Big Time 1958

Chapter 207: Forestry economy

   Would a member of the Central Presidium follow a KGB vice-chairman who is not even a member of the Central Committee? This happened, not because Brezhnev was idle, but because he thought Serov's thinking in dealing with things was very interesting. It is not a conventional method. It just so happens that Brezhnev also needs time to deal with Khrushchev, who is returning home. Before that, he can inspect everywhere.

In fact, in my heart, Brezhnev still didn't talk enough with Serov. After leaving Ryazan for a month, Serov, who had kicked the whole state committee, came back again. The surviving cadres of the Ryazan state party committee, as well as the director of the KGB agency and the General Administration of Internal Affairs The director was trembling in his heart, knowing that his boss really counted what he said, saying that he would definitely come back when he came back to check the work in a month.

"Forty thousand wild boars were killed in the 40,000 square kilometers of the state, and other wild deer, rabbits, wolves and other animals can add up to 10,000 tons of meat products!" Because of an order from Serov, the KGB, the Internal Guard and the entire The hunters in Ryazan have experienced the joy of hunting fiercely, and wild animals in Ryazan have also suffered, and they will definitely not recover in a few years.

But this is not in Serov's consideration, and he can't even make it through this year. After talking about it, "Very good!" Serov gave some encouragement to his two subordinates, "I will apply to Chairman Shelepin to mobilize some funds to To acquire these results, do you keep the skins of those animals?"

   In his bones, he is a budget-conscious Chinese. If he wastes a higher value just to eat meat, Serov obviously cannot forgive himself. If these animal skins are processed and sold to foreign countries, they should also be able to earn back the money from purchasing meat. This is all genuine leather. It is good to make leather shoes and coats. Let the First General Administration of the KGB investigate the market demand in certain countries.

   "Reserved, but we didn't catch the forest frog very easily, and many died!" said the director of the General Administration of Internal Affairs. I fully understand, simply put, I don't know how to raise it. But Serov couldn't solve this problem either. He can only eat but can't raise it. This problem is not difficult to solve. If biologists have studied the habits of the forest frogs, they can breed them. Besides, the basic conditions of Ryazan Prefecture are so good that even unsuccessful farming can be developed.

"Chairman Brezhnev, are you interested in trying our local food in Ryazan? Today's food must be unforgettable for you!" Serov closed his two subordinates and sent the report, just as Brezhnev also Now, let them taste the wild game in the forest.

   "Of course I'm interested, Yuri, this kind of life reminds me of the military life during the Great Patriotic War!" Brezhnev liked this feeling very much. It's not that I miss the hard days, but the feeling of ease.

   This is no problem, notify the canteen of the General Administration of Internal Affairs to start cooking. Serov, who is the king of the mouth, can't cook, it doesn't matter, he will eat. Serov will not be afraid of anyone when he talks, even if Brezhnev is listening to him by the side. Looking at the straight-forward analysis, a hint of the original feeling arose in my heart.

"For example, many native species in our Soviet Union, such as the salmon that are being made, are at a stage that other countries have not heard of except ourselves. This is not acceptable, such as very wealthy European and American countries. Because their land is more suitable for human habitation. There are almost no unpolluted rivers. Although our country is vast and sparsely populated, the unfavorable place for living has caused great trouble to our country. But there are also advantages. Many species are It is in the most natural stage. Compared with the food that is in industrial pollution, we should look for the stage in terms of quality. It is difficult to say this in industrial supplies, but it is very simple in terms of food. The same kind of fish, the Soviet Union's fish is We grow big and give birth to more litters. We boast that our food is natural and pollution-free, and we filmed a documentary in Siberia, which is rarely visited by people, to challenge foreign markets from the perspective of health and environmental protection…”

  Selov kept introducing Brezhnev, and the fishy scent made people believe his words unconsciously. Brezhnev didn't doubt what he heard at all, because when Serov spoke, it was completely different from when some cadres gave reports. This was the second time he heard Serov's gushing words. The last time in the kitchen He had heard the debate, but the two hadn't met directly at that time.

   makes a lot of sense, right? The discovery comes from life. I have nothing to do to buy more fish. I have encountered many fishmongers. I will introduce you to the benefits of the fish they sell. Listen to it twice and synthesize it yourself. This theory is enough to fool Brezhnev. . Serov had seen much more than their Soviet natives had ever seen.

   "So, the life of the people in our country is no worse than that of the United States!" Brezhnev raised his original feeling.

