Beiyin Great Sage

Chapter 557 Taking advantage of the chaos

The wick soaked in lamp oil swayed gently and ignited with a yellowish halo, bringing a touch of bright color to the dark room.

A burly man was studying hard at his desk by the light of the lamp.

On the table.

A thick book has been piled up. Judging from the wornness of the paper, it is obvious that this is not a rough reading, but a careful reading.

If you can have this intention, aside from other aspects, patience will definitely be enough.


Putting down the book in his hand, Zhou Yi raised his head with a thoughtful expression on his face:

"Compared to the ancient times on Earth, there are many more rumors about immortals here, and encounters with immortals are often recorded in history."

"Although there are common reasons for practicing martial arts in this world, many of them are unreasonable."

There are also rumors of immortals on Earth, and they are also recorded openly in the "Historical Records", but everyone knows whether they are true or false.

It's different here.

Immortal legends are extremely detailed.

Especially when dynasties change, 'immortals' appear more frequently, just like when Wu Zhou defeated Zhou and showed their magical powers and staged the apotheosis of gods.

There are even stories of mortals killing ‘immortals’ against their will.


Zhou Yi lightly buckled the table case:

"The Xiantian Grandmaster seems to have a certain understanding of the so-called immortals. In this case, the Lin family should have records about immortals."


Even if there is, such things are not something he can see now, and it is useless to think about them.


The iron pot was steaming up, and a rich aroma of meat hit his nostrils. Zhou Yi frowned, turned around and struck out with his palm to disperse the heat.

At the same time, pick up the iron pot and cover it with a thick cloth.

The darkroom is not big, so the heat and meat smell will inevitably be discharged through the air holes. If someone discovers it, they will definitely guess that there is something wrong down there.

Fortunately, he lit fires to rebel at night, and ate more cooked food and rested during the day. As long as he was careful, there was no need to worry too much.

There is rice, meat, oil, and water, so you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking.

There are books,

It can cultivate sentiment and increase knowledge.

Quiet and undisturbed.

You can also concentrate on practicing to improve your cultivation and strength.

For Zhou Yi, although the underground chamber was small and cramped, it could be used as a place of retreat in a short period of time.

Pure, leisurely and free from the world.

And the outside world.

Quite the opposite.


The massacre of the city is a foregone conclusion.

After several days of plundering and squeezing, it seemed that no matter how difficult it was to take out from the pockets of the people in the city, the yellow ant army also showed its ferocious fangs.

They started from the east city, dividing and dividing the area simultaneously. They first attacked with fire to force out the hiding people, and then killed them all the way.

The screams resounded from morning to night.

The streets were littered with corpses.

Some corpses were separated, some had intestines and intestines flowing out, and some were trampled by horse hooves, rutted by wheels, and countless others were hacked and stabbed to death.

Along the way, corpses blocked the drains.

Blood flowed into the river, and the bodies of women piled up where clothes had been starched, causing the water to change color.

There were parents who were protecting their children. They were chopped to death on the spot, and the three of them hugged each other tightly until they died.

Some limbs and joints were broken by heavy weapons and dragged by horses, leaving deep marks on the ground to show the brutality of the bandits.

Maybe even God couldn't bear to see it. After two days of massacre, a heavy rain poured down in an attempt to wash away the evil in the world.


When the rain fell to the ground, what floated up were the pale corpses.

Purgatory on earth, nothing more than that!


The sound of gongs and drums sounded.

"Everyone, come out. The rebels have spoken. If you come out now, I will let you go. If you are stubborn, the fate of the people from the past two days will be the same!"


"Everyone come out!"

"Look, this is an official document written by King Wu Tian himself, angrily denounced the violent rebels. The leading group of people have been severely punished."

"It's okay now, come out!"

The sound of shouting is very tempting.

After all, after repeated searches and killings, most people had no food left in their hands. They had been hungry for who knows how long, but someone actually came out.

Zhou Yi was lying on the ridge of the roof after the fire, looking at the people who were shrinking back, he could only shake his head helplessly.


The yellow ant army divided the people they found into different categories. The men rushed together and the women rushed together. They bundled them up with ropes and left.

"Ms. sir!"

"Damn it!"


"What do you mean, you are seeking death!"

The man watched helplessly as his family was being taken away, but he was helpless and stood there until they disappeared from sight.

The next moment.

The sword and gun fell.


Amidst the shrill screams, rows of figures fell to the ground one after another.

"The child's father!"

At the end of the street, a woman with disheveled hair and a baby girl in her arms ran over when she heard the sound, and she couldn't help but let out a scream when she saw it.

"The child's father!"


The baby girl in her arms also cried loudly.



Several arrows were shot from behind. The running woman leaned back with a look of despair. The baby and the baby were pierced by the arrows to the ground, and blood flowed from underneath her body.

"Da da... da da..."

Several strong horses came galloping, and the riders on them were strong and well-armed.

The force of the horse's collision is extremely astonishing. As long as the rider is a skilled rider, a simple charge with a gun can pose a threat to the marrow refining warrior.

It would be even more remarkable if you have martial arts skills yourself.

This is why the masters in the arena are not easy to use on the battlefield, and there is no room to move around when charging on the battlefield.

