Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 485: A journey of a thousand miles

After sending away Meng Qiongyun and his son, Tang Feng asked the little girl and Zhou Wan to play with them at will and relax.

The two little girls went to the garden together to take care of the elixir.

Zhou Wan is always willing to approach the elixir. She feels at ease when she is near the elixir. The little girl is also willing to stay with her and feel relaxed and happy by staying by her side.

Tang Feng knew that this was the effect of the wood spirit root. Zhou Wan and the spirit medicine could make the spirit medicine grow rapidly, and it could also make her body's spirit work coordinately. The little girl also had the same effect with her.

Therefore, he was pleased with them.

After the two little girls left, only Tang Feng himself was left in the lounge. He stood at the window of the lounge and looked outside.

Tang Feng looked around. It was an unintentional act. He just wanted to see if there was any need to adjust the formation in the garden, but he saw Shangguan speaking with Mother Lin in the garden. With his hearing, even if the distance was too far apart. Far away, it's like speaking in the ear.

Mother Lin was sitting on a wicker chair, next to a delicate small mahogany table with tea sets, refreshments, and a few fruits. On a stone bench next to her, Lin Mengjia’s aunt was sitting.

Shangguan was standing next to Mother Lin, her face obviously with a very respectful expression.

Tang Feng was a little curious when he saw Shangguan, who was always solitary and always talking on the face of Bingshan Poker, was chatting with the two old women.

When Tang Feng looked over, Shangguan was facing Lin Mu and said: "Please don't worry, Madam, no matter what happens, even if I fight for my life, I will definitely not let Miss Lin and Yaoyao lose a little bit."

Tang Feng remembered that Shangguan told him that the reason why she came back to Lin Mengjia to protect her and the little girl was because Mother Lin had some connections with her sect, and the sect sent her over.

On weekdays, Shangguan and Lin's mother didn't communicate much, but as long as she saw Lin's mother anywhere, she always looked quite respectful.

It can be seen that Lin Mu should have a very high status in the minds of Shangguan's sect.

What is the reason for a Wu Xiu sect to respect an ordinary woman so much?

But no matter what the reason, Tang Feng can affirm that this sect's respect for Mother Lin absolutely has nothing to do with the influence of the Lin family.

Lin Mengjia and the little girl’s greatest threat came from her father and the entire Lin family behind him. The Shangguan protected Lin Mengjia. Invisibly, he stood on the opposite side of the Lin family. If this sect was afraid of the Lin family’s power , It is impossible to send a Shangguan.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Mu must have had a great influence on this sect, otherwise they would not risk offending the Lin Family to accept this matter.

Tang Feng suddenly became curious about the relationship between Shangguan's sect and the relationship between Shangguan's sect and Lin Mu, so he continued to listen.

Lin Mu smiled as always, and her voice was kind of loving and gentle. She nodded to Shangguan and said: "Shangguan girl, you do things, I am most assured, give Jiajia and Yaoyao to you. Naturally, there is no anxiety in my heart, but I am still a little worried. If there are dangers that we don't know yet, what should I do?"

The Shangguan lowered his eyes and listened to Mother Lin. He said, "Mrs. Lin, you don't have to worry about it. Going this time, and Mr. Tang, even if my ability is limited, you should always be with him. assured."

Lin Mengjia’s aunt smiled and said, “Yes, eldest sister, you know what your uncle is capable of. What else is rare to keep him? Even if it’s dangerous, from his point of view, it’s simply It's not a problem."

Hearing this woman's words from a distance, Tang Feng's mouth unconsciously revealed a faint smile.

In the eyes of everyone in this villa, Tang Feng was already regarded as a half immortal. It was really anything that couldn't help him.

Mother Lin replied softly, still a little worried on her face.

Tang Feng quite understood her thoughts.

The mother is worried about the trip.

She came to Pingyang all the way and met her daughter and granddaughter who had been long-awaited for many years. After they stayed together for a long time, Lin Mengjia and the little girl had to travel far, and there was considerable danger wherever they went. As a mother, it is inevitable. I will be extremely worried.

However, Mother Lin knew that tens of thousands of Kunlun meant Tang Feng, and also knew Lin Mengjia was full of expectations for this trip. No matter how worried she was in her heart, she never mentioned to Lin Mengjia, nor did she persuade her not to go. His behavior was just a few words to Shangguan secretly.

Seeing Mother Lin worrying about Lin Mengjia and the little girl, Tang Feng's face showed a somewhat sad expression.

If my mother is still alive, she must be very worried about knowing that she is going to travel far.

Thinking of his mother, Tang Feng couldn't help sighing deeply.

After his accident in Kunlun that year, he was nominally missing, but almost everyone knew that he was bound to die, and how sad his mother was at that time.

In these thousand years, Tang Feng has long looked down upon life and death. Although he felt uncomfortable for his mother's passing, he did not show too much pain. But at this time, thinking that his mother was alive and caring for himself, he felt faint in his heart. Make pain.

The Shangguan saw that Mother Lin still couldn't let go, and said: "Mrs. Lin, we don’t need a lot of time to go here. You have the right to take Yaoyao out for a tour, ten and a half months. Also came back."

Without waiting for Mother Lin to speak, the woman looked at her superior and said in a puzzled manner: "It's strange to say that if you want to go out to play, there are many good places, so why is my uncle going to such a place? I heard that in these places, the mountains are covered with snow, and the woods are densely packed. If you go in, it is easy to get lost."

"At this point, you can rest assured that the people we go with are all capable and will not get lost." Shangguan replied indifferently.

As a martial artist, all senses are naturally better than ordinary people.

This sense organ not only enhances the ability of eyesight and hearing, but also has super perception. They have a strong ability to sense magnetic fields. Even if they do not rely on any tools, they will rarely lose their way.

Naturally, Shangguan would not explain these words to the woman, and the woman knew that she was very capable, so she didn't ask much.

Mother Lin nodded lightly. Although there was a smile on her face, there was still some concern in her eyes. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 485 Journey of a Thousand Miles) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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