Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 607: Daigo initiation

Chang Sun Ying continued: "Tang Feng's medical skills have completely crushed me. What is even more unacceptable is that I have no idea what methods he used, let alone imitating and learning. Up."

Zi Xuan raised her eyebrows and said, "The medical skills of the eldest grandson family and Tang Feng's abilities are completely different. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Especially the pharmacists in your family are unique skills. You are not honest. If you really practice your own capabilities, why do you want to learn from Tang Feng?"

"My family's medical skills are not as good as him, so naturally I have to learn from each other's strengths." Chang Sun Ying's voice was a little bit higher, as if faintly displeased.

Zi Xuan snorted and said, "You made a fundamental mistake in everything! Don't you ever think that your so-called eldest grandson family's medical skills are not as good as Tang Feng, it's not that it is The problem with the pharmacist's method is your own."

"Me?" Changsun Ying was taken aback when she heard the words, Shicai was still a little bit sullen, but now she showed a confused look, "What's wrong with me?"

Zi Xuan nodded seriously, turned her head to look at Chang Sun Ying, and slowly said: "Your family has been passed down for thousands of years, and you have used the same methods. Why do some people become genius doctors while others are unknown? The method is the same, but used by different people in different ways. You haven't reached the pinnacle of a pharmacist. How dare you make a conclusion that this pharmacist is inferior to the king of medicine?"

Ji Ning walked in front, listening to the two of them talking.

On weekdays, although he and Zi Xuan are both in Tang Feng's villa, they don't have much contact. The sum of the things that have been said before is not as many as these days.

Ji Ning only feels that Zi Xuan has always been careless and a little bit of laughter, that is, he feels that there is nothing to communicate with her. Now listening to her serious speech, I have the understanding of her in my heart. Somewhat changed.

Listening to Zi Xuan's words, Chang Sun Ying only felt that Daigo was empowered, her hands could not help clenching her fists slightly, and she trembled: "You mean, if I get promoted, my medical skills can be as good as Tang Feng. That's it?"

Zi Xuan shook her head, her face showed a grin again, and said, "How can I know how good your family is? It depends on your own practice."

Even if she didn't get the answer she wanted, Chang Sun Ying was still full of joy.

The eldest Sun Ying grew up in a medical family, and she has always believed that the medical skills in this world are the most powerful in her own family. Although she did not show it, she has always been quite conceited in her heart, but since she met Tang Feng, especially after seeing Tang Feng's superb medical skills, almost doubted her entire life.

Now that she heard what Zi Xuan said to herself, Chang Sun Ying only felt that the haze that had troubled her for so many days had been wiped out, and replaced by an uncontrollable excitement.

Although the relationship between Ji Ning and the eldest Sun Ying is not very familiar, they don’t know anything about her thoughts, and he is not good at observing words and taking care of other people’s emotions. At this moment, they can hear the conversation between them. There was a look of surprise on the face, and only then did she know what Changsun Ying was up to.

As he walked, he said: "The medical skills of the eldest grandson family are well-known, and they are well-known throughout China. It makes sense. As the pharmacist of this generation of family, the sister-in-law is also a leader, so there is no need to worry about it. ."

Normally, he rarely comforts others, saying such a few words is already extremely rare.

Chang Sun Ying was obviously surprised that he was able to comfort herself, so she smiled at him and said: "However, I probably spent more than ten years in the realm of Tang Feng, and I may not be able to reach it, Zhou family's daughter, The time following him is not too long, it is shocking to be able to make such progress."

Zi Xuan smiled lightly and said: "She is different."

"Oh?" Changsun Ying's eyes were filled with curiosity.

Zi Xuan didn’t explain, she just smiled mysteriously, and said, “If it’s an ordinary child, how can Tang Feng take her as a disciple? However, you don’t need to care too much about her situation. The technique is completely different, and she does not need to be compared with her."

Chang Sun Ying was still puzzled, but Zi Xuan nodded her head as she said so, and stopped speaking.

"There's something over there!" Ji Ning, who was walking in front, suddenly spoke, pointed to the front, and speeded up his pace, "It's a corpse!"

The expression on Chang Sun Ying's face changed, and she immediately took a few steps and followed.

In the front, there are more than a dozen corpses lying down in the direction of the tunnel, their heads all facing the direction of the hole, one after another, if not already dead, it almost makes people think that they are in a neat line. Crawl in the direction of the hole.

These corpses were all mummified, and a piece of skin was tightly wrapped on the bones, and there was no decay. Inside the cave, there was no special smell.

Looking at these corpses alone, you can't tell what age, but most of their clothes have been corrupted, and there are some rags left, hanging on their bodies or falling on the ground next to the corpses.

Chang Sun Ying stepped forward, and the first time she checked whether they had a gold chain on their necks, all the corpses had been checked, but there was nothing.

Ji Ning also helped to check. After seeing it, Fang heaved a sigh of relief and said to Chang Sun Ying: "Sister-in-law, there is no one in your family here."

Chang Sun Ying's face did not show a relaxed look, but frowned slightly, and said: "Mr. Meng has clearly said that there are corpses in this cave who wear these kinds of ornaments. The meeting is gone?"

Zi Xuan stood beside the corpse, looked for a long while, and said: "If you come to this place as ordinary people and see these corpses, will you put them neatly?"

Chang Sun Ying showed a hint of surprise, and said, "You mean that someone came here after Mr. Meng and the others, and processed the corpses and took away the things they were wearing?"

"At least it looks like this for now," Zi Xuan took another look toward the depths of the cave, and after retracting her gaze, she said again: "Look at how they died."

Ji Ning squatted down to check and inspected a few corpses, Fang said: "He was seriously injured, many of which were fatal. It seems that there should have been a fierce battle here. The opponent is quite capable. It may be. Wu Xiu, and these people are certainly not ordinary people."

Chang Sun Ying's expression changed, and she immediately followed to check. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading record (Chapter 607 Daigo Enlightenment) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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