Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 801: Confucianism

As soon as the man's words were uttered, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

Zhang Qingyu and Mr. Zheng were originally sitting on the sofa, looking at Tang Feng, and upon hearing this, they immediately bounced off the sofa and stared at the man.

Zhang Qingyu pointed with his hand, looking like that, he wanted to reprimand him, but after all, he was the head of a big family. Even under such circumstances, he quickly controlled his emotions and withdrew. hand.

This person was brought by the Confucian family. As an outsider, he certainly could not blame others in the presence of the Patriarch of the Confucian family and the young master.

Grandpa Zheng also had the same idea as Zhang Qingyu. After a brief shock, together with him, he looked at Kong Boyao.

Although Kong Liangji, the Patriarch of the Kong family, was also present at this moment, but he was still breathing quickly. At this moment in his situation, no one can expect him to stand up and say something. Naturally, everyone's eyes are focused on Kong Boyao's body.

Kong Boyao's face was also pale, but he did not directly get angry. He could see that he suppressed the emotions in his heart and swept towards the man with an angry look.

There was full majesty in this gaze.

Even the mother and daughter standing behind the man fought a cold war.

But the man didn't notice the general, he still looked at Tang Feng with an extremely disdainful air.

Tang Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Facing the obvious provocation of this man, he did not show any displeasure. On the contrary, he smiled and said in a relaxed tone: "Since this gentleman said so, you must be Is there a way to heal it?"

When the man got off the car, Tang Feng could see that his face was full of hostility.

But at that time, Tang Feng didn't even think about why he was like this.

But at this moment, he thought about it.

After getting out of the car, the man did not speak to Zhang, Zheng and Kong Boyao, but he spoke to the two nurses to make them pay attention to Kong Liangji's situation.

Tang Feng had guessed that this person's identity was not the Kong family, but most likely Kong Liangji's personal doctor.

To be a personal doctor for the head of the five major families, this person must have a high level of medical skills and prestige, because his work is related to the physical condition of Kong Liangji, and it is also related to the future of the entire Kong family. The Kong family usually treats him They must be extremely respectful.

Even if Kong Boyao's expression changed drastically at this moment, when facing this man, he did not directly reprimand him, but merely reminded him with his eyes.

This time the Kong family came to Pingyang to find Tang Feng. For this doctor, it touched his authority and made him extremely dissatisfied.

However, he was just a doctor. No matter how famous he was, the Confucian family would respect him, but he could not cure Kong Liangji's disease. Naturally, the Kong family had to ask another wise man.

He was dissatisfied, but could not stop it.

He felt angry in his heart, but could not be angry with the Kong family.

When he saw Tang Feng, he naturally vented his full hostility on Tang Feng.

The man "snorted" with his nose, and took two steps forward, with a mocking and disdainful expression on his face, and said, "Of course I can cure Mr. Kong's illness."

"Oh?" Tang Feng was a little surprised.

Kong Liangji's current situation is not optimistic. He is too old and his body organs are deteriorating. This is a natural phenomenon. He can change this situation. The methods used by him are definitely beyond the grasp of people on earth today.

If the doctor in front of him was Wu Xiu, perhaps Tang Feng could guess what he could do, but he was an ordinary person.

No matter how good his medical skills were, it was only in accordance with the current method that Kong Liangji lingered and barely maintained it. Wanting to heal him is simply a dream.

Seeing the doctor with a confident look, Tang Feng squinted slightly. He really couldn't think of what methods he could use, but Tang Feng was sure that in front of Kong Boyao, the doctor would never lie or say this. Wait for the big talk.

Otherwise, if the Kong family really asked him to treat him, he couldn’t tell, then the Kong family would never treat him so politely, and they would not let him go. By then, it would be the job, I’m afraid it’s going to kill him. Can't keep it.

He said that he can be cured, he must have a bottom in his heart.

After entering the door, the two mothers and daughters who have not spoken, at this moment, the young one has already stepped forward and said: "Uncle, since Mr. Ju is sure, I will give him a chance to try it, just in case, Can you save Grandpa?"

Kong Boyao glared at her fiercely, and said coldly: "Try it? How can you try such an important thing? If there is an accident, can you afford the responsibility, or your father?"

The older woman had been watching the situation in the living room all the time. Seeing Kong Boyao reprimanding her daughter, she couldn't help but stepped forward and said with an unhappy expression: "Big brother, what you said is just that. It’s wrong, at least the doctor still has a way to try it, and there is still a chance to save the family father’s life, but if you don’t try, you can bear the consequences?"

With the support of her mother, the young woman also came to the spirit, and immediately raised her head with her hands on her hips.

"That's right! Uncle, you insisted on not allowing Doctor Ju to treat your grandfather. What is your heart? Grandpa's health is not good, and he has to bear the hardship of this long-distance travel, and come here all the way. Do you also have to bear the responsibility for causing the disease to worsen?"

Kong Boyao was trembling with anger. He saved the doctor's face, but he didn't care about the woman's face. His face sank and said coldly, "Our adults are talking, where is the turn for you to tell me?"

Not to be outdone, the woman said aggressively: "I care about Grandpa's body. Grandpa's affairs are the affairs of the entire Confucian family. Any Confucian family can express opinions. It is a guilty conscience for the uncle not to allow us to be juniors. Nothing?"

Kong Boyao had a sullen face, no longer cared about her, but looked at her mother, and said coldly: "This is the daughter you taught. She has no respectable eyes and slanderous words!"

This incident was originally caused by the doctor's words, and it was originally against Tang Feng.

But at this time, no one paid any attention to him anymore, instead it became an infighting between the Confucian family.

This situation was unexpected by Zhang Qingyu and Mr. Zheng. Their faces were surprised and embarrassed, standing in a daze, a little at a loss.

Even the doctor obviously hadn't thought that things would get to this point, and he was a little bit startled. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 801 Kong Family Infighting) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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