Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 573: Feed demon

After returning to the passage, Zi Xuan explained the speculation of the following people to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng said indifferently: "I also thought of this, and I also found it a bit strange. The behavior shown by this Jiao is indeed inconsistent with its cultivation base, and if it has been locked in this cave all the time, How do you hunt?"

"Is this long tunnel artificially excavated just to trap this monster?" Lin Mengjia looked back and forth, and there was no end in sight on both sides of the tunnel. She had been surprised by this question a long time ago, "and still In the Spring and Autumn Period, there were not many people in China at that time. These places were considered barren land, and it was unimaginable that such a large amount of manpower was required to carry out such a large project."

Rong Guocheng tentatively said: "I have an idea, could this place be the cemetery of an ancient prince? In other words, it was originally intended to be a cemetery, but there were some problems during the construction process. Continue, after that, it was abandoned and used by others to lock the dragon in this place."

Meng Qiongyun nodded and said, "It's not impossible. For the sake of longevity or resurrection after death, ancient emperors always hoped to find the place of famous mountains and rivers and build their own mausoleum. However, I checked relevant information. No records in this regard have been found."

Lin Mengjia said: "The Spring and Autumn Period, after all, has a long history, and there are very few documents handed down. Later generations have also been perfected through continuous archaeology. It is not impossible if there are things that are not recorded. What do you think?"

Everyone couldn't think of any plausible explanation, they just nodded.

Shangguan said: "It's also possible. It has something to do with the sects here. When a practitioner reaches a certain level, his ability is far comparable to that of others. If one becomes ten, it is not difficult to dig this passage."

"Although that is said, there is absolutely no need for Zongmen to do this." Zi Xuan shook her head. "Look at this passage, it is very steep and not conducive to walking. Moreover, if you want to allow people to walk, there is a stone wall on both sides. There will be lighting facilities here, but there is nothing here. I don’t think that everyone in this sect can walk like this without a lantern torch."

"Moreover, is this fracture formed intentionally or unintentionally?" Chang Sun Ying glanced at the black hole again.

Da Bai was also a little nervous, still looking down.

Tang Feng took the little girl's hand, walking forward, and said indifferently: "It is meaningless to discuss this now."

When everyone saw this, they all followed, even though they were still puzzled.

The little girl followed Tang Feng for a few steps, blinked, and suddenly said, "Dad, will someone give him food?"

"Huh?" Tang Feng glanced at the little girl and didn't listen to her meaning tomorrow.

The little girl said seriously: "It's like a pet in the house. I tie a rope to prevent it from going out, but I am afraid that it will be hungry, so I feed it every day.

The crisp voice of the little girl appeared extremely clear within the long passage. Everyone could hear clearly, and everyone could not help but get a layer of goose bumps.

Tang Feng smiled and touched the little girl's head, and said, "Your thoughts are really interesting."

But no one else finds it interesting.

Someone is raising monsters? Breed a monster that has been more than three thousand years old? How terrible is this person?

Long Sun Ying said, "Could it be that this person has not survived for three thousand years?"

"It may not be the same person." Tang Feng said indifferently, "If Yaoyao's inference is true, then it is likely that the person raising the monster beast is an organization, a sect, or a large family, passed on from generation to generation."

"This is quite reasonable, but what is the purpose of raising monster beasts? Also, feeding on humans, feeding monsters, and other behaviors that are against the sky, just talk about it. What a sin that can really be done. Moreover, the killing of so many people is simply to be condemned by the heavens." Zi Xuan frowned, thinking of those white bones, and sighed slightly, "In Kunlun, there may have been many sects. Sect, but I don’t believe that such sects really exist."

Lin Mengjia did not speak, but she nodded without being easily noticed. Even though she did not see the bones in the underground river, it was conceivable to hear everyone talk about it, and she couldn't believe that the monster would actually be. Raised by people.

Tang Feng smiled slightly and said, "This is just a guess, and everyone shouldn't be too nervous. Children's imagination is always very rich."

Zhou Wan whispered: "If the pet's owner dies, it can't eat anything and feels hungry, it will break away from the rope and run out of the house, wandering around looking for food."

Everyone was slightly comforted by Tang Feng, and they were immediately surprised by Zhou Wan's words.

Sure enough, the way of thinking of children is different from that of adults, and she can think of such bizarre possibilities.

Tang Feng smiled helplessly, and said, "This is also an interesting guess, very bold." While speaking, Tang Feng stopped.

In front of him, there appeared a bifurcation, two passages leading to the left and right directions respectively. On the surface, the two were exactly the same, and there were no signs or the like on them.

Everyone who followed Tang Feng also saw him.

The passage has always been a through route, suddenly divided into two, making everyone a little surprised.

Rong Guocheng took a step forward, looked around, and said, "Mr. Tang, let me take someone to explore the way."

Ji Ning also said, "I'll go over and take a look."

Tang Feng groaned for a moment, and said, "You will walk in two paths, take Da Bai and Xiao Hui, if you encounter any situation, look back quickly and don't fall in love with it!"

Hearing Tang Feng's tone with a serious tone, Lin Mengjia only felt nervous, and hurriedly took his arm, and said, "What will happen?"

Tang Feng shook his head and said, "I just feel vaguely uneasy."

Seeing that Tang Feng was like this, Rong Guocheng felt a little sweat in his palm, waved to Wang Shan, and said, "Shanzi, Lao Zhao, Jianming, come with me, and the rest, follow Mr. Ji. ."

Ji Ning shook his head and said, "You should bring a few more people, I'll be fine."

"I'll go with you." Shangguan said to Ji Ning, her voice flat, without any emotion, as usual.

Ji Ning did not refuse or answer this time, just nodded.

Zi Xuan looked at the two, a smile that was not easily detectable flashed across her mouth. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 573 Feeding Monster) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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