Beiyin Great Sage

Chapter 518 Parting

Aunt Bai first screamed worriedly, then showed hesitation:

"His stealing of mountain mushrooms has nothing to do with us."

Several people live together and get along day and night. It is impossible to say that they do not have feelings, but they are not as good as a family.

When you see someone in distress, it’s okay to show concern.

But you can't implicate yourself.


Xu Liu snorted coldly:

"It's best not, otherwise he will be your fate!"

"Six sons, you've made your mark." Uncle Zheng laughed dryly:

"This is joining a gang, congratulations."

"You're welcome!" Xu Liu looked gloomy:

"That day when my uncle stabbed me with a knife, Liu Zi always remembered it. By the way, I want to tell you that this area will belong to our Giant Whale Gang from now on."

"When I have time, I will come here often!"

As he spoke, he motioned to the two people behind him:

"Let's go!"

Watching the three of them wander away, Uncle Zheng looked worried, while Zhou Yi cautiously approached Ergou and probed for his breathing.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Still alive, not dead."

"what happened?"

"That was Liu Zi just now, right?"

"It's him. Some time ago, he got some shitty luck and joined the Giant Whale Gang. He will also be a leader in the future."

At this time, the surrounding neighbors also gathered around and whispered.

Although Ergou was not dead, his condition was very bad. His body was covered with hideous wounds and he was dying. He didn't know if he could survive it.



Zhou Yi opened the door and stepped inside.

"How is it?" Uncle Zheng turned around and said:

"Have you heard anything?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yi nodded:

"Er Gou was frequently selling mushrooms in the market during this period, and he was targeted. Liu Zi and his men intercepted him on the way back to the city."

"Thankfully I wasn't caught on the spot, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back."

There was obviously an informant from the Giant Whale Gang at the market. Ergou was young and energetic, and had a show-off temperament, so it was normal for him to be targeted.


Aunt Bai's eyes were red and she complained in a low voice:

"I warned him a long time ago not to cause trouble, but he didn't listen. Now that he's in this situation, what's the use of making more money?"

"We are all farmers, so we can just live our lives honestly. It would be better if we give half to the gang members."

Zhou Yi shook his head:

"One more thing. Jimin Lane will be under the management of Giant Whale in the future. I heard that protection fees will be charged next month. I haven't said how much it will be."

"The soup kitchen will start from tomorrow, and it will also change from two events a day to one event a day."


Aunt Bai's face turned pale:

"If we don't have porridge, we still need to collect protection fees. The court has said that we refugees will be exempted from labor taxes for three years. Does the Yamen not care about this?"

"The Yamen must know." Uncle Zheng said in a low voice:

"The imperial court has exempted the refugees from labor taxes. It will definitely get it back from the wealthy businessmen and gangs, and they will come to exploit us again."


“In the end, nothing is inevitable!”

Zhou Yi remained silent.

Aunt Bai sighed.

"We have offended Liuzi. He is now a member of the Giant Whale Gang. He will inevitably make things difficult in the future. I think..." Uncle Zheng glanced at Aunt Bai:

"The method Lao Qi said is not impossible."

"Be a tenant?" Aunt Bai hesitated for a moment:

"I heard that it's 28 cents to be a tenant here. 80% of a year's harvest goes to the owner's family. I'm afraid the remaining 20% ​​won't be enough for food."

The so-called tenants are farmers who make a living by renting land from wealthy landlords.

The landlord provided the land, the tenants worked, and the harvest was distributed according to the agreed ratio, usually 70-30%. Only 20%-80% would be given if the owner was strict.


Uncle Zheng shook his head:

"The land here is fertile, 20% is enough for food and drink, and the owner provides the farmland. Plus I still have a few years of strength, so I will just rent a few more acres."

"In the countryside, there aren't that many strong men."

Aunt Bai opened her mouth but stopped talking.

She prefers to stay in the city, not only because the city is bustling with all kinds of things, but also because she can make money in the city.

When I go to the countryside, I have less consumption, but there are not many ways to make money.

"Xiao Yi."

Looking at Zhou Yi, Aunt Bai spoke slowly:

"what's your plan?"

"I..." Zhou Yi pondered for a moment, then shook his head:

"I plan to stay."

