Beiyin Great Sage

Chapter 515 Picking Mushrooms

If you have money, you can buy food;

If you have something to eat, you don’t have to go hungry and you can fill your stomach;

As long as you fill your stomach, your strength will be restored and you can continue to pass the level;

If you successfully pass the test, you will be able to join the Lin Family Martial Arts Academy and have the opportunity to practice real martial arts!


At the end of the day, you still have to make money!

The way to make money is right in front of you, don't miss it.

The drizzle began to fall at noon, and became more and more intense. In the afternoon, it not only did not stop, but turned into a heavy downpour, covering all directions.

"One less porridge."

Ergou touched his belly and complained:

"The soup kitchen stalls are all closed."

Two soup kitchens a day turned into one because of rain.

"Don't talk nonsense." Aunt Bai clasped her hands together, knelt on the ground and murmured:

"God must have his own ideas. We should be grateful. With this heavy rain, I don't know how many people can be saved."

Uncle Zheng didn't say a word, squatting at the door in a daze.

Zhou Yi understood his mood very well.

During the three-year drought, countless people begged God for rain, but in the end, their wives and children were separated and they became refugees.

Seeing the heavy rain pouring down, but not being in my hometown, I must have a very complicated mood.


After a long time, Uncle Zheng lowered his head and whispered with emotion:

"The land is fertile, rich and productive. It's such a good place. It would be great if you could settle down and settle down here."


The next day.

After the rain, the sky clears up.

After filling their stomachs early in the porridge soup team, the group headed towards the mountains south of the city, carrying prepared bamboo baskets and cloth bags.

Tens of thousands of refugees marched forward in waves. Looking down from a high altitude, they looked like countless ant colonies connected in a line.

"Mushrooms grow in dark and moist places, mostly on roots and rotten wood. Do not pick colorful mushrooms, as they are poisonous."

Uncle Zheng whispered:

"Grandma He next door said that the most common mushrooms in the mountains are straw mushrooms, pine mushrooms, and flat-headed cloud mushrooms. Among them, pine mushrooms are the most expensive when dried."

"There are also rare tiger palm mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, and ganoderma lucidum..."

"Ganoderma lucidum also comes from the mountains?" Ergou's eyes lit up:

"The kind of Ganoderma lucidum that can turn you into an immortal after eating it?"

"What are you thinking about?" Uncle Zheng laughed:

"If it were so easy to be a god, there would be gods all over the mountains, but Ganoderma lucidum is very valuable. One plant can be sold for dozens of dollars."

"Pick one and you won't have to worry about it for half a month!"

One plant costs dozens of dollars!

Hearing this, Ergou wished he could grow more legs. He quickly ran to the mountain and picked a few Ganoderma lucidum plants to make a fortune immediately.

The so-called Wangshan race to death.

Nanshan Mountain seemed to be very close, but by the time a few people actually arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was already past noon. They had exhausted their energy and were very hungry.


Aunt Bai took out a few prepared pancakes from her pocket and handed them over:

"Eat something to cushion your stomach first."

"This..." Ergou was stunned, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and he rubbed his hands and said:

"How embarrassing."

"Thank you." Zhou Yi took it generously and said:

"If I can really pick mushrooms and sell them for money, I'll count them as Aunt Bai's share. If I can't, I'll owe you a favor."

Aunt Bai is a prostitute and has a daughter with her. It is impossible to go too deep into the mountain and there is little possibility of picking mushrooms. Only a few people can help make the trip a waste. This is the meaning of the cakes prepared this time.

Rejection will be bad.

It is even more impossible to have free pie.

"That's right." Uncle Zheng smiled and handed Ergou a kind of pancake and said:

"We don't have to be polite. Although we come from different places, we are like a family. We should use the same energy as when we robbed the house and harvested ten or eight pounds of mushrooms."

At that time, the refugees were allocated housing, and they could grab one, but it was bloody.


Ergou nodded in agreement, but his expression was a little hesitant.

A few people ate the cakes with cold water and started walking up the mountain again.

Because there were too many people coming, he was worried that all the mountain mushrooms in front would be picked, so Uncle Zheng suggested taking a deserted path and going to the front to have a look.

Zhou Yi and Er Gou left Aunt Bai to guard the avenue, and the three of them continued to move forward.


"It's a mushroom!"

Ergou's sharp eyes were the first to spot a small cluster of wild mountain mushrooms, which should be the more common straw mushrooms. They were estimated to be three or four in weight.

"You're lucky kid."

Uncle Zheng smiled and patted his shoulder:

"Pick it yourself, let's go take a look at it."

Even if there are three people traveling together, whoever sees them first will get the final say, and in order to prevent arguments, the distance will gradually spread.

They only gather together during breaks.

There are no roads in the mountain forest, there are dead branches and fallen leaves everywhere, there are even vines and thorns, and there are even poisonous snakes and tigers hidden there. It is definitely not a good place.

Picking mushrooms sounds easy, but it’s hard when you actually do it.

If you're lucky, that's it. If you're not lucky, you may have a busy day and gain little.


Zhou Jia leaned against the tree and looked at Uncle Zheng, whose expression changed next to him, with concern in his voice:

"You don't look good, are you okay?"

Ergou's harvest was good. He was counting the mountain mushrooms he had picked. Hearing this, he glanced at Uncle Zheng, but he didn't care much.


Uncle Zheng waved his hand and said with a wry smile:

"You must be careful. I don't know when my problem started. When it rains, my lame leg hurts. There is no way to cure it."

As he spoke, he beat his right leg hard, with a look of hatred on his face.

Is this rheumatism?


Zhou Jia frowned and then whispered:

"Otherwise, uncle, don't stop picking. I don't think we will gain much in this day."

