Big Manga

Chapter 553:

The ending of "" is different from the ending in the spoiler, which made many people welcome the sunshine on the first day of the new year with tears in their eyes.

After dawn, the He Xi Family forum began to count the number of people who played the game all night. However, this news, which should have attracted much attention, was covered by discussions on the ending at this moment. Even not only on the He Xi Family forum, the discussion on the ending of "" has spread to other websites, Weibo and chat rooms.

"The ending is too tragic!"

"It is recommended that people with poor mental endurance should not play ""!"

Speeches like this can be found in every corner of the Internet, and have attracted many people's gloating eyes.

"It's a good thing I didn't join the event last night."

"As soon as the spoiler came out, there was an all-night event at night... I knew there was something tricky in it. Look, it really tortured people to death."

"Teacher He Xi's game, if you haven't prepared enough mentally, don't play it!"

And seeing these online arguments, other people who bought the game but didn't play the game to the end also felt scared. Yu Feihang is one of the representatives. This morning, he was standing in the kitchen cooking dumplings while flipping through the comments of "" on the forum and Weibo. .

"This ending is really miserable...Fortunately, I didn't play..."

With a cold sweat on his back, Yu Feihang thought that he stayed up all night last night, but he also played the two side plots of "" and it was already four o'clock in the morning after finishing the two heroines, and then he stopped playing. After two hours of simple sleep, I got up and prepared breakfast.

It's past seven o'clock now, and the dumplings are almost ready.

Yu Feihang still felt sleepy, he yawned a few times. Then he patted his face, put down his phone, turned around and walked towards the study.

"Knock, knock..." He knocked on the door of the study: "Breakfast is almost ready, come out and eat!"

"……I see……"

A somewhat hoarse voice came from the study room, Yu Feihang was so distressed, his wife seemed to cry for a long time in the early morning, although she deliberately lowered her voice. But he could still faintly hear it when he was sleeping. If it wasn't because he was so sleepy at the time, he would have gone into the study to comfort his wife.

"But at that time, I didn't know that the ending would be so cruel..."

Yu Feihang sighed inwardly.

Before making breakfast, he thought that "" was just like what was said in the guide, the process was painful, but the ending was happy. If he hadn't used his mobile phone to surf the Internet, he would still be kept in the dark.

"My wife should be in pain now. I have to be careful not to mention "" to make her sad." Yu Feihang thought, but when he saw the door of the study slowly opened and his wife came out slowly, he could clearly see her face. He was still taken aback, "Why are you crying so badly?"

His wife's hair was messy, her eyes were red, and her makeup was messed up. Yu Feihang had never seen her in such a mess.

"《》...It's so touching..." The wife wiped her eyes with a tissue in her hand, and then showed a strong smile. Said: "Let's eat, I feel that I can eat several bowls of rice now, and my whole body is full of strength."

She turned and walked towards the living room. And Yu Feihang stood at the door of the study in a daze, what's going on, "" is so cruel, and his wife can still laugh?

"Skip this morning and eat dumplings."

With doubts, Yu Feihang followed his wife's footsteps to the living room. He brought out the cooked dumplings and served a bowl to his wife.

"Thank you." The wife smiled again. Yu Feihang stared at her in a daze.

The wife took a few bites, then looked up at Yu Feihang strangely: "Why don't you eat? Is there anything strange about me?"

"You..." Yu Feihang was a little moved: "You are so strong, my wife... I never thought that you are such a strong person. Others on the Internet are crying for the ending of """, but you You can still laugh, I am touched by you, you are really strong!"

"Huh?" The wife opened her eyes wide: "The ending of ""? Crying...why? Such a good ending, why are you crying!"

Yu Feihang was stunned for a moment.

"A good ending?" He opened his mouth wide: "This is impossible, the Internet said that this ending is super miserable...Look, wait, let me turn on the phone!" Yu Feihang turned on the phone, and then logged into the forum, pointing Looking at the crying posts on the front page, he said: "That's it, are they lying?"

The wife took the phone in surprise, she read several posts seriously, frowned, and after a few minutes, she returned the phone to Yu Feihang.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, the ending of "" is not a tragedy!" A flush flashed across her pale face, and she said with some longing in her eyes: "Mr. He Xi is too powerful, this is a perfect ending, the curse is lifted Oh, and that pair of boys and girls are the reincarnations of Guan Ling and the others, only fools can't understand."

"Those on the Internet are idiots!"

His wife said swearingly that Yu Feihang was dumbfounded. Although he didn't play to the end, he already knew about it from other people's discussions. The two children didn't clearly reveal their identities, but they were at the same time as the hero and heroine. It should not be their reincarnation.