He had already made up his mind to join the Lin Family Martial Arts Academy. No matter what happened, he would still find a way to practice martial arts. How could he find a way to practice martial arts in the countryside?


Twenty-eight points?

Landlords and rich people will only squeeze people to the limit. If 20% can survive starvation, it will be divided into 20%. If 10% will not starve to death, it will be 1%.

This is no different from capitalist exploitation.

Regarding Zhou Yi's choice, both of them were full of regrets. After all, Uncle Zheng was already quite old and could not work for a few more years.

Zhou Yi is in his prime, so it would be nice to help him grow crops together.



Ergou's hoarse voice sounded, and Aunt Bai hurriedly stood up, brought a bowl of hot water to him and carefully gave it to him to drink, while touching his forehead.

"So hot?"

"External injuries and internal heat." Uncle Zheng approached and frowned:

"It's definitely not possible to survive this situation."

"Money." Ergou seemed to have vaguely heard something. He struggled to raise his right hand and pointed towards the straw where he often lay:

"my money."

Aunt Bai's eyes lit up and she hurriedly rummaged through the straw and found a heavy money bag.

With a slight shake, I'm afraid it won't cost more than a hundred coins.

"So much money?"

She subconsciously tightened her hand on the money bag, and then looked at the people present, her eyes were a little strange, and there was a hint of greed in her eyes.

"Ahem..." Uncle Zheng coughed dryly and waved towards her:

"The money belongs to Ergou, so we should buy him medicine."

"I'll go." Zhou Yi straightened up:

"I know a few words and can keep accounts. Would Aunt Bai want to come with me?"


Before Aunt Bai could refuse, Uncle Zheng had already nodded in agreement.


One hundred and five articles!

This was the money Ergou worked hard to earn. It seemed like a lot of money, but it was only enough to buy three sets of medicine from the drug store, and there was no doctor to consult him.

There are two opinions on whether it is symptomatic or not.

After taking three doses of medicine, whether he can survive depends entirely on whether he is alive.

In the next few days, Ergou continued to have a high fever, his lips were chapped and turned purple, he murmured from time to time in his sleep, and his body twitched from time to time.

Uncle Zheng and Aunt Bai stayed together openly, and even asked Nannan to call her daddy.

When times are tough, it’s normal to rely on each other to comfort each other.

The family of three has decided to become tenant farmers and is currently contacting nearby neighbors who are interested in doing so and planning to go together.

In this way, there will be care for each other in the future.

Five days later.

Uncle Zheng, Aunt Bai and Nannan said goodbye to Zhou Yi, accompanied by dozens of people, and they all went to Hongjiabao to work as tenants.

Mr. Hong is a retired official, and people who bear his name are exempted from corvee service. Moreover, Mr. Hong is kind-hearted and not very harsh on others.


These are just the information they have heard, and the specific situation will only become clear when the time comes.

When they parted, Uncle Zheng gave Zhou Yi his long knife. According to him, he never wanted to use swords or guns with others in his life.

Zhou Yi took out the jade plaque he picked up on a corpse on the way to exile. The jade quality was very poor, but it should be worth dozens of dollars.

When parting, it is inevitable to feel a little sad.

Nannan cried so hard that the pear blossoms were raining down.

As soon as a few people left, the room became much emptier.

Ergou is lucky. He no longer has a fever and can barely drink some gruel. However, his eyes are still dull and his consciousness is confused. He doesn't know when he will get better.

During this time, Uncle Zheng and Aunt Bai were running around all day, and Zhou Yi stayed at home except for occasionally going up the mountain, so he was quite free.

Fortunately, I have been practicing my knife skills.

With the 'Golden Finger' around, every time the Splitting Wind Sword is practiced, there will be certain gains.

After a period of time, I have become proficient in the moves, and the nine sword moves can be made almost with a wave of my hand. Sometimes the sword flashes brightly, which is quite bluffing.



The sword flashed, and an afterimage remained. The sword slashed through the air, and a subtle sword whistle was heard.


Zhou Yi was stunned and immediately threw his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness.


Splitting Wind Knife Technique: Proficient (1/100)

Breakthrough (4/100)

The Splitting Wind Sword Technique has already broken through the entry level and reached the level of proficiency, but it is unexpected to be able to cut out the afterimage that Uncle Zheng mentioned with just proficiency.

Little did I know.

