Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 319: I cherish my broom

Tang Feng only spent a few minutes to finish this set of exercises.

As for Zi Xuan, during these few minutes, her mind was shaking like a lightning strike.

It was still the same exercise, but when it was complemented by the man in front of him, it completely changed. Compared with the past, I don't know how advanced it is.

The most important thing is that in the past, she practiced this exercise and felt the jerky places, and now, in the hands of this man, they have been completely improved, especially those broken places, have been repaired.

That's it.

Tasting this brand new technique, some places that I didn't understand in the past can be realized instantly.

It wasn't until this time that she discovered that the practice inherited from her family for hundreds of years was really full of loopholes, and it was simply a sieve leaking everywhere.

It is also a miracle that she and her master have cultivated this technique and achieved the third or fourth level of Qi refining, without being enchanted.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sweat again and again.

It seems that, just like the man in front of him, he and his master, including his ancestor, are dead wood.

Savoring this new set of exercises, and then looking at the man sitting across from her, she suddenly realized that she had come to Pingyang this time.

My master let himself go to the ordinary world to find opportunities, and that opportunity, perhaps, is the man in front of him.

Thinking of this, her heart became more and more heated.

With this perfect exercise method, when you practice again, it will be much easier than before. If you continue to practice, if you want to come and break through the four levels of Qi refining, it is only a matter of time.

Looking at the man in front of her, she suddenly realized that this man didn't seem to be that annoying, and that face seemed to look handsome and a nice person.

In the world of monks, monks like to cherish themselves. Few people are willing to share their own exercises together, and no one will help others to complement the exercises and give advice to others.

And the man in front of him not only gave himself pointers, but also helped him complete the exercises. Where can such a good man find a second one?

If Tang Feng knew what this woman was thinking at this time, I'm afraid it would be spurted out of old blood.

An innocent woman, who has never experienced the facts, is somewhat innocent.

It's also fortunate that she didn't encounter an evil cultivator. Otherwise, she would have to count the money if she was afraid that she would be sold by the other party.

The leisurely days always pass quickly.

Tang Feng had a leisurely time, but Lin Mengjia was busy and dim, leaving early in the morning and returning late in the morning.

The merger of Beauty Rongzhuang is a major event for the Mengtang Group. After the annexation of the huge Beauty Rongzhuang, the strength of the Mengtang Group will increase several times more than the original foundation.

For Lin Mengjia, who wants to be successful in the market, the matter of merging with beauty and makeup is naturally extremely important.

The formation of new teams, the recruitment of employees, the opening up of supply channels, and the production of products, etc., are all intricate, and some of them are busy.

Fortunately, her physique is no longer what it used to be. No matter how busy she was, she won't be as exhausted as she used to be. Every day, she has been busy all day long. After returning, she still has time to learn Taoism. Tired with Tang Feng.

Perhaps for her now, the happiest time of the day is when she is tired of staying with her lover.

In that kind of dim lingering, the relaxation of mind made her endlessly obsessed.

Every night, I tossed into the night, but the next day, I was still full of energy, the whole person, like a stimulant, was full of energy, and the skin was getting better and better.

On the last day of June, the little girl’s school finally had summer vacation.

For the little girl, this is naturally the happiest day, because from this day on, she doesn't need to go to school anymore, and can go to the north to play with her father.

The little girl was happy, and Zhou Wan was naturally full of joy.

Because Zhou Wan knew that after the little girl’s holiday, the teacher would take herself and the little girl to the north to play, and this was her first real outing since she was a child.

In the past, although grandfather had taken her to many places, at that time, her health was poor and she couldn't run away at all. Even if she went out to play, she didn't have any energy.

But now, her body is improving and she can finally go out to play like a normal person.

In the afternoon that day, old man Ji came.

After seeing Ji Ning, the old man was stunned for a full minute.

Because, he found that Ji Ning had broken through.

Seventh the day after tomorrow, with himself, only the last small realm.

When I think about my age at the beginning, it seems that it is only the five-fold cultivation base of Qi refining. Compared with that, it is really a big difference.

As the most outstanding disciple of the Ji family, Ji Ning, the Patriarch, naturally has been paying attention. Ji Ning has cultivated for many years, but it has only been more than a year to break through to the sixth layer of the acquired day. And now, Ji Ning Soon after arriving in Pingyang, he broke his realm. Obviously, there was Tang Feng's credit for it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel envy, even a little jealous.

"Boy, congratulations, and finally broke through. Now, you and the old man and I are only a small difference. It seems that in two or three years, you will catch up with the old man and me." Looking at Ji Ning, the old man said.

Between these words, Ji Ning clearly heard the sour taste.

If it were in the past, Ji Ning would not dare to say that he could really surpass his own old man, but now, he has no doubt about the matter of surpassing his own old man.

As long as you follow your husband closely, and say that you are surpassing the old man, you are breaking through the great realm and stepping into the innate realm. It is only a matter of time.

Thinking in his mind, Ji Ning naturally didn't dare to say it, just grinned and smiled.

Looking at the brilliant smiling Ji Ning, a black line appeared on the old man's head.

He originally thought that Ji Ning would be humble a bit, but he didn't expect that Ji Ning was not humble at all, and even laughed like this. This kid clearly recognized that he could surpass himself.

But seeing the figure walking out of the villa again, he felt sad for a while.

With the help of that monster, this talented kid of my own, surpassing myself, is really nothing.

Thinking of the promise made to Ji Ning back then, he sighed again.

Maybe, it won't be long before they remember the family, and it is possible that the first young innate strong will appear.

"Mr. Tang." After condensing his thoughts, Old Man Ji looked at Tang Feng and arched his hands. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 319), open the bookshelf next time You can see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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