"You...have you misunderstood..." Yu Feihang carefully reminded: "Before the two children left the beach, they waved with Guanling and the others. They couldn't be their own reincarnations, right?"

"How is it possible? Teacher He Xi's hint is so obvious. Those two children are waving at themselves in the past." While eating the dumplings, the wife said, "The waving you mentioned is not a problem at all. Those people on the Internet are all Stupid, why can't they appear at the same time after reincarnation?"

"The male lead turned into a crow when he made a wish in the first week, and in the end he went back to the past and coexisted with his past self...Since two male protagonists can exist in the same time period, why can't the reincarnation of him and Guan Ling be in the same time period? What time does it appear?"

The wife smiled and said, "Am I right?"

Yu Feihang was a little confused, he had never played the main storyline, but he had seen the storyline of the male protagonist turning into a crow. According to this, it seems that there is no loophole in the words of the wife. The two male protagonists can be together at the same time, and so can the three.

"What you said seems to be right...but I always feel that there are some strange things..."

"What's strange, only the player and the hero know all the details of the story of "" and even Haruko doesn't understand, but at the end of the game, the little boy knows all the stories, why don't you tell me...his identity Besides the male lead who reincarnated with memories, who else could it be?"

After his wife said something, Yu Feihang was immediately speechless.

"And there are other reasons." The wife said that she was addicted, and continued: "I didn't understand the meaning of the logo of "" after playing the game. The boy who was hidden in the logo actually implied that the male protagonist disappeared to watch the bell. The plot of the crow, and in the ending, the boy's back disappears and becomes an icon... Isn't he overlapping with the hero?"

"Then he is not the reincarnation of the hero, how is that possible!"

Yu Feihang took it, and when his wife said so, he also felt that the hint in the boy in the ending was very clear.

After breakfast, his wife went back to the room to sleep, Yu Feihang washed the dishes, and then went to the study to log in to the computer, if it was true what his wife said. Then he has to analyze the ending and tell others, so that the players on the forum can calm down.

But unexpectedly, when Yu Feihang logged into the forum, he found that someone had already posted a similar clarification post on the forum, which caused a lot of controversy.

"There are reasons and evidence, this is the truth!"

"Impossible, is it really the reincarnation of the hero? We misunderstood the ending?"

"I don't think so, I think it's the reincarnation of Kanna and Liu Ye..."

"I've always wanted to ask, is Guan Ling the reincarnation of Kanna, that is to say, the hero should be the reincarnation of Liu Ye?"

However, after the clarification was posted, the quarrel about the ending became even more chaotic. Some people did not believe in the theory of reincarnation, some believed that the boy was the reincarnation of the hero, and some believed that he was the reincarnation of Liu Ye, the hero of the second week. Some even said they were The three different reincarnations of a soul are a mess anyway, and everyone finds that they can't figure out the ending.

Yu Feihang was also confused, and he looked around, this dispute would not be fruitful. Because the ending is too abstract and the way it is said is too euphemistic. It seems that everyone has a different opinion. In the end, no one can convince anyone.

The boy at the end of the game is too mysterious, there is no conclusive evidence, and it is entirely up to the player to figure out his identity.

"Damn it..." After watching for several hours, the battle became more and more serious, and Yu Feihang suddenly realized: "This is Teacher He Xi's plan, right? He deliberately made it like this... This ending is absolutely ambiguous In the end, if you want to know the real answer, it seems that you still have to ask Teacher He Xi."

When Yu Feihang noticed it, other people also noticed it one after another.

"What is the identity of the boy in the ending of "", I can only ask Teacher He Xi..."

"Bad fun, this is bad fun, right! Teacher He Xi will never answer us!"

Someone scratched and posted on the forum that he was right, Meng Huo would never answer this question.

In fact, Meng Huo noticed the situation on the Internet early in the morning, but after seeing the arguments of the players, Meng Huo was relieved. He seemed to understand the reason why the last two children were added to the original game "". Perhaps in order to alleviate the grief that Guan Ling's death brought to the players, the game deliberately left such a confusing, suspenseful, but hopeful ending...

"I see..." Meng Huo suddenly understood one thing. In fact, it doesn't matter who the boy is. The important thing is the sublimation he brought to the game. "" has only one ending, which is 'hope'. Hope in the game, hope out of the game - it's all in the boy.

"", this morning, it ended like this.

Meng Huo turned off his computer and ushered in a new year full of hope. (to be continued)

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