Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 580: Xiao Hui's small calculations

Hearing what Lin Mengjia said, Xiang Chuan nodded, and said hurriedly: "What Mrs. Tang said is, I remember reading in some books that some human children have been raised by wolves since they were children. They are usually called wolves. Boy, these children are because there is no human teaching around them when they grow up. When they grow up, they can't understand people at all and can't do human things. They look like human-shaped wolves."

"If it had spirit, it wouldn't be like that," Zi Xuan shook her head. "If it needs human domestication to be able to understand human nature, what's the difference from ordinary animals?"

Dabai gave another "Woo". This time, it was not dissatisfaction, but agreed with Zi Xuan's words.

It has always been in the mountains and has never been in contact with people. It has only left Daqingshan since it met Tang Feng. It has the ability of psychic, naturally, it knows how to communicate with people.

Rong Guocheng grabbed his hair and said curiously: "Mr. Tang, this Jiao has already run away. How do you find it again? Are you following the traces it left?"

Tang Feng said faintly: "There are marks on my spells, and I can detect them thousands of miles away."

"So, isn't it similar to a tracker? It can be located by GPS, and you can't escape from the end of the world." Li Jianming's eyes are full of worship.

Tang Feng smiled without saying a word.

The cultivators in history have a considerable part of the methods that are far better than some of the current technological methods, but because the spiritual energy on the earth gradually dissipates and becomes more and more scarce, more and more immortal cultivators have come. The less, these magical techniques will be annihilated along with them.

Everyone is very curious about Jiao. However, listening to Rong Guocheng's description of such terrible things, naturally they do not want to make intimate contact with it. They just want to speed up their pace and leave this place of right and wrong. .

Follow the passage to the exit blocked by the heavy snow.

Rong Guocheng stepped forward to touch the snow and said, "This snow is not too cold. It seems that time is not too often, and probably not very thick. Even if it is digging, it will not take much time. , Mr. Tang, do you have tools? We can dig this snowdrift."

He didn't know where Tang Feng could take out all kinds of things at will. It was no surprise that he asked Tang Feng directly for what he needed.

Tang Feng smiled faintly, and said, "In that case, I'm going to look for the snake, and you will slowly dig this entrance here so that you won't be bored while waiting for me."

He naturally has a way to open the entrance and exit immediately, but he thinks that he needs to leave for a while. If everyone is waiting for him outside the cave, if these people are idle and bored to walk around, and there is an accident, it will be a little troublesome. It would be better to find something to do for them, just dig a snowdrift here, and when they dig through the entrance, he can almost come back.

While speaking, Tang Feng had already taken out a few shovels from within the Sumi mustard space, and gave them to them.

Xiang Chuan took it and said, "Brother Rong, you just worked hard, so you might as well take a rest and let us come!"

Wang Lihui and Gao Yi also agreed, and each took a shovel.

The other people also wanted to step forward. Rong Guocheng smiled at them and said, "You guys are only able to consume a lot of physical energy. You should rest for a while. When they are tired, replace them. This place is not too spacious. Not suitable for so many people squeezing in at the same time."

Lin Mengjia held Tang Feng with a faint worry on her face.

The little girl also stretched out Tang Feng's hand, and said with concern: "Dad, Uncle Rong just said that the Jiao is extremely powerful, you must be more careful and don't underestimate the enemy."

Looking at the little girl's clear eyes and the caring in her eyes, Tang Feng only felt warm in his heart, smiled and nodded, and said, "Don't worry, Dad has his own way."

Xiao Hui jumped to Tang Feng's feet, pulled his trouser legs, screamed at him, scratching his ears, and anxious expression between his eyebrows and eyes.

Tang Feng smiled at it: "You greedy little thing, you got the benefit last time, and you want snake gall to eat this time? The gall of this gall is not more toxic than that of the python, I'm afraid that after you eat it, It takes three days and three nights to get rid of this poison."

Although Xiao Hui had a strong body and would not be afraid of ordinary poisons, the poison of this flood was not something it could resist. Tang Feng was worried that it would not be able to stand the poisonous gas he even squirted, so he gave it Antitoxin Pill.

Xiao Hui pointed his paw to his mouth and screamed again.

Tang Feng still shook his head and said, "If you swallow this anti-toxin pill, it can indeed detoxify the poison of snake gall, but at the same time, it can also resolve its efficacy. There is no difference between eating it and not eating it."

These answers made Xiao Hui stunned for a while, and an extremely frustrated expression immediately appeared on his face.

But after tangling for a few seconds, it still didn't give up, refused to let go of Tang Feng, and kept winking at him, pleading.

The mind of this spirit beast is extremely clever. The last time I ate the snake gall of a python, it benefited a lot. Now that I saw that the dragon is so huge, and its practice is several times better than that of the python, I can expect its gall. The effect is definitely better than that of the python, and I have already made a small calculation in my heart.

Seeing this, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but laughed: "You might as well take it with you, or be your company. With it, I can rest assured that even if it is asleep, you can bring it back. Nothing. What troublesome."

She had seen Xiao Hui's power before, and felt that if she was by Tang Feng's side, she would be an excellent helper.

Tang Feng smiled at Xiao Hui and said, "Since Jiajia has pleaded with you, I will give you another bargain this time."

Xiao Hui immediately turned to Lin Mengjia, smiled openly, and bowed and bowed to her with joy.

When Da Bai saw this, he also looked at Tang Feng. It did not dare to scream, and could only stare at Tang Feng with a pleading expression, with a low voice constantly coming from its throat.

Tang Feng was even more helpless, saying: "When I start with the Jiao, it will surely spray out poisonous gas again. You can't even open your mouth. What can you do with me? Besides, there is nothing on this Jiao. What is suitable for you, can you still not eat it physically? Or do you want a few bones to grind your teeth?"

Dabai looked aggrieved.

Tang Feng stroked its head a few times and brought Dabai with it. It was not completely indispensable, but he took two spirit beasts at the same time, and the strength here was much weaker. After all, he felt a little worried.

Tang Feng smiled and said: "You are here to guard, if you behave well, when I come back, I can give you a pill as a reward."

Da Bai became excited and nodded again and again. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 580 Xiaohui's small calculation) reading record, You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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