Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 783: Demon spirit

Early in the morning, Tang Feng set off with Ji Ning and Zi Xuan.

Ji Ning drove, Tang Feng sat in the position of the co-pilot, Zi Xuan occupied the back seat alone, lying half-sit half-sitting, in an indecent posture, and yawning constantly.

Tang Feng glanced at her in the rearview mirror, his face was speechless.

As a monk, even if she doesn't sleep for a few days, she won't feel tired. Zi Xuan's state is really doubtful, whether her practice is true or false.

Ji Ning also noticed that Zi Xuan's fatigue was a bit unreasonable, and tentatively said: "Miss Zi Xuan, didn't you sleep all night last night?"

"No, it's just that I got up early today." Zi Xuan yawned again, stretched her waist, and looked lazy.

Tang Feng finally couldn't hold it back, frowning, and said, "When you were practicing, it was common for you to sleep and sleep in the air. The sun hadn't risen, so it was about to rise. Was it like that for you at that time?"

"That was the time, and now that I have been living a comfortable life, of course, it is not suitable for getting up early." Zi Xuan said plausibly, "This is called the easy transition from frugality to luxury, and difficulty from extravagance to frugality.

Tang Feng was too lazy to talk to her, no matter what she said, she could always find the wrong reason, and the way to wish it well was to choose to shut up.

Tang Feng turned his gaze out of the window, looking at the two rapidly retreating sceneries, thoughtfully.

After saying a few words, Zi Xuan became a bit more energetic. She leaned forward and said to Tang Feng: "What clue do you have for that fox demon?"

Tang Feng didn't look back, he still looked out the window, just said faintly: "You can only lock its approximate position. As for whether you can find it, it's up to you."

"As long as you lock in that position and there are changes in the soul around you, I will be able to find out!" Zi Xuan's heart is clear, with a bit of excitement on her face.

Ji Ning never knew what he was going to do in Yu Province. Tang Feng just told him that he was going to catch a little guy. Now that he heard the conversation between the two, he knew that he was going to catch a fox demon.

But he still didn't understand the causes and consequences of this matter, and there was a bit of confusion in his eyes.

Zi Xuan continued, "What's so great about this fox demon? It's worth your effort to travel so far to catch it? Is it possible that she is really a beautiful woman who can turn all living creatures upside down?"

Regarding the fox demon, all Ji Ning could think of in his mind were such legends. In his eyes, he was a little bit surprised and glanced at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng said blankly: "You only need to observe its movements at any time. This kind of fox demon is extremely low-level. It doesn't even have the ability to communicate with others. Do you still expect it to transform?"

Ji Ning heard this and couldn’t help saying: "Mr. Tang, you said that the dream monster is very low-level, and this fox-mon is also low-level. Are they superior?"

Tang Feng smiled and said: "Whether this demon is advanced depends not on how many years it has cultivated or how destructive it has, but on whether it has spirituality. From this point of view, there is really no difference between the three of them."

Zi Xuan smiled and said, "You want to see advanced ones, don't you see them every day?"

"Huh?" Ji Ning was even more confused.

"Da Bai and Xiao Hui." Zi Xuan hid her mouth and smirked.

"They? Are they not spirit beasts?" Ji Ning looked at Zi Xuan from the rearview mirror, even more puzzled.

Zi Xuan smiled and said: "Whether it is a spirit beast or a monster beast, in the beginning, it was an ordinary animal. Due to various chances and coincidences, he obtained a way of cultivation. The spirit can transform the demon, and the demon can also transform the spirit. You don’t have to be too rigid about things between thoughts."

Ji Ning nodded with enlightenment.

Tang Feng continued: "In fact, the two of them only communicate human nature. The most advanced monsters or spirits can be transformed into human forms or other forms, and they have the ability to deceive people."

"Isn't that the same as the legend?" Ji Ning was taken aback.

Tang Feng smiled faintly and said, "Some things are not necessarily legends."

He believes that there was a time when there was a lot of spiritual energy on the earth. At that time, the monks here were the most prosperous. The demon spirits would also use the resources at that time to improve themselves. Nowadays, humans see a terrible improvement. .

However, I don’t know when the resources on the earth began to become scarce. Those practitioners with powerful abilities can take their sect disciples or families to ascend to the vast stars and powerful high-level spirits. Beasts, monsters, beasts, naturally can do this, and the others are gradually disappeared with the passing of the cultivation age.

At this moment, apart from the fairies living in Ji Ling's body, I'm afraid that there will be no more advanced demon spirits on this earth now, right?

In Ji Ning's eyes, there was still a little weirdness, but he was relieved.

Today, he can see people as unfathomable as Tang Feng. Then, there are high-level demon spirits in the world, so what else can't be believed?

Looking at Ji Ning's appearance, Zi Xuan smiled and said, "It seems that you don't know what we are going to do in Yu Province, right?"

Ji Ning nodded, shook his head again, and said, "Listening to you, I seem to know a little bit, but the specifics are not clear."

Zi Xuan glanced at Tang Feng and saw that he didn't say anything, she just told Ji Ning about Wanshenghu.

Ji Ning had known about Hu Yueer's affairs for a long time. It was because of this incident that the eldest Sun Ying came to Pingyang, but he didn't know the inside story. It was even related to Zi Xuan. In the ordinary murder case, there is actually a demon fox.

After Zi Xuan said that, Fang smiled and said: "I hope we can succeed this time, otherwise, it will continue to be frightened, I am afraid it will stay dormant, and it will be even more difficult to catch it in the future."

Tang Feng was silent, just looking out the window.

But in his heart, he also deeply agrees.

In Pingyang before, Wan Shenghu noticed that he and Zi Xuan were catching it, so he fleeed to Yu Province.

If they couldn't catch it in Yu Province this time, it would have escaped from China in one go, it would be in trouble.

In this country, Zhao Yue can find out where related cases have occurred, but it is not easy to find out its whereabouts abroad.

Ji Ning glanced at Tang Feng and saw that his face was sinking, he couldn't help but curiously said: "Isn't Mr. sure in his heart?"

Tang Feng groaned: "The ten thousand mortal fox is not difficult to catch. The lowest-level monk can be captured, but it is very courageous and good at hiding its whereabouts. Finding it is far more difficult than catching it." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad: return to be a dad to read the full text address: return as a dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 783 Demon Spirit), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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