Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 711: Dove occupying magpie's nest

Ji Ning was surprised and immediately took a step forward, wanting to be in front of Tang Feng, if there is any behavior in this Ba Song, he can take the initiative.

But immediately, Ji Ning discovered that his move was unnecessary.

Although Ba Song opened his eyes, he did not show any hostility, or even surprised at his current situation. Instead, he raised his hands and looked in front of his own eyes.

His action made Shangguan's mind a flash of lightning and flint, and he couldn't help but blurt out and made his debut: "The magpie's nest!"

She remembered that when Lapa's soul was condensed by Tang Feng, his first move was to raise his hand in front of her eyes to watch.

This scene seemed to overlap in front of Shangguan, and she shouted these words without thinking.

"Yes." Zi Xuan replied. With a smile in her voice, she stretched out her hand and summoned the soul orb into her palm.

Inside the soul orb, there is a black light ball, like a flame, floating in it, and the black flame is beating, as if it is burning.

"This, what is this?" Xie Huo was stunned.

He had seen Rapa's soul in Zi Xuan's soul orb, which looked like a black mist, but he had never seen it in this form.

The corner of Zi Xuan's mouth still carried an unconcealed smile, and said in a very happy voice: "The soul of a living person."

The souls of the living and the dead are naturally very different.

For Zi Xuan, it is obviously better for living people to use it for cultivation, and the yin spirit fire is more vigorous, allowing her to learn more useful things.

Hearing Zi Xuan's answer, coupled with the words that were just made by the official, everyone else immediately understood what had happened.

Rong Guocheng widened his eyes, pointed his finger at the soul bead, and stammered: "Here, here, is Ba Song? Then he—" His fingers pointed at Ba Song who was still standing there. Continued incredulously: "He is Rapa?"

Ji Ning had been staring at the "Bassong" in front of him with extreme vigilance, but there was a touch of shock in his eyes.

At this moment, although Ba Song's body is still in front of him, and his appearance has not changed in any way, the soul in it has become Lapa, which is Shangguan's "magpie nest possession".

Rapa, who occupied Bassoon's body, didn't care about the eyes of others looking at him, but looked at the body very carefully.

In the horror of everyone, Tang Feng appeared extremely calm. While drinking tea, he casually said, "Is this body used to be used to it?"

Lapa replied in a very fluent Huaxia although he had a slight accent: "Although it is a little bit uncomfortable, it will get better and better in some time."

Lapa's body is short and thin, while Basong is tall and strong, but from the outside, Basong's body is several times stronger than Lapa's.

Ji Ning frowned slightly and said, "You can speak Huaxia? Then why did you pretend not to understand before?"

"No, he won't, it's the Ba Song Society." Tang Feng said lightly.

"But, now this soul is not Ba Song, what he knows, how can he do it?" Ji Ning was puzzled.

Zi Xuan explained with a smile: "For the soul, the body is just a carrying tool. He is only using this tool now."

Ji Ning still frowned slightly, as if he still didn't quite understand.

Shangguan whispered: "The function of the tool will not change because of the person using it, and the ability of the body will not be lost because of the change of the soul."

Tang Feng was very comfortable sitting back slightly, leaning on the back of the sofa in a very comfortable posture, smiling, looking at Lapa, and saying, "I can give you this body, or take it away. Come back, now, for you, its use period is three months. If within these three months, you can bring me the pestle, you can have this body forever, but if you can’t finish me Mission—"

Tang Feng didn't continue speaking, but showed a meaningful smile, "you know" in his eyes.

Rapa nodded and said, "I will do my best."

"No, it's not as hard as you can, but you must do it." Tang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes filled with chill, "He is your disciple, and his skills are all taught by you. His mind, presumably No one knows better than you, guessing where his magic circle and magic tools are. Three months is enough."

Under Tang Feng's gaze, Rapa couldn't help taking a step back, but soon stabilized his mind, nodded solemnly, and said, "Can I leave?"

"Please." Tang Feng pointed his hand towards the door.

At the same time, the spell he set at the door flashed, disappeared in place, and then appeared in his palm.

Without waiting for him to say one more word, Rapa walked out the door with a sinking face.

When he left, Rong Guocheng immediately said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, what if he does any tricks behind his back after he leaves? I think this guy Rapa is not a good person. He understands those weird things. Spell, if there is any way to transfer this soul to someone else, wouldn’t it just be impossible to find him?"

"If he likes it, he can try it." Tang Feng didn't care, but smiled.

Zi Xuan held her shoulders in her hands, admiring the soul floating in the soul beads in front of her, and said: "His soul is now imprisoned on this body. Within three months, it is impossible to leave. , Even if this body dies during this period of time, his soul can't go away. You have to wait until the deadline. These methods are several times more powerful than the soul-enclosing spell."

Everyone knew why Tang Feng had such a win.

With a conceited smile at the corner of Tang Feng's mouth, he said, "If I want to find Jiang Mochu, I can find it without passing him. It's just a little troublesome. But if he doesn't have me, he will be out of that body after three months. Soul flies away."

Ji Ning frowned and said with a puzzled look: "You said before that it is not a simple matter to transfer your soul to other people. It requires various conditions, but I saw just now, this Lapa It seems that there is no difficulty with the soul of Ba Song above Ba Song's body?"

Upon hearing this, Zi Xuan's smile condensed, as if a little embarrassed, she looked at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng sneered from his nose, and said, "They need those restrictions, but I haven't talked about them, and I need them too." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: txt download address of Longevity Return: Dad: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: To facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 711 Dove occupying the magpie's nest), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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