Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 537: Warm family

A family of three walked along the street, chatting, and unknowingly, they came to the river.

The river water at night, under the reflection of the lights and stars on both sides of the bank, shimmered with sparkling waves, as charming as a dream.

Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia held hands and strolled along the river bank.

There is no purpose, I just feel that walking in this way will bring infinite joy in my heart.

Both sides of the river bank are also very lively. There are many tourists, mostly young couples, watching the river lanterns with sweet smiles on their faces.

There are a large number of people, so naturally there are businesses doing business here. The stalls here are mostly snacks, exuding bursts of tangy fragrance, which is very attractive.

When the little girl saw it, her appetite was immediately appetizing, and she wanted to taste everything she saw.

Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia would not let her down.

In the past, Lin Mengjia would still stop it. After all, the things on the street may not be so hygienic and not suitable for children. But the little girl is now invincible. No matter what she eats, for her, No effect, Lin Mengjia certainly won't be disappointed.

A family of three played by the river for a while, and it was late at night.

The number of people on the street gradually decreased, and the stalls were gradually closed. The noisy river bank slowly cleared away, and soon, except for these three people, no one else was seen.

Lin Mengjia stood by the river and watched the night wind blow up the waves. The reflection of the moon in the river dispersed as if it had been shattered. When the river leveled up, it became one again.

The broken mirror is reunited.

For some reason, such a word suddenly appeared in Lin Mengjia's mind.

He and Tang Feng are like the moon shadow in the river, after being disturbed for a short time, they will quickly return to their original state.

Lin Mengjia looked at her with a faint smile on her lips.

Tang Feng hugged her in his arms behind her, with his lips close to her ears, and asked softly, "What are you thinking about?"

Lin Mengjia snuggled in Tang Feng's arms and did not answer, just stretched out her hand and covered Tang Feng's hands around her waist, acting gentle.

Tang Feng stopped questioning either, just keeping this posture.

His body can feel the warmth of Lin Mengjia, his nose can smell the scent of her hair, and what he holds in his arms is his happiness.

The little girl was sitting on the bank of the river, and there was only a bunch of grilled squids in her hand before.

She was eating the grilled squid with relish, while kicking the river with her feet, splashing water on her body, and it was cool, making her giggle.

The sound of laughter like silver bells, in this silent night, spread far away, and echoed on the river.

"Tang Feng, when you told me to bring me to Lishui, did you ever think about how we are today?" Lin Mengjia finally couldn't help but opened her mouth, her voice was slow, soft, with a shallow smile .

Tang Feng looked into the distance. After a long time, he said: "At that time, I had nothing. The only dream that belonged to me was to be with you. I have thought about a lot. I missed us getting married, wanted us to have a honeymoon, and missed us. How happy it should be to be together, but there will be today, but I never thought of it, and I couldn’t think of it.”

"If you didn't leave that year, we graduated, got married, and took Yaoyao, you said, what would we be like now?" Lin Mengjia's mouth was upturned, her eyes blurred, her memory, again Back then, back to when Tang Feng didn't leave.

Tang Feng did not answer, but tightened his hands around Lin Mengjia's waist.

He had also thought about her problem.

If I hadn't been to Kunlun that time, then things would not happen later. Probably, after graduation, I and Lin Mengjia will work step by step, get married and have children, raise children, and live like ordinary people. Thinking about it this way, it is also happy. .

But will things really be what you think?

At that time, Tang Feng didn't know the identity of Lin Mengjia, even less that the Lin family behind her was staring at him.

At that time, he was just an ordinary person. When faced with threats from the powerful Lin family, can he protect Lin Mengjia, can he protect the little girl?

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared at the corner of Tang Feng's mouth.

He has no power to protect himself, so how can he protect his wife and daughter? Even if he didn't go to Kunlun back then, he would have other "accidents" happening. At that time, he probably didn't have such good luck, and he could cross into the star sea. There was such a chance and coincidence that he got the current situation.

Tang Feng didn't regret it. Now this situation is his best choice.

The only regretful thing in his heart is to let Lin Mengjia raise the little girl alone and spend these years hard, which made him feel guilty.

"Jiajia, I will treat you well." Tang Feng whispered in Lin Mengjia's ear.

His voice is not high, but firm, he knows that he cannot make up for the past, and can only do better in the future.

Lin Mengjia didn't answer, but the smile on her face made her happier.

On the surface of the water, a thin white mist rose up, and the light from a distance passed through behind the white mist and dyed the mist into gold. The entire surface of the river looked like a fairyland.

The night was cool, Tang Feng held Lin Mengjia tighter again.

Lin Mengjia smiled and said slowly: "The climate of Lishui is like spring all year round, and it has such a beautiful scenery. If you live in this place all the time, it will be great."

Although Tang Feng didn't want to spoil this beautiful atmosphere, he still curled his lips slightly.

In the vast starry sky, there are countless places more beautiful than here.

When he first traveled through the sea of ​​stars, whenever he encountered beautiful scenery, he couldn't help but think of how happy she would be if he could bring Lin Mengjia with him.

Lin Mengjia didn’t hear Tang Feng’s reply, and continued to whisper, “We also open a small shop or an inn. We will open the door when we want to open according to our mood, and close the door when we don’t want to open. It’s great to be free and easy."

Tang Feng smiled faintly, and said: "In the future, I will take you to a more beautiful place, where there is an infinitely broad world, and no one restricts you. You can do what you want. At that time, you will be truly free. ."

Lin Mengjia was immersed in her own fantasies. Hearing Tang Feng's words like this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately asked, "Where is that?"

Tang Feng smiled without saying a word, just hugged Lin Mengjia tighter.

It was the little girl who was kicking the splash, leaning towards the two, with a smile on her face, and said loudly: "Dad, Dad, I want to go too!"

Her voice pierced through the night and stunned the birds perching on the water.

Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia laughed softly and warmly at the same time. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 537 Warm Family) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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