Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 527: Three people by leaps and bounds

Early in the morning, Xie Huo called Rong Guocheng, told him that he had brought some people, waited in the hotel lobby, and practiced for them.

When the few people had packed up and arrived in the lobby on the first floor, Xie Huo stepped forward and saluted Tang Feng respectfully, saying: "Mr. Tang, you came to Xijing from afar, I should have stayed with Mr. for a few more days. Do the best of the landlord’s friendship. However, knowing that Mr. has important things, he dare not do more to retain him. He only hopes that Mr. will return to Xijing again. Then Xie must be given a chance to entertain him."

Tang Feng nodded and said, "What happened last night has not yet been completely resolved. About the time we meet again, it won't be too far."

Xie Huo hurriedly nodded in response, and said: "This time is in a hurry, and I haven't been able to prepare any gifts for my husband. There are only some local specialties in Xijing. I hope that Mr.

While talking, the person Xie Huo had brought brought a few boxes over, opened them, and looked at Tang Feng. They contained some rough jade stones, which were of good quality.

Lantian jade near Xijing has a long history and is one of the four famous jade of China. Unlike the jade of Southern Xinjiang, this jade is multi-color jade with its own characteristics in color and pattern. In addition, it is produced in this feng shui treasure place, and it is also quite aura.

Obviously, Xie Huo had asked Rong Guocheng and knew that Tang Feng needed jade, so he prepared these Lantian jade to give to Tang Feng. It was not easy for him to get these in just one night.

Tang Feng did not refuse, let Rong Guocheng treat him to accept it.

Xie Huo asked another box to be delivered to Zi Xuan, saying: "Miss Zi Xuan, this is the jade article I mentioned last night. It was given to me by a friend who understands Feng Shui. According to him, It can drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters, depending on whether the device is suitable."

The box was opened, and inside was a jade sword, about thirty centimeters in length, carved from a whole piece of jade, it was moist and clear, the patterns and colors were all top grade, and there was still aura lingering on it.

When Zi Xuan saw it, there was a flash of joy in her eyes, she held it in her hand, looked at it with joy, and nodded her head, saying: "It's very useful, thank you boss. Great credit."

While speaking, he hurriedly put the jade sword back into the box, took the box over, and hugged it in his arms, for fear that others would **** it away.

The other person who worried her was naturally Tang Feng.

Among all the people present, only Tang Feng had the ability to **** things from her hands.

When Tang Feng saw this jade sword, he could not help but nodded slightly.

He has to admit that Xie Huo is quite discerning. This jade sword should be some years old, and has been incense in the temple, has some spirituality, it can be regarded as a very good tool.

However, since Xie Huo explained that it was given to Zi Xuan, even if Tang Feng knew that Zi Xuan wanted the jade sword to be used as a magic weapon at all, he would naturally not **** her.

Xie Huo gave Lin Mengjia, the little girl, and Zhou Wan gifts, all of which were valuable hibiscus jade bracelets.

Although they don't usually like to wear accessories, holding the bracelet in their hands, they can feel a sense of warmth. They only feel that it is worn on the arm, and there is a sense of coolness. They will not go away for a long time, and they will not put it down.

Several people thanked the tiger.

Tang Feng said to Xie Huo: "You practice according to the formula I gave you. If it goes smoothly, when I come again, you will be able to break through the second layer of acquired nature. At that time, I will teach you how to improve again."

Thanks to the tiger's face full of excitement and excitement, he immediately saluted Tang Feng again and couldn't help but thank him.

After leaving Xijing, the convoy continued westward.

On the way, Shangguan didn't stop her teaching Lin Mengjia and the three of them.

Every time she took a break, she would take the three of them to the open space to practice for a while. Sometimes, Ji Ning would also participate and act as a guide with Shangguan.

Tang Feng watched by the side, giving advice from time to time.

During this period, Tang Feng had a faint feeling in his heart that Shangguan and Ji Ning developed a tacit understanding.

The two still don't like to talk very much, but just by looking at them, they can communicate with each other and understand each other's meaning.

Every time Tang Feng looked at them, his face showed a somewhat playful look.

The few people here were taught and learned, and they were very happy. When Rong Guocheng saw this, they all showed admiration, but they looked from a distance and didn't dare to approach.

They only thought that Shangguan and Ji Ning were very strong before, but they did not see them taking action. At this time, seeing them show their martial arts, they were already worshipped, and in order to demonstrate to Lin Mengjia and the three of them, they would fight against each other from time to time. , Seeing their agility and superb martial arts, I admire them even more.

However, they all knew in their hearts that both Shangguan and Ji Ning were masters, and these masters had personality and temperament, so naturally they didn't dare to sneak in and learn from their teachers.

Tang Feng was aware of their situation and said sincerely to Rong Guo: "If you want to learn, come here."

After hearing this, several people were all in high spirits, and immediately surrounded them.

Since these people were able to risk their lives and follow him to Kunlun, Tang Feng did not regard them as outsiders. He also had some intentions in his heart to cultivate more people around him who could use him.

Although Rong Guocheng has made him very satisfied, after all, if there are too many things in the future, he will not be able to handle it alone.

All of his subordinates have martial arts skills. In addition, Tang Feng asked them to take Xiaoyi Bendan, and their physical fitness has been greatly improved. Although they are not as fast as Lin Mengjia's little girl, they have learned martial arts. It can also surpass ordinary people.

However, these people look back and return to school, but they only dared to communicate secretly in private, and did not dare to go up to ask Shangguan and Ji Ning, because neither of them were very good at communicating with others, so they ignored them. they.

Seeing this, Tang Feng felt a little funny in his heart, and secretly let Zi Xuan pass over and give some pointers.

Zi Xuan's mood returned to normal after she left Xijing. Tang Feng was even more convinced that something must have happened to her in Xijing before, and this time, during the hours she was alone, she must have been again. Tell what they did.

However, Tang Feng didn't ask much.

After all, this was Zi Xuan's own business, and Tang Feng and his family were not involved, so he did not intend to intervene.

Under Zi Xuan's guidance, even though Rong Guocheng and the others did not advance by leaps and bounds like Lin Mengjia and the others, they had all improved their martial skills along the way.

By the time they arrived in Rongcheng, Lin Mengjia and the three had initially mastered simple martial arts.

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