Although the entire port has just taken shape, in some respects it is more convenient and easier to use than the port in Luburg City.

And on the morning of the eleventh day, the merchant ships who came to purchase the king shrimp were all surprised by the sudden appearance of the port in the Banshee Canyon.

However, everyone on these merchant ships knew about the strange abilities of the banshees. Everyone agreed that it must have been built before, but it was covered by the banshees and only released now.

That's the only way to explain it.

Immediately, people on dozens of merchant ships entered the port to enter into the transaction.

Rennes is keeping the price of king shrimp very low today.

There are still 30,000 gold coins for one piece of seven hundred gold coins.

Of course, this is the price at which the Chamber of Commerce buys goods from the Banshee Canyon.

The retail price of these chambers of commerce is still above one thousand gold coins.

Even some chambers of commerce were lucky enough to meet some aristocrats who were not well-informed, and they could still sell them at a high price of several thousand gold coins.

However, the few uninformed nobles can no longer affect the market.

In addition, after the price dropped, some wealthy people also started to consume king shrimp.

However, today's emperor shrimp is not packed by the banshees in space bags to load these chambers of commerce, but after these chambers of commerce receive them, they send people to load them with magic carts.

After the 20 piers were opened at the same time, the efficiency of loading goods today is not slower than that of the banshees who use space bags to load goods.

In just over an hour, all the merchant ships had finished loading and then set sail.

"Don't say, this port in the Banshee Canyon is much easier to use than the port in Lubao City. Loading and unloading in Lubao City is troublesome."

On some merchant ships, some sailors discussed.

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. When the port in the Banshee Canyon did not appear before, these people don't think that sometimes, now that there is a port in the Banshee Canyon, many sailors suddenly feel that the port in Luburg City is simply too backward.

In Luburg City, it takes dozens or even more people to work for half a day to load and unload a ship of cargo, even a slightly larger ship.

That night, Rennes made some constructions on the Banshee Canyon.

These constructions are mainly concentrated on the buildings of the banshees.

All the banshee cabins were upgraded to four stars by Rennes.

In addition, the area where the banshees lived was also moved to the north of the banshee canyon. Ren also spent gold coins to further increase the terrain of the area where the banshees lived.

Originally, the Banshee Canyon was quite high, with a height of more than 100 meters from the top to the water surface, and it was quite steep.

That is, the area where the black mist is filled has a very gentle slope. That area was connected to the ruined city before, but that area is also divided into two parts.

One part is the side close to the mainland, and the slope on that side is quite gentle.

One is the part near the ocean, and this side is steeper.

The ruined city was thus divided into two parts. It is said that the side close to the mainland used to be the port area of ​​the city, while the city above the steep canyon on the other side was the private estate of the city lord.

The banshees live now, mainly on the side close to the ocean.

The side close to the mainland is the Banshee Peninsula and the side close to the ocean has become an independent island due to the existence of the Banshee Canyon.

This island is not small, with a length of more than 300 kilometers and a width of more than 100 kilometers. The other side of the island is connected to some broken island groups. The island group has complicated water conditions and many hidden reefs, making it difficult for ships to cross. .

In the past, when Banshee Canyon was not open to navigation, all ships had to detour from outside the islands, so they detoured quite a long way.

Rennes raised the height of the canyon in the area where the banshees lived by more than 100 meters, and then Rennes also built some mist towers, which can fill the area where the banshees live with fog, and the vision of the banshees It won't have much impact, but if someone looks from the opposite side or below, it's basically invisible.

On the opposite side of the banshee's living area, Rennes also built some buildings to enclose that side to prevent someone from attacking the banshee's living area from the opposite side.

After this wave of construction is completed, the area where the banshees live will become more independent and safer.

Then Ren also upgraded the buildings that are useful to the banshees, such as the meditation hut, the magic hut to 2 stars, and built a library for the banshees.

The defense of the Banshee Canyon has also been improved a lot by Rennes.

Although the rating of the Banshee Canyon itself is only 2 stars, Ren can arrange the magic cannons made by the Mermaid Weapon Workshop. Ren has added 40 magic cannons to the Banshee Canyon, so that the magic cannons in the Banshee Canyon can always The volume reached 50 doors.

These 50 magic cannons are mainly 2-star, and a small number of magic cannons have been upgraded to 4-star by Rennes.

These magic cannons combined with the Sea God's curse further increased the safety of the Banshee Canyon.

After these buildings were built, Rennes discovered on the system panel that the port can be further expanded to add functional buildings.

The current port is built on the side close to the mainland, which is not close to the area where the banshees live. In addition, Rennes' transformation of the living area of ​​the banshees will not cause any interference to the lives of the banshees.

Anyway, every step of the operation will trigger the main task, and these buildings are not very expensive, so Renn built them directly on the system panel.

On the morning of the twentieth day, all constructions were basically completed.

On this day, the price of king shrimp still dropped further.

However, there are still many merchant ships arriving.

After the news spread, people from two or three distant kingdoms in the north also came, and some merchants from the inland kingdoms ran directly to Banshee Canyon.

As a result, the 30,000 king shrimps released by Rennes were all robbed.

"Wang, you can take the opportunity to raise the price."

Seeing this situation, Debra said.

Ren shook his head slightly, and said: "The price increase will not be so fast, and the extra money will not be earned."

After the price comes down, the price increase can only be increased by one or two hundred gold coins at most, and it can only be increased once or twice. There is no need to increase the price of gold coins for this.

The reputation of the ghost ship owner is still necessary.

This has been shipped until the fifteenth day, and the price of the king shrimp has basically reached the bottom.

The current wholesale price has been reduced to 300 gold coins by Rennes.

