Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 264: The remains of the ancient monks

"You go to Kunlun Mountain just to explore?" He looked at the old man in the wheelchair and continued to ask.

The old man did not answer immediately, but hesitated.

Seeing this old man hesitate to answer, Tang Feng became a little curious.

Since the other party is not going to explore Kunlun Mountain, then what are they doing going deep into Kunlun Mountain!

"You can leave it alone, but your condition is very likely to be related to Kunlun Mountain. If I don't understand anything, I'm afraid it won't be able to cure your disease." Even if the other party refuses to say, he does. To force him to speak out.

He wanted to know what the old man did when he went to Kunlun Mountain, and where they went to Kunlun Mountain.

The place they went, most likely, was the place where the real dragon was.

The old man was sitting in a wheelchair, still bowing his head, hesitating all over.

Tang Feng didn't push him anymore, quietly waiting for him to make a choice.

After a long period of hesitation, the old man finally made a decision and slowly raised his head.

"Zhong'er, you go out first." The old man didn't speak immediately, but looked at the son standing behind him, and commanded in a tone that couldn't hold his beak.

"You stay here, I'll take you to the lounge." Tang Feng said before the middle-aged man could speak.

Tang Feng knew that what the old man said next was mostly related to the remains of the ancient earth monks, and this was also very important to him, to avoid others from knowing it, and it is better not to let others hear it.

Even Shangguan, he didn't want to let him hear anything related to Kunlun Mountain.

The old man looked at Tang Feng and nodded.

After that, Tang Feng pushed the wheelchair and left the living room to the lounge on the first floor.

When the door of the lounge was closed, Tang Feng pinched his fingers, and a flash of light shot out. In an instant, in this lounge, a forbidden form formed and enveloped the entire lounge.

Next, even if someone lay on the door to eavesdrop, they couldn't hear anything.

After finishing all this, Tang Feng looked at the old man in the wheelchair again.

"You can speak."

"As a condition, when you have said everything you know, I will promise to give you a new life." Then he added.

The old man nodded slightly.

"I am an archaeologist. I have been in this field for decades, and I am considered a little famous. Twelve years ago, someone suddenly found me and showed me a very old map. "The old man said slowly.

"That is a map that can be on a bronze plate. It can be seen from the broken surface of the bronze plate. It should be a part broken off from a huge bronze casting. As for the age, in my experience, it is approximately It should be the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period."

After talking about this, the old man paused for a while.

Tang Feng stood there, listening to the old man's words, nodded non-committal.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was a time when a hundred schools of thought in China contended. In many Chinese literature records, during that period, there were intensive appearance of Qi refiners, and these Qi refiners were very likely to be ancient Chinese monks.

"The text on the map is not any kind of Chinese text, but I can feel that the text is older than any of the oldest text on the earth." The old man continued.

Hearing this, Tang Feng's brows moved slightly.

If there is nothing wrong, the words on the bronze plate that the old man saw should be Dao.

But all monks, no matter which planet they are on, must learn Taoism.

"I read many ancient books from the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. Finally, in a very old bamboo slip book, I found a similar map and determined that the place marked on the map was the northern foot of Kunlun Mountain." The old man continued.

"In the second year, I followed that person’s team and set foot on the road to Kunlun Mountain. We crossed the vast desert next door to the northern foot of Kunlun Mountain. We hiked according to the map, climbed the mountains and crossed the mountains, and finally reached the map marked. local."

"There, we found a cave hidden under the cliff. In front of the cave, there are many broken objects that are not gold and jade, and some people's bodies."

Having said this, the old man paused again, and he looked up at the top, seeming to be caught in a memory.

"Those people don't know how many years they have been dead, but the bodies are well preserved, and their faces can still be seen clearly. We collected some broken objects and then entered the cave."

"That cave should have been dug out artificially. You can't imagine who, in that kind of place, can dug out such a thousand-meter-long underground cave."

"When we entered the cave, we encountered the first crisis. At an underground river, a huge python suddenly appeared. Two of us were swallowed by the python before we had time to escape."

"Someone in the team carried a gun, but even a powerful weapon could not hurt the python. In the end, someone used a grenade to blow up the python and we only survived."

"We crossed the underground river and entered an ancient building complex. It was the first time in my life. Seeing such a magnificent building, it simply shouldn't belong to this world."

When it comes to this, the old man's face reveals a kind of obsession, a kind of intoxication.

"We saw a lot of incredible pictures, and also saw a lot of magical things. Originally, we wanted to bring out the treasures buried in the ground, but the python appeared again."

"We used all the weapons we could attack, but we couldn't kill the python. We could only escape. On the way, every teammate was killed by the python. When we finally escaped from the cave, only left was left. I and another archaeological companion."

"After escaping the cave, the two of us threw away all the things we carried with us. We only hurried back along the way we came with the two objects we picked up from the complex."

"In the end, we crossed the Gobi Desert alive and returned to the city."

After talking about this, the old man stopped and the whole person returned to normal.

"The things in the wooden box in your hand are what I picked up from the underground building complex." The old man looked at Tang Feng, looked at the wooden box in Tang Feng's hand, and said.

"If you are asked to go again, do you still remember the original road?" Tang Feng was silent for a moment, and asked.

When he heard Tang Feng's questioning, the old man was stunned.

Afterwards, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I'm already a useless person, even if I want to go, I won't be able to go." He said with a wry smile. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 264 Remains of the Ancient Monk). Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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