Big Time 1958

Chapter 209: monitor the country

  After driving to the Kremlin, Serov immediately knew that his expectations were still slightly optimistic, and the first secretary's temperament was a little bigger than he expected. At this time, it is obviously not suitable to enter the scattered firepower, and it is not good to go back, and Serov is caught in a dilemma.

In all fairness, Khrushchev was just a little more tempered, at least it wouldn't make people feel that his life was in danger. Shelov decided to wait outside Khrushchev's office in the Great Kremlin, and heard Khrushchev's sharp criticism from time to time. It came from the office that Khrushchev's voice came out and nothing. It seemed that no one dared to refute Khrushchev's criticism. Are the members of the Central Presidium and the Central Committee members of my Great Soviet so cowardly?

Standing up and walking outside the building, Serov waved his hand and greeted a guard who came over and asked, "Who has received a summons from the first secretary of the Kremlin today?" The Kremlin garrison was trained by Serov after the failure of the Malenkov Group. When Malenkov launched the attack, the guards were obviously not firm and did not give the first secretary a sense of security, so they were re-assessed by the KGB Police Headquarters, that is, the Ninth Headquarters. The defense force here is not a secret for Serov at all. No one knows how many KGB agents there are.

   This garrison came from the KGB, which is why Semichasny could easily cut off Khrushchev for help. Coup d’etat, challenges from the bottom up are usually unsuccessful. If Brezhnev and the others want to win, it is impossible not to take control of the KGB. Historically, Khrushchev did not have a chance to resist. Serov remembered correctly. , the support of the Central Committee members should be divided into four or six, and it is not that no one supports Khrushchev. Of course, this opportunity to resist was snuffed out by Semichasne.

   "Vice-Chairman. Brezhnev, Marshal Nederin and Ustinov have been in there for over an hour!" To his superior. The garrison has its own command, but the vice-chairman of the KGB is still a commander for him, because that command has no influence from the KGB.

   More than an hour? Serov, surprised by Khrushchev's energy, sent the guards back to their posts. Serov still went back to Khrushchev's office to wait. Before returning, he did not forget to smoke a cigarette, otherwise he would not be very comfortable inside.

   "Yuri, come in!" Along with Khrushchev's voice, Serov faced Brezhnev's indifferent face after entering. Obviously, Khrushchev's accusations and humiliation were not something ordinary people could endure.

   "Comrade First Secretary, First Vice-Chairman of the National Security Committee and Commander of the Internal Guard Shelov will report to you." Shelov made a very formal opening statement. At the same time, he saluted Khrushchev, "As a junior, and a cadre who is not even a member of the Central Committee, I have a word to remind the first secretary..."

   "Speak..." It was obvious from Khrushchev's tone that his anger was still unabated, and his voice had a hard feeling.

"Don't criticize other members of the Central Presidium in front of us young cadres, because it will damage the prestige of other cadres!" Serov's words made Brezhnev and the others instantly discolored, and they never dared to refute Khrushchev's words. . Unexpectedly, Serov would dare, and sure enough, Khrushchev said what should be criticized for a long time, and at the same time pointed out that he was doing it for the sake of these cadres.

  What are you afraid of? Serov doesn’t understand what to be afraid of. Why are Brezhnev and the others so afraid of Khrushchev? Are they scared by the purge? It is a pity that Serov has not experienced that kind of fear, but some ignorant people are fearless. Mainly thanks to the history books. Khrushchev would not take such extreme measures to deal with opponents, and Khrushchev was the most like a person among the Soviet leaders. If he met Stalin, he would not dare.

   "Okay, let's talk about work, Yuri, why don't you stop Marshal Negerin's violations? Huh?" Khrushchev did not continue to accuse Brezhnev and the others, but transferred it to Serov.

Isn't this unfortunate, Serov played his usual advantages and directly admitted, "As the first vice-chairman of the KGB present, I must admit that I have neglected my duty, not me making excuses. Comrade Negerin is the marshal, and I am the middle General, when my opinion is to the left, I should obey the command of the marshal, and the relationship between the General Administration of Military Administration and the Red Army is already very bad. I don't want to have a conflict with a marshal, but after this explosion, I swear No similar situation will occur, no matter who the other party is, I must adhere to the relevant regulations..."

I can’t tell Khrushchev what I want to talk about at that time, but Serov’s clean admission of mistakes made Khrushchev stop blaming him and blame a young cadre who was more than thirty years younger than himself, and Khrushchev didn’t either. What a sense of achievement.

