Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 282: Gentle woman

When Shangguan knocked over all the twelve killers, in a corner of the garden, the dog's eyes gleaming with blue light slowly closed, and the raised dog's head drooped again and continued to sleep.

And Ji Ning, who was standing not far away, let out a boring breath.

"Go to sleep, there should be no more things happening tonight." Looking at the garden, Tang Feng said softly to Lin Mengjia.

Lin Mengjia nodded slightly and returned to the bed.

At this time, it was already wee hours.

Tang Feng put on a pajama and went downstairs to the small garden.

On the ground in the small garden, the twelve assassins who were knocked over by the Shangguan lay on the ground in various poses. They tried hard to stand up, but without exception, they all failed.

The power of the Sixth-tier Martial Arts acquired is terrifying. Even if they have received the most cruel training and have strong fighting ability, but if they can resist Shangguan's fist frontally and survive, it is all Shangguan's subordinates who are merciful.

"Sir, what should these people do?" Seeing Tang Feng approaching, Ji Ning asked.

If it is outside the Great Wall, in a place outside the Great Wall, Ji Ning would not have a headache how to deal with these assassins, just kill them and bury them, but the problem is that this is inland, and it is also in a densely populated city.

Even if it is to kill these people, only to deal with the corpses is a very troublesome thing.

Looking at the struggling killer lying on the ground, Tang Feng pondered for a moment.

If the Shangguan killed these assassins directly, he could completely dispose of the corpses by using magic techniques, but the current situation is that these people are only seriously injured, and not completely dead.

Instead, he was in the starry sky. He could completely wipe out all these people with a wave of his hand, but this was the earth, and it was in his own home, and most importantly, his little lady hadn't fallen asleep yet.

He was unwilling to leave the image of a butcher in the heart of his little woman.

"I remember that the Sun family should have a house in Pingyang, so let's throw these people into that house." He said after a moment of indulgence.

Shangguan, who was standing next to him, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what he said.

To be honest, she was a little worried in her heart, worried that this cold-blooded man would kill all these people in one breath.

Before long, Rong Guocheng personally drove a container truck outside the Dongcheng Haoge. Several people threw these seriously injured killers into the carriage. After that, the licensed car was on the road.

Early in the morning.

The Sun family is located in the house of Beicheng.

That dull voice awakened everyone in the house from their deep sleep.

Sun Xiande got up and walked out of the room.

"What's the situation outside?"

"Patriarch, the team of killers we sent out was hit hard and thrown into the house." As Sun Xiande came to Pingyang to take care of his duties, he walked in quickly and responded with a calm face.

Hearing this, Sun Xiande's face changed slightly.

Then, surrounded by two personal bodyguards, he went downstairs to the courtyard of the house.

Near the south wall, a dozen people lay there in different positions.

Looking at these people who were lying on the ground without the ability to get up, Sun Xiande's expression became more and more gloomy.

Provocation, naked provocation.

After the other party overturned these assassins, they didn't deal with them, but threw them into the house of the Sun family. This was obviously a provocation and a mockery.

At the very least, in his opinion, that's it.

"Very well, very well, since you declared war on my Sun family, then let's fight." Sun Xiande narrowed his eyes slightly, and showed a cold smile on the wrinkled face.

Early in the morning.

When Tang Feng woke up, he found that the little woman next to her was looking through the phone with her phone, and she was very fascinated.

He leaned closer and glanced at the phone screen.

On the screen of the mobile phone, there is a piece of news, and inside the news, there is a striking illustration.

In this illustration, it is a girl lying in a hospital bed.

Looking at the title again, he knew who this girl was.

This should be the girl who was injured in the city of Pingyang not long ago.

The news was very sensational, even if he read it with Lin Mengjia, a trace of compassion was born in his heart.

After reading this news, Lin Mengjia looked up and was shocked when she saw Tang Feng who was close to her.

"Husband, let's help this girl."

After a moment of stunned, Lin Mengjia leaned over, leaned on Tang Feng's chest, and said in the voice of a very small woman.

In order to be able to convince her own man, the woman even shouted out her husband.

Hearing Lin Mengjia's tender call, Tang Feng paused.

You know, even if it was their intimacy at the beginning, this little woman had never called him that way.

"Just this time, okay?"

Looking at the little woman lying on his chest with a pleading face, Tang Feng's heart almost melted.

He stretched out his hand and stroked the beautiful face with his palm, with endless love between his behavior.

"I lost it to you, okay, but only this time, let's not take it as an example." Tang Feng deliberately scowled and said in a very serious voice.

Seeing Tang Feng's agreement, Lin Mengjia's beautiful face showed a bright smile.

Then she got up and moved slowly down.

Tang Feng, who was lying on his back, paused abruptly, then raised his head and looked down. What he saw was the long hair that moved up and down with his head.

Gradually, he was immersed in the endless tender country.

I don't know how long it took, Jinfengyulu, everything returned to peace.

The morning wind blew in through the window.

Lin Mengjia lay lazily in Tang Feng's arms like a docile little sheep.

Looking at the blushing little woman in his arms, he couldn't help being a little joking when he thought of the awkward movements of the little woman just now.

Seeing him with that smiley face, Lin Mengjia was immediately embarrassed, and she stretched out her hand and punched him on the chest twice with her fist.

"You can promise me, you can't go back." Lin Mengjia's beautiful eyes looked at Tang Feng and said.

"Okay, I got it." Tang Feng put his arms around this delicate body and responded with a smile.

The sun had already risen for the two of them. Seeing that it was late, they remembered that the little girl had to go to school today, so they quickly got up this time.

After breakfast, on the way to send the little girl to school, the little girl sat in the back, unavoidably complaining again.

"You are parents, how can you get up later than your daughters."

"I'm late, the teacher wants to say mine, or I won't go to school today."


Listening to the little girl's chattering like a Tang monk, Lin Mengjia's black line on her face, forcibly resisted the anger in her heart, and didn't let herself erupt.

However, Tang Feng seemed to be an okay person, and from time to time he would reply, making Lin Mengjia more angry when he heard it. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on \"Collection\" below to record this (Chapter 282 Gentle Woman) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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