Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 557: Come from desperation

At this critical moment, the sound was heard in everyone's ears, and it was extremely beautiful, just like the sound of heaven.

A soul orb appeared in Zi Xuan's hand. From the soul orb, a golden light appeared. This light seemed to have a solid body, forming a hemispherical shape on the ground, enveloping everyone in it, and the falling snow Blocks, unable to enter the range of this light, one after another fell towards the four.

But the light of this hemisphere, obviously can't support for a long time, has been shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Tang Feng's figure had appeared next to Lin Mengjia. He only stretched out one hand, grabbed Lin Mengjia, and threw it into the circle. Before Lin Mengjia landed, he stretched out both hands at the same time, grasping separately. I missed the little girl and Zhou Wan, and threw them both at the same time.

In this moment, the three figures disappeared in the circle.

"Everyone, go in!" Rong Guocheng shouted while pushing Meng Zhong, who was obviously already weak.

Xiang Chuan and Wang Shan came up to pull Meng Zhong, Zhao Yanzhi and Gao Yi dragged Meng Qiongyun, and ran towards the formation together.

Upon seeing this, Rong Guocheng turned around to save Wang Lihui and Li Jianming on the ground, and saw that Tang Feng had put Wang Lihui on his shoulders, and Ji Ning and Shangguan also lifted Li Jianming up.

Seeing Rong Guocheng looking back, Zhang Sun Ying pushed on his shoulder and said hurriedly: "Go! With Tang Feng, they will be fine!"

Under her push, Rong Guocheng did not take any precautions and was pushed into the formation by her, and Chang Sun Ying also jumped in.

"Da Bai! Xiao Hui!" Tang Feng hurried toward the formation, while yelling at the two spirit beasts.

They were both furious. After hearing Tang Feng's voice, they immediately calmed down and ran toward the formation obediently.

Seeing everyone had entered, Zi Xuan jumped forward and jumped into the circle. At the same time, the light emitted from the soul bead had disappeared, and the heavy snowdrift fell heavily.

Only in a moment, the place where everyone had stayed was completely covered by snowdrifts, and the falling snow was several meters thick.

Lin Mengjia was thrown into the formation by Tang Feng. Before she stood firm, she felt her eyes flickered, and the scene in front of her changed. Although she had been mentally prepared for a long time, she was still a little dumbfounded. I felt a little dizzy and fell to the ground.

Before Lin Mengjia could react, she sank in her arms, and then the little girl sat in her embrace, and at the same time, Zhou Wan appeared beside her.

"Mom." The little girl's face was full of excitement.

It seems that this teleportation is like an extremely interesting game to her. She has no fear at all. Although Zhou Wan's face is a little surprised, it is also surprised and happy.

Lin Mengjia didn't have time to think, she quickly got up with her little girl in her arms, and pulled up Zhou Wan who was sitting on the ground again, half-dragging and half-dragging, about two or three meters away from the place.

She knew very well that her location was the location of the array that was transmitted. After a while, everyone would be transmitted from here, and if they didn't avoid it in time, they would just be together.

Lin Mengjia's judgment was not wrong at all.

Just when she dragged Zhou Wan away from that position, everyone appeared from there one after another.

First, the father and son Meng Qiongyun, and the few people who protected them, then Rong Guocheng and Chang Sun Ying. These people appeared almost at the same time, and naturally they crashed into one place. Several people fell to the ground.

Chang Sun Ying is the most agile and has the fastest response. She jumped away immediately to avoid tripping.

Lin Mengjia said eagerly: "Everyone quickly disperse, Tang Feng and the others will come soon."

Although these people did not react as fast as Sun Ying, they were extremely quick. Upon hearing Lin Mengjia's words, they quickly retreated from the center of the formation. Rong Guocheng and others did not forget to pull up the collapsed father and son Meng Qiongyun on the ground.

After all, these two people are ordinary people, and their reaction to the teleportation circle is extremely dizzy, their hands and feet are crisp, and they can't help retching, looking very painful.

The remaining few people, plus Da Bai and Xiao Hui, appeared almost at the same time.

Although Tang Feng was carrying a person, his steps were not affected at all. He appeared in the formation and walked out quickly.

However, Shangguan was not so lucky. She and Ji Ning framed Li Jianming, and they had just teleported over. The figure had not stabilized yet, Da Bai and Xiao Hui had already appeared.

Da Bai landed on the ground, wagging his tail and ran away, but Xiao Hui was unbiased, landed on Shangguan’s shoulders, and then jumped up with his strength, jumping out towards the outside. With a bit of strength, and the top official's feet were not stable, his body shook and almost fell on his back.

Upon seeing this, Ji Ning was still supporting Li Jianming with one hand, while supporting Shangguan’s back with the other hand. Shangguan’s body fell backwards and almost fell into Ji Ning’s arms. Fortunately, her own abilities were already good. It is extremely high, with strength under the feet and straight legs, to stabilize the figure.

Even so, Shangguan's cheeks still blushed slightly.

Fortunately, at this time, people were still in shock and panic that had just been transmitted, and few people noticed her.

Zi Xuan appeared immediately, reaching out to support Li Jianming who was about to slip.

Rong Guocheng and others came over immediately, took Wang Lihui and Li Jianming from Tang Feng and the others, with a worried look on their faces.

"Jianming, Huizi, how are you doing?" Rong Guocheng hurriedly checked their injuries. When he saw them, he couldn't help but gasp.

"The wounds are all on the shoulders. The caliber of this sniper rifle is very large, and the wounds it caused completely penetrate. I will find a place to treat them later." Tang Feng just glanced at it and judged the injury.

"Avalanches are usually very large, we leave here as soon as possible." Chang Sun Ying said quickly.

Although Chang Sun Ying's reaction to the transmission was not very strong, she couldn't judge her location for a while, or she couldn't imagine that in an instant, she could appear thousands of meters away. , I just thought it was not far away from the place before.

Zi Xuan no longer had the nervous expression on her face, and a smile appeared again, saying: "There is no need to worry about the avalanche, but it is not a long-term place. The injuries of these two people should be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise they are afraid. They will lose too much blood. I already feel that they are very weak."

The blood of the two of them had soaked their clothes, and when the wind blew them, they were frozen with a thin layer of ice. At this moment, they both closed their eyes tightly, and their breathing was weak. Without Zi Xuan's words, everyone could feel it. They were just A breath still exists.

Rong Guocheng and others immediately looked at Tang Feng for help. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this reading (Chapter 557), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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