Best Son-in-law

Chapter 603 The Heart of the Craftsman

"How about it? Li Fan, can I learn a lot from your brother Qiu?" Guan Chongyang joked with a smile.

"Well, I really learned something. Brother Qiu is so right. Sometimes I am a little impatient. I have to change this." Li Fan also said sincerely.

"Hey, you guys praise me too much. How can I have that ability? These are all things I accumulated while working. They were forced by life over the years. Just do it and don't think about any results. I When I first came here, I wanted to make a name for myself so that all the guests in Yannan would like my dishes. But what happened? Reality gave me a loud slap in the face. No one ate my dishes in Yannan. Come here. Everyone who ate was shaking their heads and sighing, everyone was dissatisfied and felt that my food was not good, so I came here with hope. This food was indeed carefully prepared by me, but others felt that it was not good. That expression was like stabbing me in the heart with a knife, it was very uncomfortable.”

"That's it. Sometimes, your hard work and efforts may not bring back the results. You have to find a way. You can't give up. If I had given up at that time, there would be no Taiyang Hotel today."

"Even now, I still feel very sad. It was really difficult at that time. Life was difficult. I had to make a living. What I thought tasted delicious was not delicious to others, which was uncomfortable. So in the end, I had to learn how to make a living. The way other people taste food is to first learn how to taste the food, and then learn how to cook it. Only when I know how to taste good food can I know how to make it delicious. This is inevitable."

"Actually, I don't have any advantage when I come here. I don't even know what kind of food is delicious, so wouldn't I just lose out to others? At the beginning, I couldn't use my advantage at all, because others ate If I’m not used to the food you cook, with all your advantages and obvious disadvantages, people won’t eat from you. I can’t help it, I’m in Yannan now, I have to live, so I put down everything, put down everything I put down the baggage of the strengths that I am proud of, and I sincerely interact with other people’s food and sincerely taste other people’s food.”

"At first I thought other food was not delicious, but they sold it well. I knew it was a problem with my sense of taste. I can't blame the customers, I can only blame myself. I want to cook for takeout. What can I say? Don’t guests want to taste your food? People only want to eat the food they like. Is it their fault? So I knew it was my problem, so I slowly changed my taste and ate out little by little. , I spent a lot of money in the process, and life became more and more difficult, but my taste gradually changed, and I slowly learned what dishes the customers like, and this is what I gained."

"Finally, I changed and started cooking the same dish. Because I had just learned it, the cooking was not very tasty. But gradually I improved and my cooking became better. At that time, there were customers in the restaurant, and people rushed to the restaurant. I came here with this dish. I just followed the Romans. I had a stable income and could barely make ends meet. If I had been satisfied at that time, I would have lived a good life, but I wouldn’t be where I am today. Yang Hotel, I have never achieved my true goal, so I have the opportunity to move forward. Speaking of it, it is all forced by life, and I just do it for life." Qiu Changsheng said.

After saying this, Qiu Changsheng couldn't help wiping away tears again, and Guan Chongyang beside him quickly comforted him.

"Brother, just step out."

"Yeah, don't think about being unhappy, Lao Qiu." Fang Laiqing also said.

"No, when I saw this child looked so much like me back then, I felt a little sad when I saw him. I really don't want others to suffer this crime again, I can't say anything." Qiu Changsheng couldn't control his tears again as he spoke. It almost flowed down.

"My restaurant is running well, and there are a lot of customers. I have the advantage of using good ingredients. How can I be the same as you? I've eaten the food he cooks, and it's very delicious. You can try it if you have the chance. It's really good." , and I am a native of Yannan, so I don’t need to change my taste or anything, so I won’t follow the same old path you have walked before, so what are you talking about? Lao Qiu." Guan Chongyang said with a smile.

"Brother Qiu is right. No matter what, even if I have an advantage, I have to forget all my advantages so that I can truly learn, because only when you are at a trough do you know how to move forward. If you We're halfway up the mountain. It's easy to get lost if you walk east or west. You may turn back if you go around in a circle. But when you reach the lowest point, no matter which direction you go, it's the way forward, so I have to forget my advantages and always Only by maintaining the mentality of an apprentice and being firm in your goals and direction can you get what you want. Speaking of which, I am still far behind. Brother Qiu really taught me a lesson today." Li Fan was also quite touched. said.

After hearing what Qiu Changsheng said today, he really felt that he had learned a lot.

He has always relied on the advantages of his own ingredients, thinking that he can kill most of the people with ingredients, so that no one can really compete with him.