It depends on courage and luck.


The rider pulled the reins and shouted:

"Where is General Zhu?"

"General Shi." A bandit soldier held his hands in the distance, turning a blind eye to the corpse on the ground:

"General Zhu is staying at Qian Street. My subordinates will take you there."


The rider nodded:

"Lead the way."


The gate of Qizhai is majestic. It is obvious that someone in the family is an official in the government, but now it has become a nest where hundreds of bandits gather.

A dozen beautiful women in the front yard were molested by a group of bandits. Most of them were disheveled and looked panic-stricken, but they had no choice but to comply with the bandits' demands.

The wine tables were arranged in an unorganized manner, and there were still unfinished wine and food on them.

Several women lay on the wine table eating and drinking hard, letting the men sway behind them, and the laughter and screams were mixed together.

There are no men except bandits.

Women’s privacy is exposed and they are just playthings.

Zhou Yi hid in the shadow of the roof, his eyes cold, like a dead thing.

He has experienced the life of a refugee and witnessed all kinds of tragedies. Some people ate dirt and strung themselves to death, while others changed their sons and became beasts after eating.

This world...

He tightened the handle of the knife in his hand, murderous intent boiling in his chest.

His eyes moved, and his murderous intent suddenly froze.

found it!




Huang Su was wearing a skinny suit, with a flattering smile on his face, and he bowed and introduced:

"Two generals, this dish is called Eight Immortals Gathering. It is stewed with the meat of eight kinds of animals. The meat is rotten, delicious and fresh."

"It can strengthen yang energy and strengthen bones and muscles, which is more beneficial to the two generals."


The fat-headed General Zhu nodded, casually picked up the chopsticks, put it into his mouth and tasted it, his eyes lit up:


“It tastes really good.”

"When Brother Wen comes in two days, I will add this dish as well. If Brother Wen is satisfied, Zhu will be rewarded heavily."

"Thank you, general, thank you, general!" Huang Su thanked him repeatedly.


General Zhu didn't take him seriously. He gave him a casual warning, looked at his colleague General Shi, grinned and said with a smile:

"Yesterday, I captured a top figure from Fengxian Tower here. It is said that he does not sell his body as an artist. You also know that I, Lao Zhu, am a layman. How can I know anything about music, chess, calligraphy and painting?"

"Brother Shi, you know, you might as well taste it. I've reserved it just for you. No one below dares to stretch out their claws."

He said and clapped his hands.

Immediately, someone dragged the two women into the lobby. Although one of them had panic-stricken eyes and a pale complexion, she still couldn't conceal her outstanding appearance.

The other one is holding a guqin in her hand, with pear blossoms and rain in her hands, and she is supposed to be a maid holding the guqin.

"A graceful beauty..."

General Shi was not good at beauty, but he stopped when he saw this. Looking at the woman's complicated expression, he sighed softly for a long time, raised the glass in front of him and drank it down:

"It turned out to be the wonderful girl who entered the priest's office because her father broke the ban. We separated a few years ago and it's been a long time since we last met."

Miss Miao had just set up the strings. She was startled when she heard this. She looked up timidly and spoke softly:

"I don't know, General..."

"It happened in the past." General Shi waved his hand, obviously unwilling to talk more:

"There is a wonderful girl playing the piano."


Miss Miao bowed her head slightly, feeling relieved from the panic in her heart.

After all, compared to the rude General Niu, General Shi, who is suspected of being an 'old friend', is handsome and would not be too sad to sacrifice his life.

It would be better if he could follow and escape.

Now gently pluck the strings.



Huang Su respectfully retreated to the backyard until there was no one around, then he dared to take a deep breath and stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Fortunately, I still have some cooking skills, otherwise my life would be at risk."


A cold voice sounded behind him:

"I just found out that shopkeeper Huang is not only an expert in appreciating treasures, but also has the ability to hold a large spoon."


Huang Su's complexion changed, and his body suddenly jumped forward. At the same time, he threw his hands back and shot out several hidden weapons and lightning bolts. The power was astonishing.

Refining the internal organs!

This plain-looking, pot-bellied shopkeeper of Hengbaoju is clearly a warrior with the ability to refine internal organs.


The hidden weapon penetrated the wooden piles and walls, making a dull sound, but it did not hit the person behind him. Instead, a cold light spread across his throat, making him freeze.

"Shopkeeper Huang."

Zhou Yi’s eyes were cold:

"We meet again."

"Is it you?" Zhou Yi also covered his face with a bamboo hat this time. The familiar figure and dress made Huang Su recognize the person instantly:

"Friend... friend, we have no enmity or enmity..."


Zhou Yi exerted his strength with his arm, and the blade was close to the opponent's throat. The sharp blade easily cut through the flesh, and traces of blood flowed along the blade:

"Shopkeeper Huang is such a noble person and forgets things. Do we really have no grudges?"

"It's none of my business, it's none of my business!" Huang Su's face turned pale and he said anxiously:

"Those are all orders from the Young Master's family. Huang is living under someone else's roof. He just obeys orders and has never had any dissatisfaction with you, my friend."


Zhou Yi hummed softly and said:

"Let me ask you, what exactly is 'meat mushroom'?"

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