brezhnev and Comrade Ustinov will come to Baikonur two days before the launch. Witness this historical moment in person. It reflects the importance the party and the country attach to this space travel. "Originally, this is a very important matter, reflecting the central government's emphasis on this manned space flight. But from Serov's mouth, this plain tone like boiled water. Saying the same thing is always weird.

"Yes, but Yuri, aren't you happy at all?" Marshal Negerin touched his snow-white hair. He really didn't understand Serov. Bagramyan, the junior, would sometimes appear a kind of particularly contradictory state. To put it simply, some concepts are particularly outdated and even more fanatical than the Cheka fighters in the early Soviet Union, but the internal criticism of the KGB is known for their active thinking, so it seems very strange.

This is not surprising at all. Serov is a person who lives in the future. Naturally, he knows that many Soviet people have never heard of things that can only rely on their imagination, but the entire socialist camp in later generations has collapsed, so he insisted on some aspects. principles to prevent the emergence of some bad trends of thought in history.

  Like the attitude towards Brezhnev, Brezhnev is a mature politician, the Soviet Union reached its peak in his hands, he did a lot of good things, but what about that? A cadre for life can cancel out all his good things, and Serov is not a member of the Dnipro gang.

   Anyway, Brezhnev and Ustinov are leaders that Serov needs to respect. Now that the two are coming, he must make a little appearance and arrange for KGB agents to wait at the Almaty station. The Soviet railway system carries too much capacity. In this era when air transportation is not very developed, it is normal for even state leaders to take the train. It is not that the two of them are as afraid of heights as Serov.

"Oh, Yuri, our security guard, I should have guessed it, the entire alliance is not more suitable for this job than you on such an important occasion!" Brezhnev leaked a sincere elder when he saw Serov He didn't have the air of a leader at all, and he was no stranger to joking with Serov, who was twenty years younger than him.

"Comrade Brezhnev and Comrade Ustinov, welcome to Baikonur. In two days, we may witness a milestone event in human history!" Serov extended his hand friendly and shook hands with the two of them respectively. A moment later, two important figures in the Soviet military-industrial system were led into the guest house in the center of Baikonur, and above them, the most significant national flag in the world was fluttering in the wind.

   Baikonur Space Center has a relatively comprehensive living facility, but it has nothing to do with luxury. There are only simple furnishings in the room, and the decoration is also mainly simple. Most of the newly built projects in the Khrushchev era are like this, highlighting simplicity and practicality.

"Yuri, let's talk about the upcoming manned spaceflight! The first secretary is also very concerned about this matter!" Ustinov is a military cadre, and he does not need Serov for the principle and working process of rocket launch. Kopp, what he asked about was something else, such as how sure he was.

But Serov couldn't answer this question. The launch has not yet started. Could it be that he should be like the Air Marshal of the Third Reich's Air Marshal Goring, "Berlin will not be bombed by the British, as long as another bomb falls, I will If you don't call me Goering, you can call me anything?" Isn't this nonsense? There is also a limit to bragging.

"It will be a great day, the names of the astronauts will be remembered by the people of the whole league! It may be more famous than our first secretary!" Serov did not talk much, since Brezhnev and Ustino If the husband wants to chat, just chat casually, he is telling the truth, and Gagarin's name is easier to remember than the leaders of many countries.

"Let's talk about something easy, Yuri, you know? The marshals of the Ministry of National Defense jointly expressed their willingness to take the initiative to cut 600,000 troops, and they were willing to convert the 400,000 combat troops into construction corps and put them into the construction of the motherland. According to my research I know you went to the Ministry of Defense for this situation!" Ustinov said with a smile.

   But what he saw was Serov's unbelievable gaze, which surprised Ustinov. Wasn't this young man who used the power of the General Administration of Military Administration to force the Ministry of Defense to make adjustments?

"No, this has nothing to do with me!" Serov, who had a dull face, did not expect the Ministry of Defense to react in this way. He just mentioned that the Red Army's troops should be busy. He didn't expect that the Red Army was the Marshal of the Ministry of Defense of all concepts. In order to maintain the scale of the Red Army, a strong man broke his wrist, and you don't have to think about it, you know that the troops who remain as the construction corps are the real elites.

   From the perspective of the Red Army, this is not incomprehensible. Those old marshals have seen it. Serov is right. The disarmament is only for the Red Army. The KGB's internal and border guards were not affected by the disarmament. This result is more useful than Serov say a million words. With the example of the KGB before, those defense marshals who wanted to avoid the weakening of the Red Army naturally made this choice under the balance.

   But this is not all bad for the KGB, at least the relationship between the General Directorate of Military Administration and the Ministry of Defense may not be so sharp, it seems that sometimes a note is indeed more useful than a command to force it. Another point is that the Ministry of Defense may be less dissatisfied with Khrushchev. After all, the disarmament was initiated by the Ministry of Defense. If the disarmament is used as the source of dissatisfaction, it will be unreasonable.

  Khrushchev owes me another medal! This was the first idea of ​​Shelov. The second thought was to owe more than one.

   "Let's take a look at the commander-in-chief and astronauts of the aerospace industry. The first secretary is very concerned about this matter!" Brezhnev said to Ustinov. On the one hand, it reflects the importance the central government attaches to this matter, and at the same time, it also shows that he attaches great importance to scientific research. Both of them are inextricably linked with the military system, and naturally they will not miss this opportunity.

On the evening of April 10th, on the launch pad of the Baikonur Space Center, the Dongfang-1 rocket has been set up, and there is only a little more than a day left before the launch time. The experts of the Soviet manned spaceflight are still conducting routine tests. Ensure that this manned spaceflight is foolproof. The starry sky is extraordinarily beautiful today. I don’t know how many people are busy at the Baikonur Space Center at this time.

Sergei Korolev and Krem Aliyevich Klimov who designed Vostok 1, cosmonaut Gagarin, commander of the Strategic Rocket Force Negerin, Brezhnev and Ustinov, and even the irrelevant Serov, waited for the final test results until the report that no problems were found was handed in, and everyone was relieved. And there's another day of this tough day. (To be continued~^~)

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