Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 466: Troubles in Vinh Kuk City

What Tang Feng didn't know was that the one hundred water storage towers he ordered not only caused crowds in Dongcheng Haoge, but also caused a sensation among the big families in Pingyang.

Although on the surface, these big families didn't come to Tangfeng because they had nothing to do, but secretly, they sent people to watch the movement here, and even bought real estate in Dongcheng Haoge as a member of the family. Just to be able to know Tang Feng's dynamics for the first time.

When these trucks entered the Dongcheng Haoge, they attracted everyone's attention. The eyes and ears of the big families in Dongcheng Haoge were naturally among the crowd of onlookers, watching the scene from beginning to end.

At about the same time, the major families received news one after another.

Some people even connected directly with their mobile phones to live broadcast the scene.

Almost all the families, after learning about this, exploded and started various speculations.

In their eyes, Tang Feng is like a fairy. Once the fairy does not play cards according to common sense, these people will not be able to sit still. Everyone is excited and nervous, for fear of unexpected things.

During this half-day, several large families have urgently convened internal family meetings.

After discussing for several hours, they could not reach a conclusion. The elders of several families began to call again to meet each other to exchange their guesses, and to study together what happened to Tang Feng's behavior.

Even after these families discussed it for a long while, they still didn't know what Tang Feng's purpose was. They always felt that this water storage tower might be of important use, so they ordered them one after another, and slowly studied them when they bought it home.

Suddenly, the number of water storage towers in Binh Duong area surged and even sold out for a time.

Tang Feng didn't anticipate how much his small move would have had an impact in Pingyang, let alone imagine that he would become a master of goods delivery unintentionally.

After these one hundred water storage towers were put into the underground garage, they were full.

Ji Ning was also full of doubts. Seeing Tang Feng entering the underground garage, he stood at the door with a look of entanglement, and wanted to follow it in. However, Tang Feng did not order him to enter together, so he naturally did not dare to enter.

After wandering at the door for a long time, Ji Ning went back to his room to meditate with full of puzzlement.

Tang Feng naturally knew Ji Ning's mood at the moment, and he was a little funny in his heart.

When Ji Ningchu came, he was lonely and arrogant, and he looked unconvinced to anyone. At this time, he also had a heart of gossip, which surprised him a bit.

Tang Feng spent some time transferring the spiritual water from the mustard seed space in the jade disc fragment into the water storage tower. When all the water storage towers were filled, most of the space was left unused. After coming down, just wait for Rong Guocheng to get everything ready before you can transfer those things into it.

According to Tang Feng’s plan, there are more than a dozen of them here. They plan for half a month. The cost of eating and drinking is a lot, plus gasoline and diesel, tents, lighting, generators and various equipment. There are so many people, now this space is enough.

The Kunlun Mountains are long and there are endless Gobi deserts everywhere, poor mountains and bad waters, so you must prepare all the things you need in advance, otherwise after you get to the mountains, you will not see people for hundreds of miles, and you have money in your pockets. There is no place to buy things.

Of course, his huge space here cannot be wasted.

On Rong Guocheng’s side, after Tang Feng gave instructions, naturally he should hurry up and buy the items he let himself buy, plus some things he thought of for the field. The Zheng family sent 20 million in cash. I didn't use it at all, and I paid for all the items I bought.

Although he is a gangster-level figure in the Pingyang area, although he is far less worthy of Tang Feng, he is also very generous in his shots. In addition to the big and small bosses operating in various places, many of them are friends he knows. This half buy and half get free Yes, in fact, he didn't spend much money.

Rong Guocheng originally thought that it would be inconvenient to travel long distances and bring too many things. It should be streamlined, but Tang Feng asked him to be as careful as possible and don’t care how much. Although he was puzzled, he didn’t dare to disobey. , Fully follow orders.

But as a result of the order, the items he bought were piled up in half a warehouse.

On the surface, Rong Guocheng seemed to be a rough man, but he was extremely careful. He thought that Kunlun Mountain was covered with snow all the year round, and he purchased a lot of clothes to keep warm from the cold. Even women’s items were prepared together. It only took two days. The items have been prepared almost.

Then, Rong Guocheng looked at these things and worried.

Here are not only the things he bought, but also the special equipment sent by the Zheng family and the cash in ten boxes.

Rong Guocheng also has experience in hiking and expeditions. When he was young, he was even more proficient in this way. From time to time, he went to some uninhabited places to explore by himself. He was able to enter the Dragon and Tiger Gate at the beginning because of a coincidence obtained when he went into no man’s land. .

At that time, he tried to streamline what he brought to avoid overloading his body and affecting his physical strength.

This time, even if there are a lot of people, it can be shared, but bringing so many things is too exaggerated, right? Not to mention how much weight each person will bear when entering the mountain, just bringing it to Kunlun, I'm afraid it will be a problem.

The trunk space of those off-road vehicles is indeed not small, but for these five vehicles, if you want to put so many things in, it is far from enough. If you want to carry everything, I’m afraid you need a small size. Freight car.

Rong Guocheng's need to get a truck is naturally not a problem, but Tang Feng has not explained that way. Adding a truck to the convoy will of course greatly affect the schedule. He dare not take control of such matters.

Rong Guocheng called Tang Feng and said, "Mr. Tang, everything is ready, but our car does not seem to have such a large space. Do you need me to contact you? A truck?"

This is what Rong Guocheng can think of, the only way to bring all these things with him.

"No, I'll go over and take a look now."

Tang Feng could imagine what Rong Guocheng's expression was at this moment. He hung up the phone and drove out.

After Tang Feng left the villa, Ji Ning immediately ran to the underground garage.

When he saw the water storage tower filled with spiritual water, he was shocked and gasped.

This water was not ordinary water, but it was not enough to make Ji Ning so shocked.

What he couldn't think clearly was that Tang Feng entered the underground garage in just ten minutes. Where did he get the water and how did he fill up these water storage towers? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 466 Troubles of Rongguocheng), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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