Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 795: Take a day off

On the way back, Zi Xuan stretched her waist, with a lazy smile on her face, and said, "If things are settled, do you want to give us a day off?"

Tang Feng said nonchalantly: "You are resting every day, why do you need to ask such a question?"

Zi Xuan smiled and said: "I don't care, but Ji Ning drove over for a few hours yesterday, and now he hasn't slept all night. I am worried that he will be exhausted when he drives back until dawn."

The corners of Tang Feng's mouth moved slightly, and he did not speak.

Ji Ning hurriedly said, "Thank you, Miss Zixuan, for your concern, I'm fine."

According to his current state, it doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep for a few days, let alone driving for two days?

There was still no expression on Tang Feng's face, but the curvature of the corner of his mouth increased slightly.

Based on what he knew about Zi Xuan, it was obvious that her suggestion was not out of concern for Ji Ning, she had other purposes.

Zi Xuan still smiled and said, "You are not afraid, I am still worried. I am sitting in this car. If you are in a car accident due to your fatigue driving, what should I do if I am injured?"

"If a monk can get injured in a car accident, then I suggest that you just buy a piece of tofu and hit it to death." Tang Feng finally couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and said blankly.

Faced with the obvious ridicule in Tang Feng’s tone, Zi Xuan didn’t change her face, she knew smilingly, and said, “Everything must be safe. It’s clear that there is nothing wrong with us going back, so why bother to rush such a day? , When you came out, it was planned for at least three days, and most of my wife thought that way. If someone has made any arrangements, you will be disrupted when you go back, but it will be bad."

She spoke lightly, with a smile, and looked at Tang Feng. Although her words were very tactful, Tang Feng could hear her meaning.

In the past two days, when Kong Qinghua was at home, he told Lin Mengjia that he would go out again. Lin Mengjia must have arranged some personal activities with Kong Qinghua.

Once he goes back in advance, Lin Mengjia will definitely take into account his feelings and make changes, perhaps turning the matter between the two of them into three or more people.

Tang Feng didn’t want to be too close to Kong Qinghua, so he took advantage of this few days of going out to leave some room for Lin Mengjia and her so that they could do the same thing. When he returned, Lin Mengjia didn’t have to stay with her all the time. .

Thinking of this, Tang Feng nodded and said lightly: "We are here to rest for a day, and we will leave until tomorrow morning."

Ji Ning was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect Tang Feng to actually agree to Zi Xuan's request.

He has always felt that Tang Feng is very discreet in doing things and will not waste any time. Even if Zi Xuan wants to play here, once Tang Feng decides to go back, he will not change it.

Ji Ning looked towards Tang Feng, but saw that his face was calm and there was nothing special about him.

Zi Xuan rubbed her hands in excitement, stretched her head to Ji Ning's seat eagerly, and said to him with a smile: "When the mall opens, let's go shopping again. The clothes I tried on yesterday. I like it very much, I haven't bought it yet."

Tang Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

He knew that Zi Xuan was definitely not so kind, and it was obviously ulterior motive to say to let Ji Ning rest.

"Okay, okay." Ji Ning nodded. Although his mind hadn't turned around for a while, he always reflexively agreed to Zi Xuan's request.

Zi Xuan sat down in the back seat contentedly, still unable to hide the glamour in his eyes and the smile on his lips.

After agreeing to Zi Xuan, Ji Ning looked at the ancient mirror in front of him with a little hesitation.

The biggest problem he encountered now was how to carry this ancient mirror with him when he was shopping with Zi Xuan.

He is a big man, holding a mirror in his hand to swagger through the market. Obviously, this is not the case, and this mirror is still in such a primitive form, it is not normal to look at it.

He followed Zi Xuan and the two people were very eye-catching. Coupled with this mirror, Ji Ning felt dumbfounded. Without going out, he could expect that everyone's eyes must be focused on himself. Body.

Several people returned to the hotel, opened two more rooms, and went to sleep separately.

Ji Ning carefully held the ancient mirror in his hand, for fear that it would fall to the ground if he was not careful.

Zi Xuan looked funny, and said: "You have the right to rest assured, this mirrorless mirror is very strong, even if you use it to smash something, it won't be damaged in the slightest."

Ji Ning nodded, but that expression was clearly a bit nervous.

Tang Feng looked at him and said with a smile: "Even if it falls on the ground, the demon fox can't get out. There is my spell on it, and the Yang Qi on your body can completely restrain it."

The look on Ji Ning's face only relaxed a bit, but when Tang Feng mentioned Yang Qi again, he didn't say a word and hurried into his own room.

Although Tang Feng didn't need to rest, he didn't have much to do at the moment. He sat cross-legged on the bed, and after taking a Gubendan, he began to meditate.

In order to capture Ten Thousand Live Foxes, Shicai consumed quite a lot of aura.

Originally, Tang Feng didn't have to deal with such a low-level monster, but he was worried that once the Ten Thousand Live Fox escaped, he would never be able to find it again, and he would be desperate.

For the little girl, Tang Feng did it.

Without Zhou Wan by his side, the effectiveness of this pill could not be exerted to its extreme, but for Tang Feng, it was enough.

He guided the aura in his dantian to circulate in his body, but as the aura flowed through the meridians in his body, layers of pure aura gradually radiated throughout his body, making him feel a little tired of the body and The aura that has been consumed in large quantities is gradually recovering.

In the early morning, the ringtones of the cell phone are loud.

Tang Feng opened his eyes and glanced at the call. Unsurprisingly, it was Zhao Yue.

He hung up the call directly without answering.

I thought that Zhao Yue would keep calling, but then, the phone was always quiet.

It's not Zhao Yue's style to give up so easily.

Just when Tang Feng was a little surprised by Zhao Yue's abnormality, a knock came from outside the door. The sound was loud and hurried. The person who knocked on the door was obviously very irritable at the moment.

There is no need to release his true thoughts, Tang Feng knew that the person knocking on the door outside must be Zhao Yue.

Although Tang Feng didn't tell her where she was in the hotel, as a policeman, there are a hundred ways to know.

More than five hours have passed since they sent the girl over to Zhao Yue in the middle of the night. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 795 One more day off), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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