Splitting Wind Sword Technique does not pay much attention to moves. How to stand empty and exert force is fundamental.

Zhou Yi practices regularly and constantly adjusts his force-generating skills as his proficiency improves. Naturally, he is far better than others who fumble blindly.

"Although I am fifteen, my body is not bad, and my strength is no less than that of a grown man. The Wind Splitting Sword can be twice as powerful when I go all out."

"Ordinary people should be no match."




The dead branches spread their leaves, covering the dead wood below.

Carefully peeling off the leaves and removing his clothes, Zhou Yi saw clusters of mountain mushrooms on the dead wood, which made Zhou Yi's heart beat wildly.

"The art of growing mushrooms..."

"It's done!"

After many verifications, a mature mushroom group was finally tested.

"Flat-headed cloud mushroom, pine mushroom, tiger palm mushroom..., is this a red pleated mushroom?"

"Mountain Treasures and Hundreds of Medicines" not only contains edible mountain mushrooms, but also records several poisonous mushrooms, of which the red pleated mushroom is one.

Taking a small amount of this mushroom can make people feel weak and drowsy, while an overdose can cause nausea, vomiting, and even hallucinations, until the internal organs rot and cause death.

"And poisonous mushrooms?"

Shaking his head, Zhou Yi took off the most valuable tiger palm mushroom. This mushroom was thick and plump, like a large piece of fat, and could greatly nourish the body.

Many hotels and restaurants charge it.

The price is not cheap either. Such a large flower should be sold for twenty or thirty cents.

"Fifty cents!"

Weighing the heavy bamboo basket, Zhou Yi grinned:

"Even if we divide it half, we still have more than 20 coins. I have hope for the future."

In addition to here, he also planted mushrooms in several secret places. As long as the time is up, he can pick them with a basket.

You no longer have to rely on luck and hard work like other people to have a stable harvest.

"Don't run!"

"Don't leave!"

The noise came from far away, getting closer and closer.

Zhou Yi's expression changed, he hurriedly covered the place where the mushrooms were grown, turned around and ran in the opposite direction.



Screams sounded one after another, and the fighting seemed to come from more than one place. Zhou Yi's eyes were panicked, and he had to climb a tree to escape.

He had encountered danger more than once in the mountains, and he had avoided the marauders at a distance, but this was the first time he encountered a large-scale armed fight.

Through the leaves, you can see the two forces fighting each other.

Qingyi thinks of it as the Qingzhu Gang, and Lanyi thinks of the Giant Whale Gang. These two major forces are gangs near Kunshan City and should not be dealt with at all.

As for the Lin family...

He also asked about it.

If the Green Bamboo Gang and the Giant Whale Gang are small local gangs, then the Lin family is a powerful family in the martial arts world.


Daughters of the Lin family can marry into the royal family and become concubines.



The fighting below turned into a one-sided situation. The number of people in the Qingzhu Gang was nearly half that of the Giant Whale Gang, and they were almost powerless to fight back.

As the sound of fighting faded away, Zhou Yi carefully slid down the tree and wanted to leave.


Two people from the Giant Whale Gang walked out from behind a tree and were startled when they saw him.


One of them raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"What a coincidence, I can still meet outsiders here. Is he dressed like this a refugee? Or a mountaineer?"

"Both of you."

Zhou Yi's throat rolled and he quietly stepped back:

"I was just passing by. I didn't see anything and I didn't know anything."

"You are sensible." The two of them looked at each other, and one of them grinned with triangular eyes:

"Put down your things first."

"..." Zhou Yi opened his mouth, then nodded slowly:


As he spoke, he slowly put down the bamboo basket.

Although mushrooms are valuable, they cannot be compared with your own life. If you can't afford conflict, it is better to be honest. Swords are not smart.

After putting down his things, he was leaving.

"Wait a moment!"

The triangular-eyed man frowned and said displeasedly:

"I asked you to put down all your belongings. You don't understand people, do you?"


Zhou Yi's expression changed, and he subconsciously clenched the handle of the knife, with hesitation in his eyes.

Without the knife, it means there is no resistance.

"Still considering it?"

The other person sneered and walked quickly:

"Think about you**!"

Amidst the angry curses, the person who came had already used his strength to speed up and slashed with his sword:

"Go to hell!"

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