Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 311: Enthusiastic parents

After standing up, Tang Feng stood beside the bathtub, just looking at the little woman in the medicated bath.

Graceful posture.

The moving face has undergone this dual baptism inside and outside, and the skin has become more and more white, and even the slightest blemish can not be seen on the whole body.

This is the beauty of practice.

Looking at the monk's world, unless someone has a special hobby, otherwise, with continuous cultivation, the man will become more and more handsome, and the woman will become more and more beautiful.

Lin Mengjia is now over thirty and has given birth to children. At this age, even if it is well maintained, there will still be various blemishes on the skin.

However, the continuous medicated bath, coupled with the crookedness of being with Tang Feng, caused her body to constantly change.

Now, on this body, you can't find any blemishes at all. The skin is fair, full of elasticity, and there is no trace of fat on the whole body. At first glance, you can't believe that she is thirty years old. .

That beautiful face looked like an eighteen or nine-year-old girl.

After a while, Lin Mengjia's eyelashes blinked.

Soon, she opened her eyes.

When Lin Mengjia opened her eyes and saw the man standing in front of her, a shallow smile appeared on that beautiful face.

The eyes of the two touched in the air, and their eyes were facing each other. At this moment, silence is better than sound.

Lin Mengjia lowered her head and looked at her body.

As the owner of this body, she can naturally feel the many changes in this body for the first time.

Since being with Tang Feng, her body has changed a lot these days, her pregnancy lines have disappeared, some wrinkles have disappeared, and her skin has become shiny and fairer.

However, in some places, there are still some subtle flaws.

But now, those blemishes have all disappeared without a trace. I can't find even any blemishes even when I look at my whole body.

This is not the point. The point is that she can clearly feel the changes in her body.

It seemed that suddenly, her whole body was filled with a lot of strength. She tried, raising her right hand, and then her palm down, slapped towards the medicated bath in front of her.

With her palm falling on the water, this quiet medicated bath seemed to be thrown into a heavy bomb.


Amid the dull sound, a large wave of water churned up, rushing to the ceiling for several meters.

Seeing this scene before her, she was shocked.

She stared at her palm blankly, and she didn't believe it. She did it herself.

"Husband, is this still me?" After a moment of daze, she slowly raised her head, looked at Tang Feng, and asked softly.

Tang Feng stood there, looked down at his shocked little woman, smiled and nodded.

"Of course you are still you. If you weren't you, who would you become." He said with a smile.

Tang Feng stretched out his hand and lifted Lin Mengjia from the medicated bath. After that, he pulled a bath towel from the side and wrapped her graceful body. After that, he hugged him directly and got out of the bathtub.

Upstairs in the bedroom.

Lin Mengjia wore that thin pajamas and lay there lazily.

"Before, I already knew that the cosmetics launched by Liren Rongzhuang was very profitable, but I did not expect that such a profit would be given to Liren Rongzhuang only in just two months. Brought tens of millions in revenue."

Tang Feng, who was lying next to him, turned his head when he heard the words of his little woman.

To be honest, he really has no interest in these commercial things.

For him, money is enough to spend, and if it is more, it means some figures of no value.

However, since his own little woman wants to achieve something in business, as a man, he naturally has to fully support her.

The Mengtang Group's annexation of Liren Rongzhuang is nothing to him, but for Lin Mengjia, it is a qualitative improvement that can save her efforts for many years.

You know, the scale of assets of Liren Rongzhuang is several times that of Mengtang Group.

The most important thing is that the years series products launched by Liren Rongzhuang have already sold well in the market. As long as there is more operation, they will be able to sweep the entire domestic cosmetics market and occupy a place in this huge market.

If Montgomery Group launches the next brand-new product, then, with only these two excellent products, it can quickly become a first-class cosmetics group in China.

In that case, Lin Mengjia's dream was half realized.

"Next, I will completely integrate the two companies, and then re-upgrade the channels. After all these optimizations, I will bring the second product to the market. At that time, our two products will be enough to fight the entire market. A large part of the share." Lin Mengjia became more excited as she spoke.

Looking at the little excited little woman, Tang Feng smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke the long black hair.

"My goal is to make Mengtang Group a top-ranking group in the industry within the next five years. If nothing happens, this goal is still easy to accomplish." At this point, Lin Mengjia paused for a while.

She turned around and moved her body to bring herself closer to the man next to her.

"Husband, thank you for your support." As she spoke, a bright smile appeared on her face.

Then, the red lips squirmed and kissed Tang Feng's cheek.

Looking at the fragrant little woman next to him, Tang Feng was a little bit ready to move.

"Do what you want to do, and I will fully support you." Tang Feng said softly, hugging this graceful body lightly.

The two bodies approached slowly again, and soon, they no longer distinguish each other.

When it was almost five o'clock, the two people who had been awkward for an afternoon got up, accompanied by going downstairs, accompanied by driving away from the community, and rushed to the little girl's school.

"Doctor Tang."

"Doctor Tang."

At the school gate, the parents of Yaoyao's class greeted Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia enthusiastically.

Since the last incident, the parents of the school have already known that Lin Yaoyao, Ou, is wrong, it should be Tang Yaoyao now, Tang Yaoyao's father, who has very good medical skills, and many big figures in the southern Jin region are looking for him for treatment.

It was precisely because of this news that these people became very enthusiastic after seeing Tang Feng.

This kind of enthusiasm, not to mention Tang Feng, even Lin Mengjia, is somewhat overwhelmed. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 311 Enthusiastic Parents), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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