Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 341: Withered Nine Thousand Year Elixir

In this tunnel, seeing these light crystals, it is obvious that this did not occur naturally.

In that case, this tunnel was constructed artificially.

What kind of boring person is this? In such a place, such an underground tunnel is created.

Looking at the front, the cyan light was bright, and Tang Feng was a little curious.

What is hidden behind this tunnel?

Thinking like this in his heart, he took a step forward and walked along this corridor to the depths of the earth.

After passing through this tens-meter-long corridor, a stone gate suddenly appeared in front of him.

To be precise, it was a stone door frame standing there.

After stepping through this door frame, the whole world changed. The originally narrow corridor suddenly expanded, and a large underground space appeared in front of him.

The surroundings of the artificially excavated underground space are all reinforced with stones.

Everywhere in the space, there are huge stone pillars standing against the dome above.

Although it is tens of meters underground, in this space, it is not dark at all, and the stone pillars everywhere are inlaid with light crystals.

In the entire space, there are no fewer than dozens of light crystals used to illuminate.

Tang Feng is not concerned about these light crystals, what he is concerned about is the aura that has accumulated in this underground space.

There was already a lot of aura in the tunnel, but compared with this underground space, there was a big gap.

Just talking about the aura density here, it is not much better than most spiritually-rich cultivation places.

On this earth lacking aura, it is somewhat abnormal to appear such a place full of aura.

Even if there are things that nurture auras, in this era of the end of the era where auras are scarce, these nurturing auras should dissipate between the heavens and the earth, and it is difficult to be preserved.

And the aura here is rich, I'm afraid that someone moved their hands and feet here, using a certain secret method to seize the aura that was conceived in this underground space.

Stepping into this underground space, Tang Feng's true thoughts were released.

The powerful true thoughts instantly covered the entire underground space, and finally, locked in the innermost place.

There, there is a pool of water, and in the pool, there is a bronze coffin up and down.

The pool was shrouded by a prohibition. If he hadn't used his true thoughts to probe, it would be hard to see the existence of the pool with the naked eye.

And the aura in this entire underground space was conceived from that pool.

Look at the bronze coffin again, floating in the pool, and in the surroundings, there is a stronger aura.

Seeing this scene, Tang Feng sneered.

The person who built this underground space is either the owner of the bronze coffin or the close relative of the person in the bronze coffin, and the other party’s layout like this is nothing more than thinking that when he dies, he will be able to come back from the dead.

Looking at this layout, Tang Feng was basically sure that the person who built this place was definitely not a monk with a high level of cultivation, at most, he was a little monk in the foundation building period.

If that person's cultivation has passed the Golden Elixir period, he won't do this useless work anymore.

In this world, there are people who use Yin Qi to raise corpses, and finally let the corpses come back to life and turn them into zombies, but there is no one who uses aura to raise corpses.

This use of spiritual energy to raise the corpse, although it can make the corpse not decay for a long time, but it is absolutely impossible to survive.

Moreover, even if the corpse is reborn after death, it is not the same person.

Watching for a moment with true thoughts, he stepped forward and passed through the underground space, and finally stopped by the pool.

Stand there, empty in front of you.

Tang Feng stretched out his hand, a flash of light flashed across his palm, and then, with a squirming of air in front of him, something broke.

As the invisible thing shattered, the pool appeared.

But it's just a blindfold, so naturally he can't help him.

Standing by the pool, looking at the bronze coffin.

Judging from the style of this bronze coffin, this should be something from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. In other words, it has existed here for one or two thousand years.

Afterwards, he squatted down and began to study what was hidden in this pool that could continuously nurture spiritual energy.

Zhennian was released again and plunged into this pool.

This pool is six or seven meters deep, and at the bottom of the pool, spiritual energy is rising, constantly pouring up.

Passing through the pool, at the very bottom, is a fragment of a jade dish.

That's right, the dark green jade disc fragment.

And all this aura was conceived from this jade disc fragment.

His true thoughts fell on the fragment of the jade disc. On the fragment of the jade disc, Tang Feng saw a lot of vague Dao writings, and many jerky and unclear, extremely cumbersome Dao patterns.

Obviously, this is not something that is bred by nature, but is made by man.

And this jade disc fragment, after thousands of years here, still has aura gushing out, only from this point, it is no longer a common product.

magic weapon.

Moreover, it is still that kind of top-grade magic weapon, only that level of magic weapon can possess so many auras in it.

It's a pity that this jade dish has been broken, and there is only a small part left in the pool. Otherwise, if he gets this complete jade dish, maybe he can walk sideways on this planet.

After thinking about it in his mind, he then leaned out his palm, shot out with a spirit, and dived into the water.

The spiritual energy wrapped the jade disc fragment and pulled it out from the bottom of the pool.

As the fragment of the jade disc fell into his hand, a gleam of light flashed in Tang Feng's eyes.

The top-grade magic weapon, this is definitely a fragment of the top-grade magic weapon.

Zhen Nian looked inside. Within this fragment, he saw a barren space. This space was not too big, only the size of hundreds of cubes. In this, there was a lotus floating in it.

The cyan lotus, unfortunately, has withered now.

Come to think of it, the aura in this underground space comes from this blue lotus.

Looking at the withered blue lotus, Tang Feng's heart was dripping blood.

The nine-thousand-year-old elixir, this is the nine-thousand-year old elixir, the spiritual energy and the power of the medicine just evaporate in vain.

The lotus withered, the spiritual energy and medicinal energy were exhausted, and it was no longer worthwhile.

At this moment, Tang Feng really had the urge to scold his mother.

If this blue lotus flower is well preserved, he can refine it into a pill, then it will be enough to repair a large part of the Yuanshen's injuries. At that time, it is possible to restore the cultivation base to the Yuan Ying stage.

In the entire internal space of the jade disc fragment, there was nothing else except this withered lotus.

Tang Feng watched inwardly for a moment, and aura penetrated into it.

The spirit of mind is imprinted on it, and in the process of repetition, the remaining traces are washed away, and the preliminary refining is made, and it is taken as one's own. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 341 The Withered Nine Thousand Year Elixir) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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