Big Manga

Chapter 288: Man Tiantian Falls Apart

A bowl of noodles, a fried egg, and a glass of milk

This is the breakfast Meng Huo put on the table. He took off his scarf and hung it in the kitchen, then sat at the table, turned on the TV, and ate while watching TV. watermark ad test watermark ad test

"...Reporter Miyata Huimei ahead will report for you!"

Just as the TV was on, Meng Huo heard a crisp female voice. He took a bite of the fried egg and looked at the TV screen with a look of surprise on his face.

"Good morning, viewers, I am at the headquarters of Mantiantang Company..."

The TV was broadcasting live news. A beautiful reporter was holding a microphone and speaking in front of the camera, while she was surrounded by many other media reporters carrying cameras and microphones.

These media reporters gathered at the entrance of a building. Meng Huo saw clearly the name engraved on the wall of the building. It turned out to be the headquarters of Mantiantang. Why are there so many reporters there?

"Did something happen to Akira Suzuki?"

Meng Huo was skeptical, but then he thought, if Akira Suzuki had an accident, the reporter should go to the hospital first.

He ate his noodles and continued to read, but slowly, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and his expression gradually became more subtle—it turned out that Mantiantang held a press conference last night to shift the responsibility to the cartoonist.

The press conference was held after the interview with Meng Huo by TV Tokyo. Mantian didn't seem to notice what he said, and hit the muzzle directly in the end!

",,,, ..."

This sentence flashed in Meng Huo's mind, Man Tiantang was really too impatient this time, and committed suicide. What's even more tragic was that there were cartoonists who broke the news at the press conference.

Mantiantang used 5 million to buy cartoonists to cheat. Once this incident happened, the reputation of the company and those cartoonists were basically ruined.

Meng Huo shook his head. Mantiantang's reputation has been ruined, and it is difficult to continue to develop. He turned off the TV, finished eating the noodles calmly, and then went to work at Sakura Animation Company.

"President. Good news!"

"Mantiantang has fallen into an unprecedented crisis of trust. They are finally finished!"

As soon as they entered the office, Eiji Takashima and Takako Takashima walked in excitedly. The two also handed several newspapers to Meng Huo,

Meng Huo glanced over it, and the content above was naturally Mantiantang's report on this crisis.

"President, I admire you so much. You can see that these newspapers are praising you, and the articles are full of satire and ridicule of Mantiantian. It's so enjoyable!"

"That's right, President, I heard that Suzuki Akira, the president of Mantiantang, is also hospitalized. Mantangentang is in chaos, and the board of directors is holding a meeting. We have to re-introduce a new president."

It was Takako Takashima who spoke behind. Meng Huo was taken aback when he heard this, "Man Tiantang is planning to launch a new president? Is this news reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable!" Takako Takashima said with a smile: "Akira Suzuki is still in a coma, and Mantiantang is now in crisis again. Of course, a new president must be elected to handle the matter."

"The new president..."

Meng Huo frowned slightly, and he waved his hand: "I see, you go to work first!"

Meng Huo didn't get up until the couple left. After walking a few steps in the office, he looked out at the bustling scene through the strengthened glass window.

"Suzuki obviously has heart disease, so Mantiantang shouldn't be too extreme... But if that's the case, it will be troublesome..."

He thought for a while, then returned to his desk and dialed the number of Ning Hai's head office.

In the next few days, Mantiantang continued to receive criticism and condemnation from the outside world. After a long board meeting, Mantiantang came up with a solution that satisfied shareholders.

"In a few days, Mr. Jun Nohara will take over as the new president of the company."

On this day, Miyazawa Taro heard such a sentence in the vice president's office, and he was shocked: "Nohara Jun? How is it possible, why is it him?"

Nohara Jun, many people in Mantiantang know this person, at best he is a nobleman, at worst he is an ignorant playboy, if Mantiantang is handed over to him, he will not be played to death?

"No way, he is the only son of the major shareholder." The vice president shook his head and sighed, "Our company is in crisis, our performance has plummeted, and the capital chain may break at any time. Only Mr. Nohara, the major shareholder, can solve this problem. "

Mantiantang is plagued by foreign troubles, and the only way to make a comeback is to let the shareholder's child become the president and attract a large amount of funds.

But Miyazawa Taro didn't like this Jun Nohara. On the second day, Jun Nohara, who hadn't taken office yet, came to the headquarters of Mantango, occupied the president's office grandiosely, and even spoke frivolously to the female secretary.

Miyazawa Taro held back his anger and asked: "President Nohara, there are voices criticizing the company everywhere in society, how do we solve this crisis?"

"Crisis? It's simple... Just pass the crime of the mobile suit to others." Jun Nohara crossed his legs and said with a relaxed face: "Just pass the matter to others, minimize our losses, and then Let my dad take the money, Mantiantian will wake up!"

"Push it to someone else? No... This method is useless, those cartoonists..."

"Isn't there someone better?" Taro Miyazawa's words were interrupted impatiently by Jun Nohara, and the handsome playboy said, "My father's original agent—that guy lying in the hospital , put the blame on him.”

