Big Dream Master

Chapter 289: Mountain pass

Shen Yuange, who had been standing by the carriage and looking at a few people, walked forward and said, "Caizhu, Luoer, this is not a place to talk. Let's go home first."

"Uncle Shen, I worry you, we..." Nie Caizhu was halfway talking, and suddenly she realized something was wrong, she stopped talking and froze in place.

She glanced back and forth between Shen Luo and Shen Yuange a few times, and suddenly realized that their eyebrows were somewhat similar, and their expressions became more and more weird for a while.

"What's wrong? Caizhu, but what's wrong?" Shen Yuange asked in confusion when he saw this.

"Miss Nie, I didn't have time to give my name before. My name is Shen Luo. This is your fiance." Before Nie Caizhu could answer, Shen Luo looked at her with a gentle smile and said.

"You are... sinking?" Nie Caizhu heard the words and immediately remembered the words she had said on the way back. She was suddenly embarrassed. Two red clouds rose on both cheeks and spread rapidly, until they were dyed red to the roots of the ears. behind.

"Wow, so you are the uncle?" Xiaochun didn't know it, and added another fire next to her.

Nie Caizhu clenched her sleeves tightly, hesitated for a moment in a panic, and ran into the carriage without looking back.

"Hey, miss..." Xiaochun yelled hurriedly and ran after him.

"What's going on?" Shen Yuange frowned slightly, looked at Shen Luo, and asked.

"I don't know either." Shen Luo said pretendingly.

Shen Yuange shook his head and chuckled, and returned to Shen's house with everyone.

In the next few days, Nie Caizhu stayed in the house almost all day except eating. It seemed that she was deliberately avoiding the sinking, and she almost never looked at him at the dinner table.

On the contrary, her close servant girl, Xiaochun, always stares at him every time she encounters Shen Shen, her eyes are full of anger, making Shen Shen feel a little embarrassed.

After a few days of leisure at home, Shen Luo resumed his practice, while cultivating the nameless scriptures, while continuing to learn talisman making.

Before returning from Jianye, he also went to Lubaotang to buy spiritual materials and talisman paper.

It's just that for the sake of retreat and practice, the Sanyuan True Water and Diyin Pill that he bought had already spent most of his savings, and in the end he only bought a small amount of Cyan Frost Talisman Paper and a lot of Yellow Talisman Paper.

After she finished her practice that day, Shen Luo took out a thin thread-bound book from the stone box and read it carefully.

This book is not something else, it is the ancient Fulu book uploaded by the ancestor Hou gifted to him when he passed by the Shenxianju.

He had just flipped through it once before and didn't check the content in detail. After opening it today, he found that at the top of the page, there was a brief introduction similar to a biographical character.

It is completely different from the cursive handwriting on the content of Fulu. The content of this short biography is written in line, obviously not by the same person.

After reading it, Shen Luo came to realize that this content was added by the later generations of the Hou family, and it was written about the life deeds of the ancestors of the Hou family.

It turned out that the ancestor of the Hou family was a wandering Taoist, and the specific inheritance of the teacher was not testable. The Taoism he practiced did not describe too much. It seems to be based on Fulu, and it does not seem to belong to Xiao Maoshan. A series of.

The role of a wandering Taoist is similar to that of a Buddhist monk. However, they practice traveling through the world, mainly preaching and practicing medicine along the way, and also do some deeds of demons and demons. Most of the talisman they master is also related to the matter of wandering.

The first talisman recorded in the book is a kind of talisman named "crossing the mountain talisman".

At first glance at the name of this talisman, Shen Luo thought it was a moving talisman over the mountains. After reading the introduction carefully, he realized that this talisman is a talisman for exploring the evil spirit.

Because Yunyou Taoists practice on the road, they often have to walk in inaccessible mountains and rivers. Such places are usually indispensable for mountain spirits and charms. This mountain pass can detect the approach of the evil spirit in advance, and then emit light to warn the monks.

In terms of efficacy, some are similar to the magical weapon to detect demon bells, one is that the stronger the demon energy or the closer it is, the louder the bell will be, and the other is that the light it emits will be brighter.

This talisman is highly targeted, unable to perceive the evil spirits of the evil spirits, but only sensitive to the evil spirits.

Its rank is not too high, and there are no special requirements for talisman paper and talisman ink. Ordinary yellow talisman paper and cinnabar talisman ink can be drawn, and advanced Ziyun talisman paper can also be drawn, but the effect is slightly changed.

In addition to the "Cross Mountain Talisman", this Talisman book also contains several types of talisman commonly used by Taoist wandering priests. Among them, Shen Luo is most concerned about the "Clear Wind Breaking Barrier Talisman" and the "Shen Xing Jiama Talisman".

Among them, the Qingfeng Barrier Breaking Talisman is the force of the talisman to draw the breeze containing the aura of heaven and earth to blow away the mist and miasma, and it has the power to crack the natural formation of the poisonous miasma and the artificially constructed barriers.

The magical horse rune is even more different. Its rune style is completely different from other runes. At first glance, it doesn't look like words at all, but instead looks like a picture of a horse drawn in thick ink.

It's just that in this thick ink, you can see the circulation of lines, and there are faint traces of ancient seal characters, which resemble characters and paintings, and the shape is like a horse with hoofs and a flying mane, just like the posture of four hoofs galloping.

When it is used, it needs to light the talisman paper with mana, and then silently recite the incantation. The burnt paper dust will wrap around its feet, making it like riding a BMW, rushing effortlessly, and can travel thousands of miles every day.

"One hundred steps, the land shrinks itself, every mountain is flat, and it meets water and water. I am ordered by Mr. Sanshan Jiuhou!" Shen Luo followed the silently chanting the contained spell, his eyes flashed slightly.

Mr. Sanshan Jiuhou’s name has long been heard. Although his true identity has always been a mystery, it is still regarded as the ancestor by all the wandering Taoists in the world and respected and used by the wandering Taoists. Many of the Talismans also come from Mr. Sanshan Jiuhou, among them are the familiar "Shen Xing Jiama Talisman" and "Five Ghost Transport Talisman".

In addition to these three types of talisman, there are also four other types of talisman recorded in the thread-bound ancient books, but compared with the previous three, it seems a little less reliable, including the one that was torn down by the shopkeeper." Lucky fortune and treasure".

The peach blossom extradition talisman, the sun-keeping talisman, the five spirits talisman, plus the wealth and treasure talisman, how do you look at it... They all seem to be used by Taoist Yunyou to deceive people, and Shen Luo is really lacking in interest in this. , They didn't care too much.

For the first three types of talisman, he actually intends to try to draw them.

However, the rank of the Qingfeng Barrier Breaking Talisman is slightly higher than that of the ordinary Barrier Breaking Talisman. It needs to be drawn on Cyan Frost Paper to save enough mana, and then induce a larger world of breeze to break through the fog and the poisonous miasma.

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