Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 350: Ji Ling

After he carved out the eighteen wooden swords, he put the carving knife in his hand on the ground again.

The index finger and **** of the right hand turned into finger swords, and they were pointed on the wooden sword's sword. The fingers moved slowly on the sword, as if a symbol. As the fingers moved, the aura flowed, and on the sword, a vague Dao pattern appeared. .

The cumbersome Dao patterns, between those lines, hide some Dao symbols that are difficult to catch with the naked eye. The signs are faint, sometimes appearing, and sometimes disappearing, which is very strange.

Ghost drawing symbol.

The talisman in the wooden kendo pattern is the ghost painting talisman.

And this ghost painting talisman seems to have something to do with the earth monks. It is said that a monk who claims to be from the Maoshan school spread in the world of practice.

Just because this ghost painting amulet has natural restraint on ghosts, it is very versatile in the monk's world, and most monks understand this ghost painting amulet.

Tang Feng just stopped after the ghost symbol was formed in the Dao pattern.

In this way, all the gloomy wooden swords were painted with the ghost symbol.

The jade talisman and the gloomy wood sword are all completed, and the preparations are complete. The next step is to cultivate one's mana and improve it a bit, and then you can go to surrender that seclusion.

Now his mana cultivation has reached the sixth level of Qi Refining. If he could go one step further and step into the seventh level of Qi Refining, it would be relatively simpler to deal with that seclusion.

Although the aura in that underground space has been thinned, but in his body, there is the aura of the python.

The python has lived for more than two hundred years, absorbing the aura in the underground space, almost transforming it into a demon. Its aura essence contains a huge aura and the essence of the sun and moon.

Aura can be used to enhance mana cultivation, and the essence of the sun and moon can be used to enhance true thought and divine consciousness.

If you operate it, only the aura essence the size of the little finger can make his mana cultivation level increase again, stepping into the seventh level of Qi refining.

As long as he enters the seventh stage of refining qi, then his strength can be greatly improved on the basis of the present.

Because, after refining Qi Qi, he can use the spells that he couldn't use in the past.

Among them, there are two important spells.

One is the light body curse.

The second is invisibility.

For low-level monks, these two spells are a weapon for life-saving and escape.

Light body spells, condensed charms, blessed on oneself, can make oneself as light as a swallow, and even faster as a goshawk between running. It can be said that it is a good spell for fleeing and chasing the enemy.

As for the invisibility technique, it can hide breath and body shape, allowing people to temporarily blend into this area, unless it is a person with a higher realm than you, otherwise, you can't be found at all.

With these two spells, then, his safety factor in this world has increased a bit.

After all the jade charms and gloomy wooden swords were made, it was already in the afternoon.

After spending a few days in this yard near the back mountain, Tang Feng also felt bored, so he went out of the yard and took a walk in this Jijia Village.

"You should be the Mr. Tang from your brother's mouth?" A voice suddenly came from behind when he was walking on the road in the middle of the mountain.

It was the voice of a woman, and the voice was very beautiful and beautiful.

Tang Feng stopped and turned around. In his eyes, a few meters away behind him, stood a young woman wearing a denim skirt and a plaid shirt.

That's not a tall figure, full of surpluses, fair skin, and that soft face. Seeing her, if you don't know why, you will involuntarily think of Jiangnan Water Town.

"Your brother?" Tang Feng asked, looking at this gentle woman.

"Jining," the woman said.

Hearing this, Tang Feng knew that feelings, Ji Ning's group, unexpectedly had a younger sister.

Ji Ning was cold and unsmiling all day long, but the woman in front of him was soft and touching, and her words always gave people a pleasant feeling. The two brothers and sisters really differed greatly.

"My name is Ji Ling, and I am Ji Ning's biological sister." The woman walked over slowly, and when she got close, she stretched out her white jade hand.

Looking at the white jade hand stretched out in front of him, Tang Feng paused, before reaching out and squeezing the jade hand.

After a short moment, both hands separated.

"Mr. Tang, I heard my brother say that your medical skills are extraordinary, I don't know if you can, please do me a favor." Ji Ling said very generously.

Looking at the woman in front of her with a generous demeanor and a gentle smile, Tang Feng had a good impression of her.

This woman is very clean, very pure, and her body is not contaminated with earthly dust, and such a woman, in the invisible, is most likely to arouse people's goodwill, especially the goodwill of men.

"Is there a sick person by your side?" Tang Feng asked casually, looking at the woman in front of him.

"It's not someone else, it's me," Ji Ling said.

Hearing Ji Ling's words, Tang Feng opened his eyes again on her body.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impolite for a man to look up and down a young woman's body in this way. However, Tang Feng is a doctor, and even Ji Ling would not find it inappropriate.

When Tang Feng's true thoughts swept up and down Ji Ling's light body, she did not find anything abnormal. Her body was very healthy and very healthy.

The acquired five levels of cultivation ensured that as long as she was not injured in the battle, she would never get sick.

"The girl is not sick, why do you want me to treat you?" Tang Feng asked in surprise after taking his true thoughts back.

Seeing Tang Feng, he knew that he was not sick, and a smile appeared on Ji Ling's face.

"It seems that my brother didn't lie to me. My husband's medical skills are really extraordinary, but my body is not sick, but there seems to be a problem with me." When speaking, Ji Ling pointed to his head.

Hearing what Ji Ling said, Tang Feng had some interest.

"Tell me more specifically."

"Forget it, you'd better follow me back to your residence, let's talk while walking." After thinking about it, Tang Feng said again.

Ji Ling nodded, and then the two people, accompanied by them, returned along the road.

“I’m not quite clear about the specific situation myself. It’s just that when I was at school, in the evening, my roommate in the dormitory mentioned that one night when I suddenly got up and said a lot of inexplicable things, and the tone of voice, It’s completely different from what I usually do, but I don’t even know about it."

On the road, Ji Ling was walking and talking.

Hearing what Ji Ling said, Tang Feng raised his hand and rubbed his fingers on the bridge of his nose. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 350 Ji Ling), next time you open the bookshelf Can be seen! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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