Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 738: Worsening

The soul that has been obtained is about to fly away like this, Zi Xuan's heart is really reluctant, but she really wants to know what Tang Feng has plans now.

Tang Feng placed a prohibition in this private house, and then walked outside with Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan followed Tang Feng closely, and asked Tang Feng, "Are you going to trap them here? Do you want to starve them to death?"

"Practitioners, how easy is it to starve to death, and live for ten and a half days without eating or drinking, there is no problem at all."

Tang Feng said indifferently, he had already walked out of this village.

Even ordinary people can live on a hunger strike for a week, let alone martial arts? Moreover, he did not plan to imprison them for too long.

Zi Xuan followed him into the car. Tang Feng started the car and drove away from the deserted village. After a short while, she was on the highway.

Zi Xuan leaned comfortably on the leather seat of the co-pilot. After the car had driven a long way, she rolled her eyes and asked Tang Feng thoughtfully, "Do you want to know about their sect? "

Tang Feng didn't deny it, and nodded.

Zi Xuan continued: "Do you want to draw out the elders of the innate realm in their sect?"

Tang Feng nodded again, and slowly said: "The martial arts of the innate realm, even if they are not 200 years old, they must be over 150 years old. If they have always been members of this sect, then When the fire broke out, they were within this sect."

"But, what about it? It's not certain. If they can live up to now, they must know the origin of this sect? Perhaps, this sect is passed down by them now, precisely because They didn't know these things, so they didn't pass them on to future generations."

Zi Xuan shook her head slightly, but she didn't agree with Tang Feng's thoughts.

After she followed Tang Feng, she promised that he would not hurt people’s lives. This meant that she had given up on the use of life soul cultivation. She made such promises, but it did not mean that she would give up willingly. If there is a chance, she would still Hope to get some soul.

The stronger the person, the more powerful his yin spirit fire, and the more it can make her do more with less in her practice.

These three Wu Xiu's souls, Zi Xuan, thought that they could definitely be used for her own use, but Tang Feng's sudden idea broke her plan, and she was naturally quite reluctant.

"Isn't it just three souls? Why do you care so much? Until I give you a pill, it is better than a hundred souls." Tang Feng saw Zi Xuan's emotions and said lightly.

Zi Xuan's eyes lit up immediately. The body that was leaning on the back of the chair immediately straightened up, turning her head towards Tang Feng, her eyes full of surprises, and said, "Really?"

Tang Feng didn't change his face and added another sentence: "But before that, you have to find out about the Scarlet Star Sect."

"Deal!" Zi Xuan clenched her excited hands and waved.

Tang Feng smiled slightly.

The monk who is so easy to be bought, he really hopes that if you give him another dozen, what he wants to do is much easier.

After a brief period of excitement, Zi Xuan quickly recovered her calm, blinked at Tang Feng, and said, "How do I feel that you are far more interested in things in the sky than those on the ground?"

"Oh? Why do you see it?" Tang Feng said casually.

Zi Xuan said with interest: "It is not so much that you are interested in this Scarlet Star Sect. It is better to say that your interest is above Yinghuo. You want to know what is the relationship between this sect and Yinghuo, and why it is related to it. Named by name."

Tang Feng said non-committal: "Yinghuo has represented the ominous signs of war and death since ancient times. It is regarded as unknown. Why is a sect named after it? This in itself is quite interesting."

The corners of Zi Xuan's lips curled slightly, revealing a playful and sly smile, and said, "You are never a curious person. You do everything with a certain purpose. You will never think of this sect. The name is interesting, so I want to find out one or two."

Tang Feng glanced in Zi Xuan's direction, but did not speak.

In fact, he had already noticed that the real Zi Xuan would never be so mindless as she showed. On the contrary, she was a very smart woman, but she didn't want to care too much about many things.

When Tang Feng and Zi Xuan returned to the villa, they had not yet started their meal.

Although Tang Feng told the old housekeeper before leaving, she didn't need to wait for him, but Mother Lin said that she was not hungry yet and wanted to start dinner later.

Now that Tang Feng is not in this house, she is respected. Even when Tang Feng is at home, she respects her very much. Since she has said so, other people will naturally not refute it.

Everyone knew in their hearts that Lin Mu's hunger was just an excuse, and that she wanted to wait for Tang Feng to come back to have a meal with her.

Not only her, but other people also thought so, especially Lin Mengjia, it was natural to postpone the dinner time.

When Tang Feng entered the door, the old butler opened up and started the meal.

The food to be made had already been prepared, he gave the order like this, the kitchen side was to put the ingredients in the pot, and immediately, hot plates of delicious food were brought up.

Chu Chu and Xu Qingling had already sent the little girl back. Although they had eaten outside, it was already dinner time. In addition, they smelled the aroma, and they were invited by Lin Mu and Lin Mengjia to follow the family. Everyone sat on the dining table together.

When Xu Qingling saw Tang Feng, she stood up, bowed deeply to him, and said, "Mr. Tang, haven't seen him for a long time, how have you been?"

When Tang Feng saw her, he couldn't help frowning, and said, "I am very good, but the way I look at you is very bad."

Last time, he had helped Xu Qingling to get rid of all the poisons that had accumulated in her body. Her vicious illness would not reappear until three years later, but this time, she was already so emaciated in just a few days.

This is too different from what Tang Feng expected.

According to what he had anticipated, in the past three years, although Xu Qingling had been unable to cure her, it would not be more serious, and it was more than enough to maintain the status quo.

Xu Qingling's face was pale, her lips were not even bloody, she trembled slightly, and said: "Mr. Tang, I have always felt very unwell in my body these days, and I always have a feeling of aversion to cold. When it happens, it will be wrapped in such a hot day. I tightened the quilt and turned on the air conditioner to the highest temperature, but it still couldn't be relieved. When I went to the hospital, the doctor couldn't do anything. I just rushed to Pingyang and want to ask you for treatment again."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: Return, Become a Dad txt download address: returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 738 Deterioration) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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