"Isn't he the original president of Mantiantang? Let's just say that he did everything. The new president, I am the messenger of justice. I came here to clean up the cancer of Mantangang and make Mantangtang rejuvenate..."

Nohara Jun had a proud face: "He Xi that kid, I will deal with it by the way."

Miyazawa Taro was shocked, and his face was pale: "You are talking about President Suzuki? Are you going to push everything to President Suzuki?"

It is undeniable that this is a good way. Akira Suzuki is the president of Man Tentang. Putting the blame on him can indeed have an immediate effect. Although it cannot completely restore the situation of Man Ten Tang, at least it is no problem to keep the foundation.

With the financial support of Nohara Jun, Mantiantang will not be too difficult to rise again, but...

"President Suzuki has a heart attack! President Nohara, you can't do this. If you do this, President Suzuki will be mad if he finds out!" Miyazawa Taro said in a panic. Akira Suzuki has been hospitalized, and now he can't Take the hit.

"What are you afraid of, don't let him know?"

Jun Nohara didn't think so. He waved. Said: "Come on, you go to work. Let that female secretary come in! Suzuki Akira's matter has been decided, don't let that guy know, and tell him after he is discharged from the hospital..."

Miyazawa Taro staggered back two steps, his expression was gloomy. It sounds nice, but can you hide it? Even if it is kept secret for the time being, Akira Suzuki will definitely get sick and be hospitalized again after being discharged from the hospital.

Ruthless, this trick is really ruthless...

A few days later, Man Tendo issued an announcement that the company's former president Akira Suzuki was dismissed for leading the mobile suit. Man Heaven promises to all readers in the Far East that the new president Jun Nohara will reshape the atmosphere of Man Heaven and build a conscientious enterprise.

After several weeks of turmoil, Mantiantang's crisis has eased.

But even so. Now the market value of Mantiantang has dropped to one-third of what it was a month ago, and the society still has great doubts about them.

When Meng Huo saw the new announcement, his premonition was unfortunately true. The new president of Mantiantang threw the blame on others, and his behavior was almost the same as that of his predecessor.

If such an enemy gets him up, it will be another annoying trouble...

"The quick battle is over..."

At the beginning of July, the company held a grand banquet. The company's new president, Jun Nohara, officially took office today. His appointment brought hundreds of millions of capital investment, and the management of Mantang was full of joy.

At the banquet, the lights were bright, the celebrities and noble ladies were gorgeously dressed, and Nohara Jun, as a veritable host today, received unprecedented praise.

The glamorous noble ladies surrounded him and were jealous of this promising new president. Jun Nohara squinted his eyes and stood among the flowers, feeling that he had never been so refreshed.

"The one called He Xi is a ground turtle, how can you compare with me..."

He thought in his heart that these days the media often compares him with He Xi, and many people say that He Xi is stronger than him, which makes Nohara Jun very dissatisfied. In his eyes, He Xi is just a turtle.

Jun Nohara has watched He Xi's interview video, he is a poor man, none of the clothes he is wearing is top-notch brands, he does not look like an upper-class person at all.

But there is no way, who made him a commoner!

"That kind of person will definitely be laughed at by everyone if he appears at my banquet." Nohara Jun looked down on He Xi, that guy has no taste at all, and the servants at the banquet are all dressed better than He Xi.

"Baby, when I defeat He Xi next time, I'll bring him and make him shine my shoes for you to see!"

Jun Nohara was flattered by the women around him, and couldn't help boasting, but he was only proud of this night. On the second day after he took office, his complacency hadn't slowed down yet, and several department heads suddenly came over.

"President, dozens of artists and programmers in the animation department resigned, and they joined Sakura Animation!"

"President, Sakura Animation Company wants to help Phoenix Company expand its comic business and recruit cartoonists in the Far East Region. Some editors and cartoonists in our comic editorial department have resigned!"

"President, something is wrong! Booksellers from all over the world have signed new contracts with Sakura Animation. They will release "Weekly Shonen" and "Weekly Girl". We can no longer monopolize the distribution of manga!"

Listening to these reports, Nohara Jun's mouth opened into an O-shape as if a basin of ice water had been poured over his head.

"Fuck... what's going on here!"

He got up in a panic, no matter how stupid he was, Jun Nohara found that things were very complicated now.

However, no one answered him. The heads of several departments looked at each other very strangely.

"President, we also want to resign."

A supervisor stood up and said, "Sakura Animation has contacted us."

"We don't want to be questioned by the outside world anymore. Mantiantang's reputation is very bad...Moreover, we don't want to become such abandoned children as President Suzuki and Mr. Matsubara one day..."

Jun Nohara was stunned for a moment...

At this moment, Meng Huo was sitting on the plane to Ninghai. While reading the magazine, he said with emotion: "The new president of Mantiantang is too slow to respond. I have been digging people for a week, and he didn't find out in advance."

A Dou, who couldn't afford it, became the president... The heavens were all over the place, falling apart!

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