Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 328: Is there a fairy

"Dad, in Kunlun Mountains, do gods really live?" The little girl looked at Tang Feng and asked.


There are too many ancient legends, and now, Tang Feng can't be sure whether gods have actually been born on this ancient planet.

However, even if no gods appeared, it was certain that in the depths of Kunlun Mountain, there had been powerful ancient monks, and among them, there were great monks like myself.

An existence of that level, in the eyes of mortals, is not a god.

Now, he also wanted to know what the ancient monks of the earth left behind in the depths of Kunlun Mountain.

If there is still a complete starry sky array, then his soul, the cultivation base, can also find a way to recover as soon as possible.

"Perhaps, in a very distant era, there were a group of gods living on Kunlun Mountain." Tang Feng thought for a moment, reached out, pressed the bridge of the little girl's nose, and said with a smile.

"Mom, do you think there are gods on Kunlun Mountain?" The little girl seemed very dissatisfied with her father's answer, and then she looked at her mother and asked.

Seeing her daughter looked at herself again, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but smile.

Now, she is really a little confused.

In the past, she didn’t believe that there were gods in this world, but now, seeing Tang Feng and seeing the many magical things that appeared in Tang Feng’s body, she couldn’t help but not doubt that there are gods in this world. .

She thought about it seriously, then nodded.

"Didn't Dad say that, a long time ago, on Kunlun Mountain, there lived a group of immortals." Lin Mengjia smiled gently.

Others, when they heard the words of these two people, they only regarded them as coaxing the children, and didn't take it seriously.

But Lin Mengjia took this matter to heart, and at a certain moment, quietly glanced at her man.

This time, her own man was going to Kunlun Mountain suddenly. She always felt that he was not going to visit the mountains, but to do it with a purpose.

Think about it, didn't he just disappeared suddenly after going to Kunlun Mountain.

Could it be that his sect is in Kunlun Mountain!

Thinking of this, she became more and more shocked.

For the legendary things, especially the fairy legends, think about it, every mortal will be full of curiosity.

This lunch ended in this joy.

After lunch, she settled down with her mother. Lin Mengjia pulled Tang Feng and asked Tang Feng to tidy her body. Finally, the couple left the master bedroom on the first floor and returned to their bedroom on the second floor.

After entering the bedroom, Lin Mengjia closed the door from behind.

Seeing his little woman suddenly closing the door, Tang Feng was shocked.

This little woman, isn't it what she wants to do in broad daylight?

In his mind, for the first time, such a thought flashed through.

"Jiajia, your mother just came, we are in broad daylight, don't toss about it, if it's not good to let her elderly hear something," he said, looking at the little woman who came by.

Lin Mengjia paused when she heard Tang Feng's words, and then, a flash of blush flashed across her cheeks.

After that, she picked up the pillow on the bed and slammed it towards Tang Feng fiercely.

"What do you think, am I so hungry again?" Lin Mengjia yelled angrily when he slammed the pillow on Tang Feng.

"Then you dragged me upstairs and closed the door. What do you want to do." Tang Feng took the flying pillow in his hand, and then looked at the angry little woman and asked with a smile.

"I want to ask you something." Lin Mengjia pouted, asking very little womanly.

Hearing this, Tang Feng nodded repeatedly.

"What's the problem?"

"What is there in Kunlun Mountain?" Lin Mengjia suddenly leaned forward, looked up at Tang Feng at close range, and asked kindly.

Tang Feng stood there, lowered his head, looking at the beautiful face close at hand, and seeing the endless curiosity on that face, he couldn't help laughing.

Feelings, curiosity kills the cat.

"This time, you are going to Kunlun, shouldn't you take us to relax?" Lin Mengjia continued to ask.

Tang Feng stretched out his hand, stroking the smooth long hair with his palm, and ran his fingers between the long hair. The silky smoothness was very pleasant.

Lin Mengjia stood there quietly, despite the restless palms of her own man, but did not stop her. She also liked the little affectionate actions of her own man.

"There should be an ancient monk site there. I'm going to see if I can find any good things." Now, Tang Feng doesn't plan to hide everything from Lin Mengjia.

Such as some secrets of monks, and some ancient secrets on earth, it is also time to tell Lin Mengjia.

Now Lin Mengjia, although she hasn't really embarked on the path of a monk, she already has a spiritual energy seed in her body. Thinking about it, it won't be long before this seed can take root and sprout.

It was only a matter of time before their mother and daughter embarked on the monk's path. Since this is the case, why bother to conceal the monk's affairs.

Do some popular science for them in advance, and there will be less trouble in the future.

Lin Mengjia raised her head and stared at her man unblinkingly, listening very carefully.

This is the first time she has heard her man mention the monk.

"So, in Kunlun Mountain, there are gods? At least, there are gods in the distant past, right?" Lin Mengjia asked with his head up so angrily.

"The ultimate goal of practice is to become immortal, but as far as I know, for millions of years, no one in Xinghai has been able to take that last step and become a true immortal. Therefore, many people suspect that immortality is made up by humans. Yes, in this world, there are no immortals at all, and it is impossible for people to live forever." Tang Feng shook his head, and said somewhat disappointed.

Those people he knows spent their entire lives in order to become immortals, even if their vitality is exhausted at the end of their lives, but they still haven't found a way to become immortals. In the end, they can only sit and become immortals.

Existing like the Northern Emperor, in the end, he can only compromise with this world, step into the cycle of reincarnation with endless unwillingness, and be reincarnated.

Since there is no record of people becoming immortals in the millions of years of records in the stars, then, on this ancient earth, I am afraid that no one can become immortals.

As for the gods in the ancient myths and legends of China, perhaps they were all monks with powerful cultivation bases.

"I think the gods in our ancient Chinese legends should be just powerful monks." Thinking of this, he continued. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 328 Is there a fairy?), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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