Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 294: misfortune

Nothing happened on this day.

Night fell quickly.

After dinner, in the study, Tang Feng gave Lin Mengjia mother and daughter a two-hour Taoist lecture as usual.

By the time it was over, it was almost ten o'clock.

After washing, the little girl went back to her room and went to sleep.

"You go to bed earlier, tonight, I will watch the night above the villa." After the little girl settled down, Tang Feng said to Lin Mengjia.

From the beginning of the night, there was always a feeling of uncomfortableness in his mind. It seemed that something was going to happen.

As a major monk, he has a clear mind, and even if things related to him have not happened yet, they can all feel it in advance.

Even if his primordial spirit is damaged, but this powerful perception ability is still there.

The uncomfortable heart, let him know that tonight, most of the things will happen here.

On this earth, he is not afraid of the greatest danger, but the problem is that he is not alone now, and he has his wife and daughters beside him.

For the safety of wives and girls, we must take precautions before they happen.

Lin Mengjia is not the kind of unreasonable person. Seeing Tang Feng's words solemnly, she knew something should happen tonight, and she didn't ask any more. After taking a deep look at Tang Feng, she went to the little girl's room.

Seeing Lin Mengjia enter the little girl's room, Tang Feng went to the lounge and took out a set of jade charms.

Out of the villa.

He placed these jade symbols in various places in the villa one by one.

After that, activate all these jade charms.

With the activation of these jade talismans, the spiritual energy gathered in the spirit gathering array converged and poured into these jade talismans.

Invisible, a trace of light circulated around the villa, forming a brand-new formation.

Yuling array.

Low-level formation.

This kind of formation can only be used by monks at the refining level, but those monks who have built a foundation or above will hardly deploy this low-level formation.

Although it is a low-level formation, the defense is still very good.

And the Spirit Defense Array he set up was enough to resist the magical attacks of monks in the five-level realm of Qi refining in a short period of time.

He arranged this formation, naturally, not to defend the monks.

On this planet lacking in spiritual energy, not to mention whether there are monks, even if there is, it won't be a climate.

What he guards against is all kinds of weapons with great lethality created by the human beings on the earth.

Although Huaxia has very strict controls on weapons, it is difficult for private individuals to obtain weapons with great lethality in the country. However, human wisdom is infinite, except for weapons of restricted levels, as long as the mind is activated, some things that are not prohibited can still be used. To create a weapon that kills a lot of people.

The Sun family's repeated movements all ended without a disease.

And now, after Sun Heming's madness, Sun Lili was also arrested, and Sun Xiande must have turned into anger, and it is impossible to guarantee that she will not jump the wall in a hurry.

Haoyue hangs high.

The moonlight fell, and Tang Feng sat cross-legged above the villa.

Ji Ning and Shangguan seemed to have noticed something and didn't fall asleep either. They were hidden in a dark corner of the courtyard.

As for the spiritual Dabai, he also paid full attention to his surroundings.

In the villa room, although Lin Mengjia was lying on the bed, she tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

She raised her head and looked at her daughter who was sleeping soundly through the wall lamp. A gentle smile appeared on that beautiful face.

Children are always innocent, and there will never be evil in their world.

Looking at the daughter who was sleeping soundly and listening to the quietness in the villa, her heart gradually became quiet.

She knew that just above her head, her own man was there, guarding their mother and daughter.

As long as he is there, then no one can hurt both of them.

Time passed quickly.

Soon, it was wee hours.

Tang Feng was still sitting there cross-legged, just like the old way of still entering concentration, that body, from beginning to end, did not move.

At a certain moment.

There was a sound of propellers in the distant air.

Tang Feng opened his eyes and looked towards the dark sky.

In the sky in the distance, two shining bright spots were approaching here at high speed.

Two helicopters.

With the development of science and technology today, helicopters appear in cities, which is nothing more normal.

However, during this night, two helicopters appeared at the same time, and the two helicopters were still flying so low, which was a bit abnormal.

At this moment, Tang Feng stood up.

He stood on top of the villa, tilted his head, watching the roaring helicopter.

At this time, Ji Ning and Shangguan downstairs also woke up.

Looking at the helicopter flying in the distance, the two of them frowned.

Although they also saw that the two helicopters were not normal, they did not have any anti-aircraft weapons in their hands, and they had nothing to do with the two helicopters flying in the air.

As the two helicopters approached, they hovered in the air.

Soon, the helicopter's cabin door opened, and two people leaned out from the cabin door and looked down, seeming to be sure of something.

In the dark, as if separated by dozens of meters, there is no strong light, the people on the helicopter can only vaguely see the outline of the villa below, but can't see the people standing above the villa.

"Target determined, villa number two." Someone inside the helicopter shouted loudly.

"Hurry up, throw all the oil drums down."

In the cabin of the helicopter, a few strong men quickly got busy, rolling large gasoline drums to the door of the cabin, opening the lid of the drum, and preparing to push it down.

There are dozens of such oil drums in the two helicopters.

If all the gasoline in these oil drums were thrown on a certain villa, it would be enough to completely turn the entire villa and its surroundings into a sea of ​​flames. Even if it was a martial artist, it would be difficult to survive that kind of fire.

Tang Feng's eyesight far exceeds that of ordinary people, and even in the dark, it is enough to see things tens of meters away.

When he saw the oil drum pushed out by the strong man at the helicopter cabin door above his head, he already knew what the other party was going to do.

At this moment, an anger surged in his heart.

He can tolerate if the other party shoots him, but the other party wants to turn these villas into a sea of ​​flames and put their family to death. This has completely surpassed his bottom line.

Burning in anger.

He slowly raised his right hand.

Spiritual energy surged, and hot fire particles appeared in his hands. In the end, these fire particles turned into a striking fireball.


In the cold voice, the hot fireball broke away from his palm and flew towards the helicopter hovering in the air.


A helicopter hovering in the air, the pilot did not even see clearly, and was directly hit by the fiery fireball.

Huoqi got into the open hatch and hit the oil barrel directly, causing a big explosion. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: return to be a dad full text reading address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 294 Change) reading history, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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