Because you are not on the same starting line at all. My ingredients are better than yours, so you have to be half as short as me and half as bad as me.

But precisely because of this advantage and the ingredients, the other aspects of ordinary restaurants are really inferior.

No one pays attention to this, because the ingredients are good and have advantages. This advantage is big enough to cover up the disadvantages, so others don’t care about other things, because the advantages are too great, and they are satisfied with them. What else is there to say about learning? That is to say, after learning about the food competition, I have summarized a little bit about ordinary restaurant dishes and learned a few things, but there is still a big gap between it and other time-honored restaurants.

They are able to create classics only after hundreds of years of accumulation, continuous learning, and continuous progress, before they create their own brand. Moreover, their ingredients are also carefully selected, and may not be much worse than yours, but the workmanship, The condiments are enough to kill you instantly, so what else do you have to compete with?

Besides, the ingredients did have advantages, but this advantage made Li Fan almost give up the motivation to move forward. He just wanted to sit back and enjoy the results, and just rely on the advantages of the ingredients to eat all over the world.

This mentality is wrong in itself. No matter how many years of time-honored brands or how many years of palace secrets, only through constant improvement and continuous learning can we be where we are today. Otherwise, the accumulation of time will be meaningless.

The longer wine is stored, the more mellow and fragrant it becomes, and this is of course the same for this dish. The longer it ages, the more truly delicious it will be.

A real brand.

Li Fan and some people at Laoshantun Pingfan Hotel happen to lack this kind of craftsmanship and ingenuity.

This is also the gap between ordinary hotels and real brands.

In the past, Li Fan only thought that good ingredients could create a real brand, but now he discovered that these specialties were basically nothing special.

Once others master the cultivation technology of this ingredient, they can also make ordinary restaurant dishes, and this delicious taste can be copied.

But dishes like Taiyang Restaurant's dishes are difficult to copy outside. Their secret recipes are different, and this is their real thing.

This is what is left after the accumulation of time.

The competition in the food industry is no less, or even more, than in other industries. After all, food is the most important thing for people. This food is a necessity for people, and it is also an industry that people can easily enter.

As a result, competition in the industry may seem to be easing, but in fact it is a fire and water crisis.

Not even close to a star.

Just like Yanbei Roast Duck, it can still live today. Every step it takes, there are almost countless bones under its feet.

Just like sailing against the current, if you want to survive in the food industry for a long time, you must constantly change and innovate. Dishes have a slight chance of standing at the end.

The big waves wash away the sand, and the winner is the one left at the end.

Therefore, ordinary restaurants cannot be content with the status quo and must continue to innovate.

And building a brand is only one aspect. If you want a brand to be established for a long time, constant change and innovation are the only way to survive.

After listening to Qiu Changsheng's words today, Li Fan really benefited a lot.

He originally thought that the development of Pingfan Restaurant had been stable, and it would be enough to get results in the food competition.

Only now did he realize that there was still a long way to go. The difference was not even a tiny bit different.

From Qiu Changsheng, he truly learned the way to win and the way to survive forever.

This is extremely valuable for the future development of Ordinary Hotel.

Deliciousness is only part of it.

A single delicacy will eventually make people tired of it. In addition to sales operations, we should adopt the spirit of craftsmanship to develop and create different delicacies.

Coexistence of multiple types and constant innovation, this is the attitude that a real brand should have.

When customers come to pay the bill, they should respect their feelings.

People earn their hard-earned money. Although they are satisfied with your food, why can't you do better? Let the guests not only be satisfied, but also be amazed in their hearts, and feel amazing every time. In this way, the guests' experience will be excellent, and they will be more worthy of the money they earn.

Strive for excellence.

This time Li Fan also understood how to take the path of Pingfan Hotel in the future, and he also knew in his heart how to gain a long-term foothold.

True classics are constantly polished.

It may be easy to become famous overnight.

The difference is far more than a million miles.

From now on, when he goes back, he will tell the chefs to forget about our advantages and really put ourselves at the bottom, so that we can truly grow.

Strengths are just things that hinder your progress.

It will only make you complacent.

But what can really benefit you is the lowest point of learning.

Because you are at the lowest point, you will only climb higher if you try hard, and only at the bottom do you know how many roads are around here.

So troughs do not mean failure, but the need to change your attitude to welcome success.

Troughs mean you need to learn, and troughs mean there is unlimited room for improvement.

Li Fan would rather keep his posture to the lowest level so that he can have the opportunity to learn something that can truly benefit him.

The heart of a craftsman will never be forgotten.

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