Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 284: Short-sighted

Seeing Feng Fei, whose expression was not good and his words were full of sarcasm, several people present frowned.

If you change to another Chinese medicine practitioner, you will definitely be angry if you are publicly devalued Chinese medicine, but Tang Feng will not, because the medical skills he has learned are simply incompetent with Chinese medicine.

He will not deliberately belittle anything, but he also admits that as Chinese medicine goes astray in the development process, it is doomed to be eliminated by the times.

More often, Chinese medicine is nothing more than a psychological comfort to patients.

Of course, this does not rule out. There are some good prescriptions that can cure diseases and save people, but such prescriptions have almost been lost.

At this time, Lin Mengjia was full of worries, and quietly looked at the man next to her, for fear that her man would get angry.

However, when her eyes fell on her man, she found that her man's expression was indifferent, and there was no sign of anger.

She suddenly thought of something.

Perhaps, this domineering man in his own family wished that the people in the hospital would not let him go to see the girl.

When she thought of this, she glanced at Feng Fei fiercely, her heart full of irritation.

I had worn out my mouth in the morning, and I just persuaded Tang Feng to let him come and treat the girl, but now, when I arrived at the hospital, he was blocked by the vice-president.

"No rules can't make a circle. The hospital has the rules of the hospital. Even the dean can't break the rules of the hospital and see a doctor. Then, you must have a doctor's certificate. If you don't have a doctor's certificate, then it is illegal to practice medicine." Feng Fei continued. Said.

When he was speaking, he didn't forget to look at Tang Feng's side. The expression in his eyes was clearly provocative.

Seeing the provocative gaze from this guy, Tang Feng was speechless, he couldn't even figure out where he had offended this guy.

Narrow-minded, short-sighted.

This is his new evaluation of Feng Fei.

At this time, Dean Ma was standing there with a gloomy face, his eyes were staring at Feng Fei, he wanted to get angry, but he didn't know what reason to get angry.

What Feng Fei said was justified and well-founded. Practicing medicine without a doctor's certificate is itself illegal.

In this age of legal system, even if you are a disciple of ancient Chinese medicine inheritance, with extraordinary medical skills, you must have a doctor's certificate to practice medicine in this Chinese realm, otherwise you will still practice medicine illegally.

As the dean, he must also abide by the rules of the hospital.

Even if he knew that the doctor Tang Feng in front of him had good medical skills, he couldn't make an exception.

At this moment, there was a deadlock.

"If this is the case, then I can't help it, madam, it's not that I don't want to treat that girl, but that I am not qualified to see a doctor. When you go back, don't blame me anymore." Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia and said with a smile. .

"Let's go, I have to go to Sun's house to treat Sun Qing today, don't waste time here."

With that, he turned and walked towards his car.

"Tang Feng, don't go." Seeing Tang Feng about to leave, Zhao Yue couldn't help but anxious.

"If you want me to treat that girl, you'd better persuade this Dean Feng first, oh no, it should be said, think of a way, so that I can legally practice medicine." Tang Feng said while walking without looking back.

Lin Mengjia stood there, hesitated, and finally had to chase Tang Feng away.

Seeing Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia getting in the car, the car quickly left, Vice President Zheng sighed helplessly, then turned his head and glanced at Feng Fei with that kind of complaining eyes.

In the car.

Lin Mengjia sat in the passenger seat and looked at Tang Feng, who was concentrating on driving.

"I'm sorry." Lin Mengjia said after a long silence.

The car suddenly slowed down, and then stopped directly on the side of the road.

Tang Feng turned his head and looked over.

"Between you and me, there is no need to say sorry, and what happened today has nothing to do with you. You don't have to blame yourself." The pair of eyes stared at the little woman next to her and said.

Lin Mengjia bit her lower lip lightly, her heart sour.

She wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything. The man next to her had already arrogantly wrapped her shoulders, leaning forward, her mouth had already sealed her lips.


The big mouth didn't leave until she felt that she was about to suffocate.

After leaving this domineering man, she panted slightly, her face was already blushing.

"From now on, don't say sorry again." The man said domineeringly.

Lin Mengjia sat there and nodded obediently, but her heart was sweet and warm.

Back to Dongcheng Haoge, Sun Qing was treated as usual.

Lin Mengjia, who didn't plan to go to the company, also followed.

This is the first time Lin Mengjia has seen with her own eyes the process of treating someone else's illness with her own man.

There are no instruments such as silver needles, and no Chinese herbal medicines. Just pressing the thumb on Sun Qing's cheek for half an hour, from the perspective of an onlooker, is somewhat weird.

However, Sun Qing, who saw the blood on her face and was able to walk on her own, knew that this weird treatment was effective, and the effect was very good.

"Although you are much better than before, don't go outside too much." After finishing the treatment, Tang Feng looked at Sun Qing and said.

As the pure Yin Qi was suppressed, Sun Qing's physical condition quickly improved. Only in the past few days, there was more flesh on that thin body, and it seemed that it would not be as skinny as before. .


Sun Qing sat there, nodding her head in response.

Her temperament was originally a kind of more cheerful and active, and she also had her own opinions, but in front of this man who saved her life, she always felt like a protected little girl, and she should listen to this man. .

"In my spare time, can I go to your house?" Sun Qing asked in a low voice, looking up at Tang Feng.

In that gaze, there was clearly a bit of expectation.

Feeling the expectation in his gaze, Tang Feng paused, didn't think much, smiled and nodded.

Seeing Tang Feng nodding, a bright smile appeared on Sun Qing's face.

Lin Mengjia, who was standing next to her, couldn't help but chuckle when she saw this scene.

"Tang Feng, when will my illness get better?" Sun Qing asked in that soft voice while looking at Tang Feng.

"I dare not say this, but as long as you cooperate with the treatment obediently, I believe that in the future, you can live like a normal person, such as getting married and having children, such as traveling." Tang Feng said with a smile.

Sun Qing looked up at him like that. After a while, she turned her head and glanced at Lin Mengjia again.

In the depths of that pupil, a touch of loss flashed by. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 284), and open the bookshelf next time You can see! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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