Using robots for some basic work isn't a big deal in the galaxy.

Although idealistic civilizations believe that robots are "evil", and "artificial intelligence" is a defilement of the sanctity of consciousness.

But in fact, there are still many idealistic scientists secretly studying robots and exploring the mysteries of the "soul".

Needless to say, other civilizations that are not against robots, who doesn’t like a robot that never sleeps, works hard, never complains no matter how it is treated, and only pays a barrel of motor oil for its wages?

Even some civilizations with underdeveloped artificial intelligence technology will improve their basic production capacity by importing robots produced by other civilizations.

In the black market of the galaxy, high-end mechanical populations are very popular, just like species with psionic abilities, basically they will be wiped out within the same day.

However, although the use of robots is very common, all galactic civilizations invariably keep the "artificial intelligence" supporting robots at a relatively low level.

There may be a few mad scientists who will ignore the government's ban and study "artificial intelligence that is indistinguishable from life", but civilization as a whole does not advocate the existence of "strong artificial intelligence".

The reason is also very simple, because there are real omnic civilizations in the galaxy.

Obviously, some unlucky ones have failed to grasp the scale of artificial intelligence, making themselves a warning sign for galactic civilization.

Whenever someone calls for "please give artificial intelligence citizenship", "they are not machines, they are also life", the omnic civilization in the galaxy will calm these people down like a sharp sword.

After all, after giving up their rights step by step, their final outcome may be that there is no place for them to stay, and the entire civilization becomes a paradise for omnics.

But this kind of thing is only for "strong artificial intelligence". Most of the robots in the galaxy are weak artificial intelligence. They act according to the established instructions. It is just an "imitation" supported by a large amount of data.

No one will regard this kind of robot as the same kind, just like most people don't have much emotion for tools. If the tool is broken, they will feel distressed, and then change it, that's all.

Therefore, when the mutation started to happen, not many people noticed the abnormality.

The Mingbo Technological Dictatorship was the first anomalous civilization, and they accepted many scientists from the "Conqueror Empire" with generous treatment.

Although these scientists were once aristocrats, they had received excellent education and accepted the fact that they could no longer live as nobles.

——Of course, this is the case in name. They are now Ming Bo's elite class, and they are also flourishing in Ming Bo with the technology they brought and their own scientific research capabilities.

So did one of their scientists, who had stolen some sort of top-secret storage at the heart of the Royal Academy when he defected from the Empire.

Although in the end nothing in the storage was analyzed, Ming Bo still rewarded him for his "heroic" behavior and gave him the best treatment.

But the scientist was puzzled. He knew very well that such a waste could not be preserved in the Imperial Academy of Sciences. However, after he checked it himself, he also found that the storage was really empty, as if it had been preserved Its contents were missing.

Out of curiosity, the scientist began to study the top-secret storage, and at the same time, tried to infer what should have been in the top-secret storage with the help of the information he had stolen with him.

His previous scientific research experience allowed him to focus on one thing without sleeping and eating, so he soon discovered something.

"...Strange, there are no records related to this top-secret storage device in the data, but judging from some clues, those records seem to have been deleted artificially."

The scientist flipped through the material, comparing it to the memory in his brain.

The information he obtained repeatedly emphasized that the empire only found that kind of warship from the barrier planet, and found nothing else.

But according to his experience working with other imperial scientists, he clearly remembered that a scientist who was in charge of "lost technology" mentioned several times that they had two important discoveries in the barrier planet.

"One of them is a warship, so what is the other? Is it so secret?"

He subconsciously thought that the relevant information had been deleted by the empire officials, but his premonition made him feel that things were not that simple.

So he remembered something, then got up and took out a storage device from a dark room in the room.

This is an extremely primitive storage device that relies on purely mechanical operations to preserve information, with limited storage capacity.

However, in the interstellar era where all kinds of hard-to-defend electronic viruses prevail, this kind of primitive storage device still has a certain market.

The one in the scientist's hand came from one of his scientist colleagues. At that time, they agreed to defect to the empire together, but before leaving, the colleague died inexplicably at home.

Time was running out, and scientists only had time to take away the original storage device.

However, at this time, the scientist recalled the incident again and felt more and more problematic.

Their escape plan was extremely meticulous, and that colleague was alone, so there was absolutely no possibility of leaking the secret.

After negating all the possibilities one by one, the scientists actually felt that the robots staying at their colleagues' homes were highly suspected of committing crimes!

He was in a hurry that day, so he didn't notice it. Thinking about it now, it seems that those robots didn't stay at home, but disappeared inexplicably.

Thinking about it this way, scientists began to use complex means to extract the information in this storage device.

He hadn't paid attention to this device before, because this decompression method was too troublesome, but now it seems that there is a lot of secrets in it.

After a long extraction process, he discovered that what was stored in it was only a video record.

Due to limited storage capacity, this video is very low-definition, and even the audio is extremely blurry.

But scientists can still tell that this is somewhere in the Imperial Academy, and a group of scientists seem to be sighing because of something.

A series of dialogues are not nutritious, but there is an extremely important message at the end of the video:

... Guys, I've made a big discovery! The signal we found from the barrier planet is very similar to the "ghost signal" sent out when the "guardian" changes, and they seem to be products of the same source!

This information surprised the scientists: "...Sure enough, not only warships were found in the barrier planet, but also a strange signal... But why, the relevant information of this signal has been deleted?"

The increasingly curious scientist failed to notice that his door had slipped open a crack.

And a "housekeeping robot" outside the door, for some reason, the indicator light on its body was flashing a dangerous red light,

It looked at the concentrating scientist, and then gently opened the door——

"—You mean, a scientist was electrocuted and passed out because of a leak in the housekeeping robot?"

One of Minber's law enforcement officers impatiently answered the new call, and then repeated again: "Our robots are safe and will not have this kind of problem."

"You are the 326th report I have received this month about 'robots hurting people'. Can you stop blaming the robots all the time? Don't you guys know that we are very busy? "

After some complaints, the law enforcement officer hung up the call to the police very rudely, and kept muttering: "... Omnic Crisis? Have you watched too many movies... There is no artificial intelligence here, let's look far away. Synthetic evolution here..."

It didn't take long for Mingbo's "robot hurting people" incident that was prevalent for a while suddenly disappeared, as if those hurting robots chose to leave at the same time and went to an unknown place.

Similar to Minbo, other civilizations that widely use robots have more or less similar accidents, but they return to calm after a period of time.

The most reported ones are all kinds of "disappearance of robots" incidents. The large-scale disappearance of robots makes the galactic civilization wonder whether there is a group that specializes in stealing robots.

They never imagined that these missing robots would have such big consequences.

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