"It can't be said that we are not as good as the Americans in terms of quantity, but we have absolutely no problem with the quality, the problem is that our people eat only half of what the Americans do, and even the higher quality will not change the people. I’m hungry!” Serov said helplessly, spreading his hands out, “The transportation in the Soviet Union is a problem. It takes too long to transport seafood from the Pacific fisheries to Central Asia and the Caucasus, and the same is true for the Baltic Sea. This caused Central Asia. The state-run supermarkets only have beef and mutton, while the coastal areas lack meat supplies…”

  Brezhnev nodded knowingly, it turned out to be a logistics issue. From the plan made by the Soviet food supply planners on the plan sheet, the food supply should not be a problem. However, the loss caused during transportation is not in the plan. The huge territory of the Soviet Union can only be said to be ordinary transportation, resulting in high logistics costs, not to mention the waste in transportation.

"It's like a fish, you can stew it or you can make it into caviar. My own goal is that it should be stewed and made into caviar, which is not at all conflicting. Just take out the caviar..." Serov gestured with the caviar, then put the caviar in front of Brezhnev and Chernenko.

It sounds very simple, but the problem of the planned economy in the Soviet Union lies in this. For example, capitalists will definitely do this to pursue value, and the factories in the Soviet Union want to be as simple as possible, just like a salmon, If the Soviets do it, it is likely that the situation will be directly stewed as Serov said, without taking out the roe first.

   "General Serov, what is the difference between us and those capitalists if we pursue interests?" Chernenko asked very seriously, "Once we start chasing interests, how can we guarantee that companies will cut corners because of chasing interests?"

"It is understandable to deal with capitalists by means of capitalists. I want the capitalists to sell us ropes. Those capitalists who do not sell us ropes, I will hang them first. The ropes are given to us by the capitalists who cooperate with us... Saying such a sentence like a tongue twister, Serov pointed to the KGB armband on his military uniform and said, "The anti-rebel workers will never allow this kind of quality problem belonging to the capitalists to appear in our country. If some comrades feel that Treating the people of the country can also be fooled by means of dealing with the capitalists, they can try it..."

  The KGB cafeteria came in successively for cadres who were preparing to eat. Among them were cadres from the General Administration of Internal Affairs and the KGB Security Bureau. Since the merger of the two departments, Serov ordered in Moscow that qualified local agencies must have dinner in a cafeteria, so that they can communicate their feelings. After everyone arrived, Serov praised the achievements of the Ryazan state security cadres in the past month, and introduced Brezhnev and Chernenko to the cadres present, and took the lead in applauding...

  Brezhnev also said a few words of encouragement from the Ryazan security cadres and began to eat. What surprised Brezhnev and Chernenko was that Serov was a picky eater and was not interested in ordinary meals, but was constantly working **** caviar and a potato stew called wood frog. A pot of forest frogs was eaten. This stunned Brezhnev for a while. The wood frog is not on the recipes of the Soviets, except for the Koreans in some coastal areas in the Far East.

   "Yuri, is this delicious?" Brezhnev couldn't help asking when he saw Serov's delicious food.

Serov, who was eating the toad legs, reacted quite comfortably. By eating caviar, he said, "In terms of nutritional value, meat is not as good as fish and fish is not as good as shrimp. The smaller the animal, the higher the taste and value, but the They can't replace all the energy of meat, because they are too small to bear all the needs of the human body. But when you have the conditions, you still have to try it!"

"Oh?" Brezhnev used a fork to fork a forest frog, which looked so disgusting. This was the effect of Serov asking the chef to chop off the head of the forest frog with a knife, otherwise Brezhnev would not even try it. unwilling.

After eating one carefully, Brezhnev's complexion changed instantly, the taste was quite good, much better than the taste of bread every day, "Ustinovic, you can also taste it, it tastes very good. , I didn't expect this kind of thing to taste so good, Yuri, what will happen to the sales of the forest frog?"

"It's not very good. As far as I know, eastern countries like to eat wood frogs, but whether it is China, North Korea, or Vietnam, the economic conditions there are very poor. When food is a problem, eating wood frogs is obviously not a problem. Practical!" Shelov took a plate of fungus and dipped it in a little soy sauce, "The fungus, the fungus that grows in the forest area, has the biggest function of dredging the intestines, which can clean up the toxins deposited in the body, and the elderly whose body has begun to decline should eat more. a little…"

   This sentence has just been said, and the fungus has appeared in Brezhnev's hands. He tried his first fungus journey with soy sauce, and Chernenko followed closely. Shelov had forgotten that both were in their fifties. (To be continued~^~)

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