Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 762: Go out plan

Although the contract for the acquisition of amusement parks has been drafted, some details still need to be negotiated.

Lin Mengjia still needs to go out. When she left, she suddenly remembered something and asked Tang Feng: "You haven't told me how to think about it. I asked Mr. Zhang to contact this matter."

Tang Feng kissed her goodbye, and smiled and said: "Chu Chu took Yaoyao out and encountered danger. Lao Zhang sent almost everyone in the family. It can be said that he came out, but he himself did not show up. Naturally, there is something important. You mentioned the acquisition of amusement park again, and it’s not difficult to think of him as an intermediary."

Lin Mengjia nodded Tang Feng's forehead with her finger, and said with a puzzled look: "This is completely irrelevant. You would think, what is it in your mind?"

Tang Feng smiled and took her hand, put it to his lips, and said, "Tomorrow, I'm going out, if you are free, we will bring Yaoyao with him."

Lin Mengjia's eyes lit up, but immediately, it dimmed again, shook her head, and said, "This acquisition contract has not been officially signed. It is not convenient for me to leave these days. Where are you going? Will it take a long time? "

"If you can't go, I will naturally go and come back soon," Tang Feng said with a smile, "Do you remember the case that Zhao Yue said? She had the exact news over there, that demon fox went to Yuxing, and Killing people there continuously, I used to collect it and come back."

Hearing Yu Sheng, Lin Mengjia's face showed a very tangled expression, she couldn't help licking her lips, and said, "There are so many delicious foods there."

There was a very aggrieved look on her face, and her voice was somewhat reluctant.

Seeing her like this, Tang Feng laughed blankly and said, "If you want to go, we still have opportunities in the future."

Lin Mengjia frowned and nodded.

"I have to borrow Zi Xuan from you. With her following, this will save a lot of time."

Lin Mengjia was amused by Tang Feng and smiled, "I hear what you mean, Zi Xuan is mine? You don't ask, she agrees or not?"

When the two arrived in the living room, Shangguan, Zi Xuan, and the little girl were all neatly dressed, sitting on the sofa waiting for Lin Mengjia.

The little girl is still wearing a very simple white robe, with a wooden hairpin inserted on her head, looking as cute and cute as a little fairy.

Seeing Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia walking downstairs, the little girl stood up, saluted them respectfully, and said, "Dad, mom, good morning."

Tang Feng smiled at her and nodded.

Since Zhou Wan was not at home to accompany the little girl, she was a little lonely, Tang Feng himself made an appointment with Li Guanghe today, and could not teach her Taoism, so he acquiesced to Lin Mengjia to take her out.

Zi Xuan stood up with a look of excitement, carrying a black handbag that was known to be expensive at first glance, ready to follow.

Tang Feng said to her, "Prepare you and go out with me tomorrow."

"Go out? Where to go? What to do? How long?" Zi Xuan, who was unprepared, asked Tang Feng with a dazed expression and wide eyes.

"Yu Province, catch that demon fox." Tang Feng said lightly.

The expression on Zi Xuan's face immediately became excited, and she nodded her head quickly, saying: "Okay! Why do you have to wait for tomorrow? Let's set off now!"

Thinking that as long as he caught Wanshenghu, he would get the medicine Tang Feng had promised, Zi Xuan was so excited that he almost jumped up.

Tang Feng no longer paid attention to her, but looked at the superior again, and said, "Jining, I also want to take it away. It's up to you to rely on you at home."

Shangguan nodded silently.

She is already acquired Qizhong, facing most of the opponents, it is nothing to say.

Zi Xuan had already told her in private that she had settled the three martial arts masters of the day after tomorrow. In the short term, she probably won't send such masters again. She looks after Lin Mengjia and the little girl, which can be said to be more than enough.

"When you go out, bring Da Bai and Xiao Hui with you."

Although he knew that the other party would lose three of the eighth-edition martial arts at the same time, he would be a little jealous, but Tang Feng was still not at ease.

It was not that he was suspicious, but that it was related to Lin Mengjia and the little girl. These were the most important people to him, and he never dared to take it lightly.

Tang Feng stood at the living room window and called two spirit beasts over.

Da Bai was napping by the side of the medicine garden. Hearing the shout, he immediately rushed out, dangling his tail, running with the wind, and Xiao Hui swiftly swung into the window from the tree.

Tang Feng confessed a few words to the two of them, and then said: "You are obedient and obedient. When I come back, it will naturally benefit you."

The two spirit beasts naturally nodded their heads quickly, and they approached Lin Mengjia again, showing her a gratitude.

Soon after Lin Mengjia and others left, Li Guanghe arrived.

He drove a very ordinary scooter, and when he entered Dongcheng Haoge, he was stopped by a security guard at the door.

After all, everyone who enters this community is rich or expensive. Even if they don’t live here, they come to visit relatives and friends. They are all rich people. The cars they drive are all luxury cars. Li Guanghe is worth tens of thousands of dollars. The ordinary car is naturally suspected by the security.

Helpless, Li Guanghe called Tang Feng and explained the situation very carefully. Tang Feng asked the old butler to call the security room before allowing him to enter the door.

Putting down the phone, the old butler said with emotion: "Nowadays, this world is really hierarchical. This situation will happen no matter where you are."

Mother Liu was wiping the floor, hearing the words, and said: "This security guard is also responsible and can't let outsiders in casually, otherwise, if you lose something or hurt someone, the trouble will be big. They are all rich people who are held accountable, but they can't afford it."

Tang Feng didn't care about the two talking, but looked out of the courtyard.

Not long after that, the car had already drove out of the door.

The driving position and the door of the rear seat opened at the same time.

Li Guanghe got out of the car with a middle-aged man, and at the same time leaned out of the back seat, looking very laborious.

Tang Feng could see that in the back seat, half-lying and half-sitting an old woman, her body was extremely thin, her hair was pale, her face was covered with wrinkles, her eyes were slightly closed, and her breathing was very weak.

Half of Li Guanghe's body leaned into the car door, trying to hug the old woman out of the car.

Zhang Peng has opened the door, waiting for them to enter.

Tang Feng closed his gaze and said lightly to the old housekeeper: "Tell Zhang Peng to allow them to drive in the car." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: address of the full text of Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad: The txt download address of Returning to Be a Nap: Return When my dad reads on his mobile phone: the convenience of reading next time , You can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 762 Going Out Plan), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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