Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 704: Not qualified to say conditions

Zi Xuan nodded and said: "After becoming a rune ghost, his memory is not very clear. After all, within the soul curse, his soul can't move freely. It can only be said that he reluctantly uses this method. Save it."

A person, or a soul, has survived in the muddle for more than three hundred years, and because of his disciple's conspiracy, this situation, just thinking about it, makes Xie Huo and Rong Guocheng extremely disagreeable. Comfortable.

After all, they are also people on the road, and there are not a few cronies around them. Even if they seem to be obedient to them now, but the human heart is separated from the belly, it is difficult to guarantee that they have any other thoughts in their hearts.

The two silently looked at each other, and there was a faint entanglement in their eyes.

Tang Feng didn't care about what happened to this soul. He was more interested, naturally, where the mage named Ba Song was now.

While drinking tea with a leisurely expression, he said: "Does he know the current situation of his apprentice?"

Zi Xuan said: "After he was brought back to China by Sun Da Pao, it was because of the distance that he was too far away. During this period of time, he had nothing to do with that apprentice. Then, he wanted to use Sun Dapao’s physical resurrection did not have time to take care of other things. When he first asked him about it, he said that he could vaguely feel that he was nearby, but the specific situation was not clear."

She thought that Tang Feng would be extremely unhappy when he heard this answer, but he seemed to be a little disappointed, but he didn't have any particularly big reactions.

Ji Ning didn't know much about this spell. Now that Zi Xuan said this, he felt a little curious in his heart. He couldn't help but ask: "Is their spells really so magical? This soul-seal technique allows one's soul to remain immortal for hundreds of years, and it can be resurrected on the bodies of others. Doesn't it mean immortality? In addition, you can change a different body according to your liking."

Zi Xuan looked at Ji Ning with a dumbfounding expression on her face. She didn't seem to understand why Ji Ning, who was extremely smart, would ask such stupid questions. She opened her mouth and didn't say anything. , Seems to feel that there are too many slots in Ji Ning's words, making her unable to speak.

Shangguan also looked at Ji Ning with a somewhat speechless expression, and said, "Sun Dapao has raised him with his own blood for many years. This must have given him a chance to recover. If he is someone else, who would be willing? Actively worship a confined soul with his own blood, and the purpose is to let him occupy his own body?"

Zi Xuan also said with a smile but a smile: "He was able to recover completely by coincidence. The blood sacrifice alone did not make his soul free from the shackles of the Soul Sealing Curse, but Sun Dapao's birth date was born with him. It is indeed possible. It is said that Sun Dapao is seeking his own death, but it is not a simple matter to occupy the flesh of others. In the end, he failed."

Xie Huo said curiously: "I heard Sun Dapao say that as long as he fell asleep, he would have a nightmare of being occupied. If Mr. Tang hadn't found the clue, could he succeed?"

"Maybe it will succeed in the end, but it can't be done in a short time," Tang Feng replied faintly, "After all, Sun Dapao's luck is very prosperous, even if the mage stole his life, but a party overlord, It was not easy to be taken over the body, but Sun Dapao was killed by himself and was eventually eaten back."

Ji Ning suddenly realized "Ah".

"But this result seems to be of no use to us." Shangguan frowned and looked at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng's purpose in finding this ghost was to find Ba Song, but he didn't even know his whereabouts, which made him a little disappointed.

Zi Xuan talked a few more words with the soul in the soul bead, and when he took back his gaze, a smile appeared on his face, saying: "He said that he has another apprentice. As long as we can find him, You can find Ba Song through this apprentice. After all, he can feel that he is nearby."

"But, he has been dead for more than three hundred years, how can he be sure that his other apprentice is alive now? Could it be that the spells he taught were specifically designed to extend lifespan?" Ji Ning immediately again Asked questions.

Tang Feng looked careless, and did not answer, but said arrogantly: "Bassoon uses his spells to gain the luck of Sun Dapao. He must be near Xijing, even in Xijing City, staring at Sun Dapao. , This point, we can also guess."

"However, now that Sun Dapao is dead, he can continue to stay here. When we find another disciple of him, we will come back. I am afraid that Ba Song would not know where to go." Cheng's face looked anxious.

Tang Feng still smiled faintly, took a sip of tea, and said: "Without him, you can find Ba Song, but it takes some effort."

"Do you have another way?" Zi Xuan looked at Tang Feng, her eyes a little surprised, "Then why--"

"I thought that with the help of this soul, he could save some effort. Unexpectedly, he didn't know anything." Tang Feng sneered, "What the master did is really a failure."

The black mist in the soul orb seemed to have understood Tang Feng's words, and it rotated quickly within the soul orb.

Zi Xuan looked at the soul bead again and talked with him again. When her eyes turned to Tang Feng again, she frowned slightly and said, "He said that he can find Ba Song, but there is one condition."

Tang Feng remained calm, still holding the teacup in his hand, smiling faintly, looking at Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan still frowned and said, "He said that he found Ba Song, and he wants to take revenge himself."

There was no change in Tang Feng's expression, he just leaned forward slightly, placed the teacup in his hand on the coffee table, then slightly lifted the sunlight and looked at the soul bead.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a slightly mocking sneer, and said: "No one is qualified to negotiate terms with me."

His voice, at this moment, filled with a suffocating chill, and everyone's bodies couldn't help but froze. In this huge room, even the temperature dropped, almost instantly, like an ice cellar. .

On the soul orb, there was a thin layer of ice in an instant, and the black mist inside instantly settled.

Time seemed to freeze, but inside the room, due to the sudden drop in temperature, white fog continued to spread over the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, blocking the neon outside. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 704 is not qualified to talk about the conditions) reading record, next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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