"This is the agricultural report of the whole country, the investigation and verification results of the Second and Fifth General Administrations, this is the development plan of Ryazan State this year, and my own solution to the meat supply." Serov kept various documents from the briefcase. He took it out and temporarily solved the embarrassment of Brezhnev and the others, so that Khrushchev did not have time to pay attention to them for the time being.

   The food problem in the Soviet Union has always been a shortcoming. Khrushchev himself understood this better than anyone else. Otherwise, he would not have started to attack the agricultural problem first and made a joke about the corn movement. At least people understand that they dare to solve the problem, unlike Brezhnev who knew how to exchange oil for food, thinking of this Serov secretly glanced at Brezhnev. Khrushchev didn't let them leave, and several people have been waiting here for orders.

"These bastards!" Khrushchev slammed the documents handed in by Serov on the table. Serov himself only went to Ryazan and Kazakh. It's true, but the KGB is not the only one working on his own. . The Second General Administration and the Fifth General Administration were simultaneously investigating agricultural problems across the country. Now, how could Khrushchev not know that the Soviet corn movement had failed. The purpose of reclaiming wasteland is to solve the food problem, and the expansion of corn is mainly to solve the problem of animal husbandry. If these two problems are solved, the staple food and non-staple food will be abundant on the dinner table of the Soviet family. However, the easy decision-making produced by the lack of a more comprehensive and general investigation finally threatened the rations of the Soviet people.

However, as far as Serov is concerned, in addition to the above point, Khrushchev is also angry, that is, as the first secretary, he does not understand the progress of the whole thing below, and many state party secretaries are only interested in catering to themselves. But he didn't report the real situation to himself. In the end, the first vice-chairman of the KGB went down to find out the problem himself.

   On this point, Serov must say that when he arrived in Ryazan, he was only a low-ranking vice-chairman. Khrushchev cursed angrily for a long time, words such as dismissal and trial kept coming out of his mouth. Only Serov stood on the side quite unconsciously as if he didn't hear it, and he wasn't scolding himself anyway.

"What about the consciousness of the state party secretaries? They lied to me, these bastards. I will send them all to prison, and they will all be shot in the Stalin era!" Khrushchev's heaving chest showed his How intense is the mood? The top leader of a superpower was deceived by the cadres below. This has exceeded Khrushchev's own ability to bear, "Yuri, why do you think such a thing happened?"

"Are you deceiving the central government?" Serov, who has been appearing as a police chief and intelligence chief, said directly without thinking, "The judicial system is obviously somewhat inconsistent in terms of powers at the level of the member states and states, and the local jurisdictions in the judicial system are somewhat inconsistent. The power is too great, so that the central government cannot know the specific movements of local cadres, and the solution is not without it. There should be monitoring forces belonging to the central government in the institutions of state farms and factories across the country. When I was in Azerbaijan, my direct supervisor was responsible for security. The second secretary of the work, Xie Michasne, set up a second secretary among the enterprises at the district committee level to be directly responsible to the central government, and to report local events to our KGB anytime, anywhere, to ensure that we monitor enterprises across the country and prevent local deception. Central possibility."

   "Okay, let's do it like this! Set up a second secretary who is responsible for the KGB in factories and farms at the district committee level across the country to ensure that the central government is always aware of local movements!" Khrushchev agreed without thinking.

   This changed the expressions of Brezhnev and Ustinov, which is equivalent to the fact that all the companies in the country were under the surveillance of the KGB, but in the face of the angry Khrushchev, neither of them said anything to stop them. Serov saw the performance of the two, and it was a little strange. Isn't this something that the Soviet Union itself has? Why is it like seeing a flood of beasts?

Serov forgot one thing, and that is the year 1960, when all the enterprises in the Soviet Union had security cadres responsible for the KGB. It was after Andropov became the supreme leader of the Soviet Union. In order to strengthen local control, Pove expanded the KGB's surveillance of local enterprises. Even the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the Beria period did not have such surveillance on state-owned enterprises across the country. Serov had the illusion that the Khrushchev era took the decision to let the KGB monitor the enterprise because of the deception of the corn movement, but this was not the case.

Brezhnev and Ustinov looked at each other and felt that after Khrushchev calmed down, he would find an opportunity to persuade Khrushchev to let the first secretary accept this hugely influential order. return.

   "I will reorganize the KGB immediately after I go back to ensure that there will be no such thing as deceiving the Central Committee by local cadres in the future." Serov, who was quite ignorant, agreed, and prepared to hold a meeting to reorganize immediately after returning. (To be continued~^~)

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