Become the Daughter of Gu Aotian

Chapter 802: Opportunity to become stronger

The preparations for the final exam of Magic Academy arrived, and the atmosphere inside the school began to become depressed.

Many students in the college who don't usually study seriously, also began to study hard at this time.

"The final exam is coming soon. I don't know how I will do in the exam? I'm so worried!"

Verelika put down the book, sighed, lying on the table like a salted fish.

Although Verelika's academic performance is very good, but if she fails to get the first place, Sister Alshey and Sister Elizabeth will be disappointed in her!

"Our class feels a lot of pressure. If the class fails to get the first place in the school, it will feel very embarrassing." Gutilika said anxiously with her book covering her face.

The first class is the fast class in the fast class, and the academic performance crushes the whole year.

The other classes basically cannot surpass the first class, after all the seedlings of the magic caster are all in the same class.

After speaking, Gutilika looked at the classmates who were trying hard to review, and she continued to review seriously.

"The two of you who are in the top five are embarrassed and bitter, and Vidi, who is the last one, will cry. You know, the students who are the first to fifth in the class will be demoted to the second class."

The twin ponytail girl Renee pointed to the horned girl wearing glasses and said to the twins dissatisfied.

The twins are too Versailles.

"Are you talking about me? No! I study until late at night, and I will definitely be able to pass this time. Moreover, I used to have bad eyes and can't see clearly. Now with this pair of glasses, I have no problem." The horned lady Vidy held on to the shiny glasses and reviewed with confidence.

The students in the first phase of Magic Academy are divided into twelve classes, six quick classes and six ordinary classes.

The odd-numbered class is the fast class, and the even-numbered class is the ordinary class.

The first class corresponds to the second class, the third class corresponds to the fourth class, and so on.

The remuneration of the fast class and the ordinary class is completely different, and the salary of the fast class is three times that of the ordinary class.

This makes ordinary class students very envious, they all want to be students in fast class.

This stimulates the students in the ordinary class to study hard and continue to work hard. After all, if they get good grades in the test, they can enter the fast class.

The top five students in the regular class test will be transferred to the fast class in the next semester, and their salaries will also increase.

The five students from the back of the fast class will be transferred to the ordinary class in the next semester, and their pay will be greatly reduced, and they may be laughed at by their classmates.

Therefore, the students in the fast class are also under great pressure. No one wants to be the tail of the crane and is transferred to the ordinary class to study, losing their original benefits.

This practice of letting ordinary class students want to be among the best, and making fast class students not want to be the tail of a crane, forms a virtuous circle in the college, allowing students to continue to study hard.

Moreover, the college also has a variety of rewards, encouraging those students at the end of the crane to work hard, as long as they make progress in their studies, they can also get some rewards.

There are also talents with special skills and special abilities who will also receive strong support to encourage them to study and master their abilities so that these abilities can find their own place.

Some students in the class are discussing the news that the college just released today.

"Have you heard? After the final exam, those with excellent scores can participate in the field combat to improve their level."

"Actual combat in the field, can it be done with our little ones?"

"I don't know, but there should be no major problems with the teacher and the principal."

Some students are full of worries and fears about this field combat. They are too young to have any strength to fight.

There are also some students who burst into the second grade and imagine their domineering swept all directions after upgrading.

"Verelika, actual combat in the field should be dangerous, are you afraid?"

"With Sister Elizabeth, I don't think there is anything to be afraid of."

Facing Renee's question, Verelica answered confidently.

"Verelika really believes in the principal!" Although Renee felt that Principal Elizabeth was very strong, she had no idea how strong it was.

"Of course, Sister Elizabeth is even better than Sister Alshey, we don't have to worry at all." Verelica said confidently.

"Yeah, sister Elizabeth said that the actual field combat is to take us to fight monsters and upgrade. After the upgrade, we will become stronger, and when we become stronger, we can learn flying magic."

Gutilika had only flying magic in her eyes. Others don't care much. After all, in this field practice, not only the older sister, Arsie, but also the more powerful older sister Elizabeth played.

Gutilika looked at Marisa sitting in the front row with jealousy. Now the strongest student in this college is Marisa.

Marissa was originally unremarkable, but she was the only one who could use restoration magic without faith, so she got Elizabeth's guidance and her strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Even if he can gain experience with recovery magic, Archie also said that Marissa's upgrade speed is faster than ever before.

Marissa is worthy of being a disciple under the personal guidance of Her Royal Highness Elizabeth.

"You must participate in field combat during the holidays, so that you can get the guidance of sister Elizabeth." Gutilika said to Verelika and Renee.



Verelica and Renee nodded.

"I want to participate too." Niujiaoniang whispered, and then desperately reviewed.

Three days later, the final exam came to an end in various tests. Those students with poor grades were sad because they missed the field.

I heard that by participating in this field combat, you can be as strong as Marisa, the number one student in the academy.

This makes those students who fail the exam feel sad that they missed such a good opportunity to become strong.

Before the holiday, all the students gathered on the playground, waiting for the headmaster Elizabeth's advice.

Principal Elizabeth walked onto the podium in the playground to the warm applause.

Standing on the podium, Elizabeth looked at the lovely children and preached loudly:

"Teachers and classmates, good afternoon! Before the holiday, you must have heard today that our college is going to conduct field combat. In fact, the teacher will take you to the field to fight monsters, so that you can quickly upgrade and become stronger. This is a good one. If you missed this village, there would be no store. So no matter how the final exam results are, all students can sign up for field combat. The principle is voluntary. Students who don’t participate in UU reading, please download One semester may become the weakest student in the college, so you have to consider it carefully!"

Hearing Principal Elizabeth said that all the students can participate, the students suddenly boiled over.

Those who were originally not eligible to participate, went from being depressed to extremely excited, and now they can participate, and they all squeezed to sign up.

This is an opportunity to become stronger!

If you don’t participate, you will obviously fall behind others by a big margin next semester. It is also possible to become the tail of a crane. Motivated students are not willing to become the tail of a crane.

Most students are excited to sign up, but there are also some timid students who are afraid of the outdoor environment and are reluctant to participate.

After all, they had never left Yelan Tier since they were young, and they were full of uneasy fear of the outside world.

Elizabeth didn't force them to participate. She could become stronger if she was brave. If she didn't even have this courage, then this opportunity to become stronger would have no chance for them.

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