Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 680: Backlash

Xie Huo stretched out his hand, patted his shoulder, and said, "Lao Zhao, don't worry, this thing is nothing to be afraid of. With so many of us, can it hurt you?"

His words did not provide any comfort at all. On the contrary, it made Zhao Lu's face even more ugly, and he stammered: "What is that thing? Isn't it true that it exists?"

When a person doesn’t believe in ghosts and gods, he is not afraid of these things, and he doesn’t care at all, but once he knows the truth, he understands the things he doesn’t know, the fear in his heart. , Better than those who believe in them.

This is the case for Zhao Lu.

When he realized that there was really a "ghost" in the room, he naturally felt cold all over.

Ji Ning said indifferently: "With Mr. Tang here, nothing is worth worrying about."

Zhao Lu subconsciously glanced into the room. He naturally couldn't see anything. He pricked his ears to listen. After a long while, he whispered: "What is Mr. Tang doing? It seems that there is no one inside."

Xie Huo smiled and said: "He is unfathomable. You don't have to worry about what he does. We can't even guess. As long as the matter can be ended in the end."

Zhao Lu was worried. Although he nodded, the wrinkles between his brows did not ease. He just said to Xie Huo: "I hope so."

Just as several people were talking in low voices, Tang Feng had already walked out of the room.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Lu hurriedly stepped forward, nervously, and asked, "Mr. Tang, what is the situation?"

"I'm afraid it will disappoint you," Tang Feng said with a faint smile on his face, "The murderer is really not a human being."

Zhao Lu immediately said "Ah".

In his heart, there are already mixed flavors.

After receiving this case, he had doubts about his beliefs. After meeting Tang Feng, he felt that the door to the new world was opened. At this time, he only felt that these things had developed too much, making him fundamental Just can't accept it.

Tang Feng continued: "However, I am also very disappointed. It is not a person, it means that the person we were looking for did not appear."

He originally thought that if the Siamese mage had acted, he would be able to use this opportunity to find clues that could kill Sun Da Pao, but it was not him.

"Mr. Tang, what exactly is that?" Rong Guocheng's expression was both curious and eager. He has been participating in all these things, and naturally he is even more anxious to know the truth.

"Backlash." Tang Feng said two words faintly.

"It has something to do with Fugui?" Rong Guocheng thought of this immediately.

Everything that Sun Dapao encountered was derived from Fugui. If it comes to backlash, it must be inseparable from it.

Tang Feng nodded slightly, and said, "Let's talk about it in another place."

While speaking, he has already walked towards the elevator.

Obviously, this is not a good place to explain these things.

"Ghost? Is it really a ghost?" Zhao Lu had a look of confusion and frustration intertwined on his face, as he murmured and repeated himself.

Eventually things went in the direction he was most worried about, which made him at a loss.

Xie Huo was very familiar with his shoulders, and whispered in his ear to comfort him: "Old Zhao, there must be a way to the mountain by car. Wait a while, we will listen to what Mr. Tang said, there will always be a solution ."

Zhao Lu sighed deeply, with shadows on his face, and nodded helplessly.

When a few people got out of the elevator, they saw two policemen waiting outside with a curious look. When they saw them coming out, they stood at attention and saluted.

Zhao Lu waved his hand to them and said: "Today's matter is not allowed to be mentioned to anyone, even if your director asks it, just say that I came by myself."

The two policemen looked at each other and said loudly in unison: "Yes!"

Although they didn't know what several people did upstairs, and what Zhao Lu's purpose was to say so, they naturally obeyed the orders of the senior leaders unconditionally.

After getting on the car, before thanking the tiger to start, Zhao Lu couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Tang, what is going on? Will the ghost you talk about kill other people again? Can you think of a way? Caught? Otherwise, if it becomes a serial case, this matter will be out of control. The entire Xijing people will panic, and there will be many innocent people in danger, right?"

Tang Feng has never cared much about ordinary people. In his eyes, the lives of these people are so short, and it makes no difference whether to live longer or live less than ten years or decades. Zhao Lu's words are nothing to him. Touching, if it wasn't for this matter that involved the Siamese Master, there might be something useful to him, and he wasn't too concerned about it.

Seeing Zhao Lu's anxious look, Tang Feng just nodded to Rong Guocheng indifferently.

Rong Guocheng understood, he told Zhao Lu about the incident that happened to them the last time they came to Xijing, and they caught Fugui on Sun Dapao.

In the process of his narration, Zhao Lu's face was shocked for a while, confused for a while, took a breath of air-conditioning for a while, his eyes widened for a while, and asked a few words from time to time.

Seeing him like this, Tang Feng couldn't help being a little funny, but didn't say anything, just looked out the window faintly.

When this matter was finished, the car had returned to Xiehuo's hotel. Just after a few people got out of the car, a bodyguard trot over and bowed to the others.

Xie Huo asked him, "Where are Mrs. Tang and the two young ladies?"

"After they swim, they go to the cinema to watch a movie. Mr. Tang doesn't need to worry, there are only a few of them there." The bodyguard said respectfully.

Naturally, Tang Feng would not worry.

With the current ability of Lin Mengjia and others, coupled with the presence of Shangguan, I am afraid that it is not easy for others to approach them.

He is concerned about them.

From beginning to end, it was meticulous care in my heart. Even though I knew that they would not have the slightest problem, they were always concerned.

The bodyguard said again: "Da Bai and Xiao Hui are now with his wife and others."

These two spirit beasts walked out of the restaurant on their own shortly after Tang Feng and the others left. The waiters there didn’t know what they wanted to do, and they didn’t dare to stop them. They could only follow in anxiously, for fear. What terrible things they two do.

Fortunately, they didn't go fast, they walked unimpeded all the way to the projection hall, and went in to meet Lin Mengjia and the others, and they all followed the movies honestly. The people in the hotel breathed a sigh of relief. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 680 Backlash), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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