After wandering around for a long time, he only came across less than a kilogram of straw mushrooms. The price was only one or two big bucks, which may not be enough to consume the physical strength of Uncle Zheng.

To be honest, hurting my body for this is not worth the gain.

Picking mountain mushrooms is not suitable for Aunt Bai, who is fragile and has a child, and Uncle Zheng, who has an old illness.

Ergou opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

He was a little reluctant to go back now, but he was embarrassed to speak.


Uncle Zheng shook his head, then smiled:

"I may not be as good as you young people when it comes to picking mushrooms, but I still found a good thing."

As he spoke, he took out a short bamboo from behind:

"This kind of bamboo is called Qingye Bamboo. It can be made into bamboo tubes or weaved. It is sold in the market, and you can sell it for money if you cut it down properly."

"I have seen."

Ergou took a closer look, his eyes lit up, and he said hurriedly:

"Next time I encounter them, I'll chop a few of them too."

"It's not that easy." Uncle Zheng shook his head:

"This kind of bamboo is very tough. It's not easy to cut it. The kitchen knives you two have will only break the blade."

"You have to have this thing, and you have to have skills!"

As he spoke, he shook the machete in his hand.

Most refugees have weapons for self-defense, but most of them are kitchen knives, which can be used for self-defense and cutting vegetables. Uncle Zheng has a machete because he has served as a soldier.

"Get up."

He stood up and waved to the two of them:

"It's getting dark, so hurry up and look around to see if you can pick more mountain mushrooms. It would be unlucky if you don't harvest anything after a busy day."


Luck is sometimes really unpredictable. Just a moment before he was about to leave, Zhou Yi found a few clusters of mountain mushrooms and harvested a lot.

Some even enjoyed it, and the two dogs who had a great harvest were reluctant to part with them.

stand up straight,

Clapping his hands, Zhou Jia put the mushrooms away and was about to turn around and leave when the light and shadow in the sun caught his attention.

The sun shines through the leaves and onto the grass, and a lot of dust can be seen undulating and flying in the halo.


It should be clusters of spores, right?



Growing mushrooms?

Zhou Yi stretched out his hand and touched the powder, and an ancient mushroom cultivation article called 'Flower Chopping Method' flashed through his mind.

The so-called ‘flower chopping method’ is actually more appropriately called the ‘flower chopping method’.

The ancient man Wu Sangong observed that mountain mushrooms often grow in cracked trees, so he tried to see if he could grow mountain mushrooms himself.

Although I don’t understand the relationship between spores, mycelium and mountain mushrooms, I have summarized a set of planting methods after many attempts.

It can be roughly divided into steps such as making walls, chopping flowers, covering clothes... mushrooms, and cultivating mushrooms.

This is also the origin of mushroom cultivation.

As a liberal arts student who claimed to be well-read, Zhou Yi had also briefly read this article. Although the details were vague, he still remembered the general steps.

I wonder if the Earth’s mushroom cultivation technique still works in this world?

Try it?

"Xiao Yi."

Uncle Zheng's voice sounded:

"It's getting dark, stop looking, let's go!"


Zhou Yi’s voice mentioned:

"Come here."

Then he turned around and looked for something similar to mycelium in the place where he had just picked mushrooms. He also found a dead tree that had fallen on the ground nearby and chopped it into pieces.

After a little processing according to the mushroom cultivation technique, he turned around and walked in the direction of the sound.

There is definitely no time this time, so we can only come back tomorrow.




While Aunt Bai was waiting for a few people, she actually picked two kilograms of wild mushrooms. She said it was because her daughter was running around and encountered a bunch of wild mushroom bushes.

Uncle Zheng was amazed at this luck.


At the intersection of going down the mountain, a few people were startled by the faint sound of shouting.

"Separate half of the things on your hands before you can go down the mountain." At some point, a dozen men in blue t-shirts and shorts, armed with knives and guns, were guarding the intersection of going down the mountain.


Someone in front said angrily:

"Does this mountain still belong to you?"

"You're really right!" A man in blue with a hooked nose said with a sneer:

"The mountains here belong to our Giant Whale Gang. For the sake of the Yamen Master, we don't care if you go up the mountains."

"But if you take something from the mountain, you can't take it for nothing!"


The sharp blade was unsheathed and pointed directly at a group of refugees carrying bamboo baskets. The cold killing intent was more piercing than the cold wind in the evening:

"Honestly divide the things in half, otherwise..."

"You can try!"


Uncle Zheng frowned.

Ergou tightened the mushrooms on his back, his face full of reluctance.


Even if he gained a lot today, he would not be able to give out more than half of it, and he would also give part to Aunt Bai and Nannan.

As for whether the ‘Giant Whale Gang’ dares to take action?

Why doesn't the court care about this?

Along the way, they have seen a lot of things that take human life seriously. The Giant Whale Gang may not dare to be arrogant in the city, but who will care about it outside the city?

Who dares to take care of it?

Immediately speak carefully:

"How about we go around? The mountain is so big, we can get out from anywhere, and can we still be found by them?"

"Don't be impulsive." Zhou Yi shook his head hurriedly:

"We are new here, and we are not familiar with the nearby roads. Besides, it is impossible for them to be unprepared. It would be bad if they are discovered."

Ergou curled his lips and cast a questioning look at Uncle Zheng, but neither Uncle Zheng nor Aunt Bai wanted to take any risks.

"That's it!"

Eyes flickering, Ergou looked fierce:

"If you don't go, I'll do it myself!"

As he spoke, he stamped his feet fiercely, turned around and ran towards the back. Without waiting for Zhou Yi to speak to dissuade him, he disappeared into the dense bushes and disappeared.

"Stop trying to persuade me."

Uncle Zheng shook his head gently:

"Ergou and we are not the same people."

"Let's go!"

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