Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 286: Dao Pai Dao Xiang

Looking at the roadside scenery backwards from the car window, Sun Xiande's thoughts have already flown out.

What happened last night made him understand one thing, only relying on ordinary assassins, there is no way Tang Feng can do anything.

Now, he was left with only two options.

Use official power to deal with Tang Feng who has no background.

Also, look for a powerful Wu Xiu.

Among these two options, he first considered the use of official power.

You must know that in this land of China, the most powerful and authoritative is always the power of the government.

With the power of the country and countless resources, it is not difficult for the court that controls the entire Central Plains to cultivate a group of powerful martial artists.

Just like now, in Yanjing City, there are no less than three departments specializing in martial arts training, high-level martial arts, there are many more than any martial arts sect.

If the government wants to deal with a person, even if that person has strong force, it will not help.

Now, what he has to do is to use government forces to deal with Tang Feng, and it is best to be able to kill him directly.

And the two big men he saw this time, although they are in Jin Province, but in the official face, they are all the kind of people with hands and feet. If they make a move, no one in Jin Province can. Can bear it.

Thoughts fluttered and he had already arrived in Jinyang.

At this time, in the city of Pingyang, in the city police station, Zhao Yue was running violently in the office.

The two chief and deputy chiefs of the police station, as well as several other police leaders, are there, and everyone frowns.

"Tang Feng finally agreed to treat Hu Yue'er, but Feng Fei was fine, and he was driven away. Tang Feng's stinky temper, and wanting him to change his mind, it will be more difficult than climbing to heaven." Zhao Yue shouted angrily. Tao.

"Zhao Yue, pay attention to the image." Director Zheng raised his head and looked at Zhao Yue and said.

"That Feng Fei said is not wrong, but Tang Feng's does not have a doctor's certificate and is not qualified to see a doctor, especially in the hospital to see the patients of the hospital itself." The chief next to him said with a deep voice.

"But the rules are dead, and people are alive. Isn't it necessary to watch Hu Yue'er become a vegetative in order to abide by the rules?" Zhao Yue shouted angrily.

The director was silent for a while, then, thinking of something, suddenly raised his head.

"There are two options, either to shut up Feng Fei completely, or to transfer Hu Yueer to another place."

Hearing the Secretary's words, several people present looked over.

"Hu Yueer's current situation is not good. If she is transferred from the intensive care unit to another place, there is a huge risk." The young male policeman standing next to Zhao Yue shook his head and said.

"Then it can only make Feng Fei shut up completely." The director said.

"How can Feng Fei shut up completely?" Director Zheng asked with a frown.

"That's your business." The director didn't go on, but said with a playful smile.

Several other people frowned slightly, thinking in their hearts, that Deputy Director Zheng seemed to have thought of something, and then smiled and nodded.

While Zhao Yue and others were thinking hard about hospital affairs, Tang Feng was also busy.

What is Tang Feng up to?

Naturally it is what you need when you are busy preparing for the apprenticeship.

Every monk attaches great importance to accepting disciples, so there will be many tests, and for a disciple to get started, there must be a serious apprenticeship, otherwise, the name is not righteous.


This is the first and most important part of the apprenticeship.

In this link alone, there are as many as seven or eight kinds of things that are needed, but in remote places like the earth, these things can't be bought at all, and Tang Feng had to do it himself.

After a long lap, Rong Guocheng also helped him find it. It took him a whole day to find everything he needed.

After Rong Guocheng delivered the things he found, Tang Feng went into the lounge and began to make the things needed for the sacrifice himself.

Lin Mengjia was free, so she ran to the lounge and sat beside her, watching Tang Feng tinker with the weird materials.

Road sign.

This is the most important thing. Tang Feng is the first one to do it, which is Daopai.

And the material used in this card is the kind of peach wood that is more than twenty years old.

Normally, the materials used to make Taoist cards are made of spirit peach trees that are more than a thousand years old, but the problem is, where can you find spirit peach trees on the earth now? In the end, you can only use those that are more than 20 years old Peach wood has come instead.

incense burner.

Since it is to worship the Tao, this censer is definitely indispensable, and it cannot be the kind of inanimate censer made by mortals.

Compared with Dao Pai, making this spiritual incense burner is somewhat difficult.

Made purely by hand and unable to use tools, Tang Feng relied on the five-fold cultivation base of refining Qi to make this incense burner with several metals and jade, which was somewhat reluctant.

This is also thanks to his breakthrough to the fifth level of Qi refining, otherwise, just making this incense burner, I am afraid that he will be able to use up the little spiritual energy in his body.

Lin Mengjia sat next to her, looking at the hard metal and jade, gradually turning into an exquisite incense burner in Tang Feng's hands, and she was a little dumbfounded.

The heavy censer, with a faint glow flowing on it, is very beautiful.

Lin Mengjia had no doubt that if this incense burner was sold, she would definitely be able to sell it at a good price.

Not to mention ten million, at least a few million is no problem.

After Tang Feng put the incense burner next to her, she picked it up and played with it in her hand. The heavy incense burner, after getting it, was cool, as if the incense burner itself would give off a chill, which was very strange.

Especially when the sun shines on it, a blue brilliance will flow from the top of the incense burner.

Case slip.

Tang Feng uses the finest agarwood. As for the production process, it is relatively simple.

In just a short time, a simple and simple form appeared in this lounge.


This is another important thing after Dao Pai.

There are four Taoist incenses, one of which is for the master and three for the disciple. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 286 Daopai Daoxiang), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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