Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 301: New clues

If you want to find the monk sect that may exist, you must first find the alien monk who appears in Pingyang.

The current clue is here.

If he came here on the first day of the incident, with the breath left by that alien monk and the traces of Hu Yueer's soul, he could easily find that alien monk.

But now, several days have passed since that day, and those auras and traces are almost dissipated, and it is very difficult to find that alien monk by relying on those tiny traces.

"You help me investigate, recently, whether the same case happened around Pingyang." Standing up, Tang Feng looked at Zhao Yue and said.

"What does this have to do with the treatment of Hu Yue'er?" Zhao Yue couldn't help but ask with some confusion.

"Naturally it's a relationship, and it's still a big one." Tang Feng glared at the big brainless woman and shouted.

After Tang Feng shouted, Hu Yue contracted her neck involuntarily and nodded instinctively.

"Where are you going now? Still go to the hospital?" After getting in the car, Zhao Yue looked at Tang Feng sitting in the passenger seat and asked.

"Go home." Tang Feng said lightly.


Driving the car, Zhao Yue took a look at Tang Feng from time to time. She always felt that such a man was dealing with herself, and he had no plans to really treat Hu Yue'er.

After returning to Dongcheng Haoge, Tang Feng got off the car and watched Zhao Yue leave.

He knew that it was not a simple matter to find that alien monk in Pingyang City. If he were to look for it alone, it would undoubtedly be a needle in a haystack.

Now, he can only pin his hopes on the police.

If the alien monk reappears, and then uses a weird method to lure away the second person's soul, then, as long as he rushes there in the first place, he will be able to find the alien monk.

The next thing is simple.

Blindly searching is a waste of time, and now I can only wait for news from Zhao Yue.

After returning home, in the yard, Zhou Wan was sitting next to the flowerbed, and Dabai was lying lazily on her stomach next to it.

At this time, Zhou Wan's palm gently stroked the flowers and plants in the flower pond, and she was very fascinated.

There, some faint breath is breeding and brewing.

As a monk, he can feel that the existence of that kind of breath is not spiritual, but a natural breath.

Under Zhou Wan's touch, the flowers and plants in the flower bed were undergoing subtle changes.

Although the change is subtle and impossible to perceive at all, he, who has a strong sense of perception, can perceive it.

In that flower bed, not all of them are flowers and plants. In fact, there are two elixir, one of which is the original Ganoderma lucidum, and the other is the bone refining plant.

In order to prevent others from discovering it, he planted the Liangzhu Lingcao elixir in the flowerbed at that time and cleverly disguised it. Therefore, even if you squat on the flowerbed, you would never find the Lingzhi and Liangucao in it.

However, this kind of disguise is of no use to Zhou Wan, who possesses Mu Linggen.

At this time, the flowers and plants that Zhou Wan was touching were actually Ganoderma lucidum and Liangu grass in disguise.

After looking at it for a while, he still walked up.

"How do you feel?" As he approached, he looked at Zhou Wan and asked softly.

Hearing a familiar voice, Zhou Wan hurriedly raised her head, trying to get up, but was stopped by Tang Feng.

"Take a closer look at these two elixir, talk about what you feel."

Zhou Wan nodded, and then touched the two disguised elixir with her palms again and closed her eyes.

At this moment, between Zhou Wan’s fingers, a little bit of blue light fluttered out and fell into the two elixir. Then, the elixir bloomed with a hint of brilliance, and there was a cyan glow flowing from the elixir. Come out, sink into Zhou Wan's body.

"There are breathing sounds, there seems to be a heartbeat, and it's like a child shouting in joy, very close." Zhou Wan sat there with her eyes closed, and said slowly.

Looking at the cyan light spots and cyan air strands that kept appearing and disappearing, Tang Feng knew that it was Zhou Wan who was communicating with the elixir.

It is a kind of communication that transcends language and writing, and belongs to nature's original communication method.

And in this world, only people with wood spirit roots can use this most primitive way to communicate with plants.

In this kind of communication, the elixir will grow rapidly, and the person with the root of the wood spirit can also get the return of the elixir, and his own aura will naturally grow.

This is the abnormality of Mu Linggen.

In their hands, the elixir can grow rapidly, even if it is an ordinary herb, it is possible to transform into a elixir in their hands.

"Remember, in the future, you have to communicate more with herbs, especially with elixir. It is good for you." Tang Feng said, looking at Zhou Wan who was communicating with Lingzhi and Liangucao. .

Zhou Wan still closed her eyes and nodded slightly.

Tang Feng walked over and rubbed Dabai's head twice. The lazy big dog hummed two times in enjoyment, and did not forget to wag his tail to express his welcome to his master.

Because it was still early, he simply went upstairs, preparing to continue to improve his cultivation with the help of the Pill Pill.

However, as soon as he arrived upstairs, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

He took a look at the phone, and it was Zhao Yue who called.

Seeing Zhao Yue's number, his heart moved involuntarily. At this time, Zhao Yue called. Mostly, there was something important to say.

"Got a clue?" After answering the phone, he asked straightforwardly.

"Last night, the same case occurred in Zhao County. She was also a girl about 20 years old. At night, she was hit in a coma by a heavy blow to her brain. Now she is lying in a hospital in a high level of coma. "Zhao Yue said very quickly.

Hearing Zhao Yue's words, Tang Feng's eyes lit up.

"You come to pick me up, let's go to Zhao County now."

If the alien monk appeared at the scene of the crime last night, he would definitely be left behind. If you go at this time, you can find him only by relying on that clue.

"Wait for me, I'll come to pick you up right away." After Zhao Yue said, she hung up the phone.

Only more than ten minutes later, Zhao Yue's car arrived in the community.

"You look good at home, I have to go out. By the way, remember to pick up Yaoyao." Before leaving, Tang Feng didn't forget to confess to Ji Ning.

Although the matter of the alien monk was important, it was no more important than his daughter. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (new clues in Chapter 301), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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