And on this day, Jingyue Chamber of Commerce's fleet also arrived at the Banshee Canyon as promised.

After the wholesale price was reduced to 300 gold coins, the price of the chamber of commerce was basically 400 to 500 gold coins, and the king shrimp could start to sell to the mass market.

This market is the market of ordinary people.

This world is not as poor as imagined, especially the coastal kingdoms, which are quite rich, and even some civilians live a good life. If these civilians grit their teeth, or get together with relatives and friends, they are willing to taste the king shrimp There are many people.

After all, the name of the king shrimp is there.

Of course, if ordinary people want to spend, they probably still have to wait. The current retail price of four to five hundred gold coins is more for some rather wealthy craftsmen, teachers, small businessmen and so on.

During the five days of sales, although the price dropped again and again, Renn still sold 150,000 king shrimps. On average, each time there was 500 gold coins. In five days, more than 70 million gold coins were collected again.

In the next sale, Rennes is not going to follow up.

"I put hundreds of thousands of king prawns in the warehouse. Starting tomorrow, you will set the price based on the base price you heard from the merchants. Tomorrow, 50,000 will be released, and the number will gradually increase later. The price for the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce will remain the same. But don’t limit yourself.”

Ryan said to Debra.

"Yes, king!"

Debra said.

After giving the order, Ren took the gold coins and left Banshee Canyon.

After returning to Mermaid Island, Ren took a look at the situation. It took five days for the armor to be partially built.

All the armors needed by the sea elves have been crafted, after all, there are only more than a thousand pairs.

Ren was not in a hurry, he upgraded both the library of Mermaid Island and the library of Ocean Tree to four stars.

One-star library has one million gold coins, two-star library has two million coins, three-star library has four million coins, and four-star library has eight million coins.

Both libraries used to be two-star, so this upgrade cost a total of 24 million gold coins.

If it was before, Rennes would be reluctant to upgrade like this.

But now, rich and powerful.

After the library was upgraded, Ren entrusted the Jingyue Chamber of Commerce to purchase some precious magic books and some books on geography and history that can expand knowledge. It can expand the amount of books inside and increase the knowledge of mermaids and sea elves.

It takes a lot of time to build two 4-star libraries.

After Ren built several new buildings, he was ready to start the breeding ranch first.

The girl Eve rushed over after hearing the news, and Liya wanted to go with her, but Ren saw that Liya was very close to the sixth level, so he asked Liya to concentrate on her cultivation.

Anyway, this trip won't take much time.

"Let's go, Eve."

Ren said to Eve.


Eve nodded, she still liked the feeling of staying silently beside Ren.

After entering the whale ship, the whale ship slowly descended.

On this trip, Ren took five whale ships and asked Eve to transfer 20 killer whales.

Five whale ships and 20 killer whales headed to the southeast in a mighty way.

While on the road, Renn clicked out the panels of the Banshee Canyon from time to time to carry out some construction.

The current Banshee Canyon can already be upgraded to a 3-star rating, but it is still stuck in the population.

For this reason, Debra has sent more than 20 banshees to look for them. According to Debra, the total number of sea banshees should be more than a thousand, but they just need to be found.

Ren is still unclear about how the banshees were born, anyway, they were not born like humans.

Ryan and Debra also had a better time.

Never did any measures like that.

Debra's stomach didn't move at all.

However, Debra told Ren that when she was born, she existed in a pure energy body for a long time in a daze. After her strength became stronger, she gradually possessed the current body. She couldn't tell how she was born. .

And this banshee group was slowly gathered after she was born.

Although the rating failed to improve, Rennes continued to build.

He piled up all the buildings that could be built. Anyway, the 2-star buildings don't cost much.

After this is built, once the population breaks through in the future, it will be able to directly reach 3 stars. At that time, another wave of upgrades will directly increase the rating of the Banshee Canyon to 4 stars.

At that time, the banshees will grow faster.

And Ryan soon found out

, the construction of the port does not seem to be affected by the rating of the Banshee Canyon, and it is an auxiliary building belonging to the Banshee Canyon.

Moreover, the experience provided by the construction of the port is not bad, and the cost of gold coins is not too much, so once the previous buildings are completed and the rewards for the main task arrive, Rennes will start a new round of construction.

In this way, after twenty hours or so, the large force finally arrived at the location.

There, there is already a whale ship waiting.

After the mermaid reported the situation, Renn sent a whale ship with a dozen mermaids to watch first.

The space inside the whale ship is good, and the mermaids can also rest in it.

"King, it's right below."

A mermaid said.

Five Cetus ships began to dive.

This area is already quite far from the mainland, and there are basically no people coming here, and the depth of the sea is not bad.

Giant shrimp soldiers are deep-water shrimps. If the water is shallow, they will not be able to reproduce, and the meat quality will be similar.

The bottom of the sea soon arrived, and Ryan discovered that there was actually a shallow trench here.

Yes, not deep trenches, just shallow trenches.

This shallow trench is only sunken for more than 2,000 meters, and the giant shrimp soldier's nest is in a hole in the wall of the shallow trench.

However, there were quite a few fish guarding the nest. When the giant shrimp soldiers first crawled out of the nest, they were only the size of a palm, which was considered quite a big shrimp. The fish guarding around rushed to hunt.

Those fish are also clever, they will not enter the giant shrimp soldier's nest, but guard outside, eating long lines.

This is not to say that these fish are intelligent fish, this is purely the instinct of animals to hunt.

"Wang, there are no other large groups of marine life in this area. There should have been some ancient sharks and ancient whales in this area before, but the ancient whales have almost been summoned by Sister Eve. There are still some sharks active in this area."

The mermaid reported again.

During these five days, they didn't just wait here, but got to know the surrounding situation almost.

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