Big Shot’s Reincarnation Sweeps the World

Chapter 586 Give away the head

The dissertation was handed over to them, and now even the decision of the research direction was handed over to others. It seemed that she really only wanted to be a team leader, and she didn't care about this paper at all.

No wonder she didn't want to join any group at all. Fortunately, they thought she changed her mind when she became the group leader.

Yuan Xinran touched the black earrings coolly, with a smile in his eyes, "Are you serious?"

"You mean what you say." Sheng Yang glanced at his watch again.

First forcefully decide the direction of the thesis, and as for the debate with her, you can explain it to her slowly later, or wait until half of the thesis is completed, and someone as smart as Yuan Xinran can understand it by himself.

Yuan Xinran realized that she was in a hurry, leaned back on the chair immediately, squinted her eyes, "I agree."

Hearing that, on Sheng Yang's side, the three heads gathered together and pushed out a person after a while, Li Ze said to Sheng Yang, "Team leader, I would like to be your pawn and wrestle with Yuan Xinran."

Although, his odds of winning are only 20 to 30%, but at least he is better than the group leader, a girl with slender wrists, not to mention that the group leader is so good at mathematics and biology, if he hurts his wrist or bones, it will also affect his brain power in a disguised form. of.

The three boys should stand up at this time, they just decided that he is the strongest among the three of them.

Sheng Yang glanced at him, as if he couldn't hide his disgust, "No need."

"..." Li Ze regained his composure and hurriedly said, "Leader, don't look at Yuan Xinran as a girl, this girl is not that girl, she..."

Sheng Yang raised his hand, stopping his unfinished words.

Seeing this, Yuan Xinran approached her ear slightly when she walked past her, and said in a sullen voice, "I advise you to listen to his advice, I don't treat men and women differently."

Boys will sympathize with each other, but she will not.

In Yuan Xinran's view, Sheng Yang was "giving away the head".

Sheng Yang glanced at her, his figure was tall and straight, his eyes were even more sassy than hers, "That's good."

"..." Three words are in charge, and they kill people invisible.

The students clearly saw Yuan Xinran's competitive spirit was unprecedentedly high. Seeing her like this, Qin Yuan felt a little gloating, and couldn't live with her own crimes, "Oh, after all, she is a classmate in the dormitory."

After going through the banquet, Li Fei stopped fighting with Qin Yuan, and now she is standing beside her, united front, "Yuanyuan, but she doesn't treat us as classmates in the same dormitory, she is not honest at all."

Qin Yuan didn't say anything, and she acquiesced to Li Fei's statement.

Sheng Yang sat on a chair, facing Yuan Xinran across a table.

Shi Shi was terrified when he saw it, and he almost shouted: Team leader, these are Level 7's hands, these are hands for experimenting!

As we all know, in addition to good brains, high precision is also required to do experiments. If you are injured, there is no guarantee.

So the team leader is taking a huge risk.

"Team leader, you can still go back on your word, why bother?" Shi Mo was worried.

Sheng Yang shook his head, he had made up his mind.

The two hands clasped together, Yuan Xinran's skeleton was also a boy's hand, slender and broad, obviously a circle bigger than Sheng Yang's.

The students onlookers are whispering, everyone is not betting who will win and who will lose, there is no suspense about this.

They were guessing how many seconds Yuan Xinran would be able to defeat Sheng Yang.

Within three seconds, this is an inevitable event.

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