Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 803: Complicated family

Kong Boyao frowned and said to the doctor: "Doctor Ju, the two uncles of the Zhang family and the Zheng family, and recommended Mr. Tang at the same time, it must be reasonable. He can cure my father’s disease. Our entire family, I have to thank him."

His tone has been as relaxed as possible, but it can also be seen that he has suppressed the anger in his heart.

The faces of the mother and daughter were slightly triumphant.

Tang Feng thought to himself, it seems that this doctor should have a closer relationship with Kong Shuchou, and Kong Liangji should trust him more, so Kong Boyao didn't dare to offend him, even if he was dissatisfied, he could only endure it.

From this point of view, before Kong Shuchou, in front of Kong Liangji, should have been more favored than Kong Bo.

Kong Boyao could bear it, but Tang Feng could not bear it.

Tang Feng didn't change his face, even his smile became more obvious, and he said calmly: "Then Doctor Ju thinks, what should this happen?

"If you can't cure Mr. Kong, you will apologize to him and the young master and the third wife, admitting that you are a nameless man, and Mr. Kong is kind-hearted, and I will definitely not blame you." The shoulders looked triumphant.

Zhang Qingyu and Mr. Zheng were sitting on pins and needles, looking at Tang Feng, for fear that he would be furious.

But Tang Feng didn't have the slightest anger.

If the person who provokes him is equal to him, he will treat these words as a challenge.

But facing someone who was far behind him, he just felt funny.

Will there be someone who will look at the provocation of an ant?

Tang Feng smiled faintly, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

He just wanted to know, this doctor dared to be so arrogant, what exactly was his hole card.

Is he really sure to cure Kong Liangji?

Kong Shuchou's wife was even more proud, and she said, "Yes, my father is always kind. As long as you admit a mistake, he will forgive you. It's just that you are the sign of the Pingyang genius doctor. Don't use it in the future. "

Zhang Qingyu almost wanted to jump up and cover her mouth.

The doctor uttered wild words to Tang Feng, he was an outsider after all.

Even if he offends Tang Feng, one sentence can draw a line between him, but this woman is Kong Liangji’s daughter-in-law, and she offends Tang Feng. If Tang Feng doesn’t treat Kong Liangji, that’s it. It's irretrievable.

But this woman didn't notice the situation at all. Instead, she had a proud look. She looked at Tang Feng as if she was waiting for him to be ugly in public.

Her daughter, also knowing how to help, said: "You apologize quickly, so we can take grandpa back and let Doctor Ju treat him! Don't waste time, so as not to delay my grandpa's condition."

The corners of Tang Feng's lips moved slightly, almost unable to restrain his smile.

When the Kong family first arrived, he couldn't think of how things would be so interesting.

Kong Liangji leaned back on the wheelchair, panting for a while, then cast an apologetic look at Tang Feng, then turned his head to Kong Boyao and the mother and daughter, and said, "You go out."

Tang Feng knew that Kong Liangji was afraid that he would really not be able to watch the situation in this room at this moment, and wanted to tell him all these things, but some things were inconvenient to speak in front of the people in his family.

"Father--" Kong Boyao's expression changed slightly. He wanted to say something, but he nodded silently to Kong Liangji's gaze, and walked out of the living room.

The mother and daughter looked at each other, still with reluctant expressions on their faces, but they both went out the same way.

"You, all go out." Kong Liangji said again.

This time, everyone who followed him in, including the doctor, looked at each other.

The doctor bent down and said in Kong Liangji's ear: "Mr. Kong, your physical condition is extremely unstable now. If we are not here, what will happen to you, I'm afraid--"

Kong Liangji closed his eyes and shook his head slightly.

The doctor saw that Kong Liangji's attitude was very resolute, and he dared not say anything, he made a gesture to the two nurses and led them out.

Kong Boyao and the mother and daughter, although they were out of the living room, did not leave the door too far, they both kept their ears erect, wanting to hear what was going on inside.

Kong Liangji naturally knew this too. He slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

After entering the door, although Kong Liangji had always been very weak, the expression on his face and the aura revealed on his body were extremely firm and full of aura.

But at this time, this sigh seemed very lonely.

There is a feeling that the hero is late, or the general situation is gone.

Tang Feng smiled faintly, raised his finger, and stopped, and said: "What do you want to say, that is, you can't hear it outside."

There was an incredible expression on Kong Liangji's face.

He just saw Tang Feng's finger pointing in the direction of the door. He didn't see what he was doing, but he heard what he said, so he was naturally quite surprised.

Zhang Qingyu looked at Kong Liangji, with a smile on his face, and said: "Old Kong, Mr. Tang's words are true. If you have anything to say, you can tell him, if it is not convenient for you to say, you can let me and the old Zheng helps you to say, if there is something wrong, you can correct it in time."

According to Kong Liangji's current situation, it is naturally impossible to discuss something with Tang Feng in a long form.

However, both Zhang and Zheng were obviously very knowledgeable about his situation, and he let the others leave, but did not let them both out, so he also had this idea.

Kong Liangji nodded and reluctantly said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, please forgive the old and rude, so I will support these two brothers and tell you about my situation."

Tang Feng nodded again.

Although he probably guessed the same about the Confucian family, he still wanted to hear some of the details, especially what the doctor was thinking of treating him, and why Kong Boyao refused.

Zhang Qingyu looked at Kong Liangji, leaned towards him, and then said to Tang Feng: "There are four sons and two daughters in Kong’s home. It is his eldest son who is with him today, and the mother and daughter are him. The eldest son's daughter-in-law and daughter, Kong Lao had three wives successively. The eldest son and eldest daughter were born to the first wife, the second son was born to the second wife, and the rest were children of the current wife.

Such a complicated family situation, in the eyes of ordinary people, is unbelievable, but in these big families, it is extremely common.

If you have money, sometimes you can really feel confident.

The more the so-called upper class, the more inferior things they may do. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 803 Complex Family) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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