Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 259: Beauty in the night

Looking at the sad old housekeeper, Tang Feng nodded slightly, quite approvingly.

To have such a loyal and loyal servant is also the luck of the Lin family's mother and daughter.

In the villa, Tang Feng and the old housekeeper looked at each other, and in order to prevent Lin Mengjia from knowing, no one said anything.

After dinner.

This family enjoys the shade in the gazebo in the garden.

The old butler brought out the prepared fruit, and the little girl sat on the floor with her bare feet, holding the watermelon in both hands, eating happily.

Da Bai lay next to the little girl, fighting against the watermelon in front of him.

Tang Feng was lying on the wicker chair, looking at the sky full of stars, very fascinated.

As for Lin Mengjia, she was sitting next to him, her eyes sometimes looked at him, and sometimes looked at Xiaoyatou and Dabai. On that beautiful face, her expression was very calm.

Looking at the sky full of stars, Tang Feng's thoughts could not help but flew out of the sky.

I don't know how far the war in the northern constellation has been.

Those two immortal palaces, don't know, who can have the last laugh.

He is a person who hates trouble, so even after becoming a star king, he never gets involved in this kind of constellation power struggle.

As for things like enclosures, he didn't even bother to do it.

Although he seldom made any moves in these years, other Immortal Palaces and other Star Monarchs did not dare to provoke him. He and his Ziwei Immortal Palace were quite leisurely.

"What are you thinking about?" In the ear, the clear voice came.

Tang Feng retracted his gaze from the starry sky, turned his head, and looked at his side.

Looking at the little woman next to him, he stretched out his hand and gently grasped the soft jade hand in his palm. Lin Mengjia just sat there quietly, staring at him.

"If one day you leave here, would you miss this place?" Tang Feng asked softly, holding the jade hand of his little woman.

Lin Mengjia paused when he heard Tang Feng's sudden questioning.

leave here?

Could it be that Tang Feng planned to leave! Moreover, I still have to take myself away.

"Naturally, I will miss it. Why did you suddenly ask this question? Could it be that you plan to take us away?" Looking at Tang Feng, Lin Mengjia couldn't help asking.

"Sooner or later, there will be such a day. After all, this sky is too small, and it is still lifeless. Staying here will only keep Yaoyao stuck. She wants to be the goddess who soars for nine days. Then, just I must leave here and go to the outside world." Tang Feng said slowly.

"Of course, that day should be too early, at least, within a few years, we will not be able to leave." Then Tang Feng added.

Lin Mengjia breathed a sigh of relief just now.

From the bottom of my heart, she is unwilling to leave, because here, there are still her relatives, and she has her obsession.

But if Tang Feng really wanted to take Yaoyao away, she would also make a compromise and go with them, and she had already thought about this in advance.

After the cool off, it was the boring study of Taoism again.

Perhaps they have gradually become accustomed to this boring study, so whether it is the little girl or Lin Mengjia, they are no longer frowning as before.

The learning of Taoism is very boring and difficult at first, but once you learn the first few key Taoisms, later learning will become easier and faster.

As Lin Mengjia's mother and daughter learn more Taoism, this initial period of pain is about to pass.

The Taoism I learned today is the fourth Taoism that Lin Mengjia's mother and daughter have learned.

In today's study, they are not as strenuous as they did when they were studying the first three Dao texts.

Nearly an hour and a half of study passed quickly.

"After you have mastered more than six Taoism, we will speed up, and strive to master the basic Taoism in half a year." Tang Feng put the rice paper on the table away and looked at Lin Mengjia's mother and daughter. Said.

The study of Taoism is a lifetime thing, and no one dares to say that one can master all the Taoism.

Although the more Dao texts you master, the greater the benefits, but for the practice, especially for the initial practice, it is enough to master the basic Dao texts.

Too much time wasted on the study of Taoism, which in Tang Feng's view was very uneconomical.

There will be more time to learn Taoism in the future, so why waste time now?

"Okay, Yaoyao, go wash and sleep." Tang Feng stretched out his hand and stroked the little girl's head, and said softly.

The little girl smiled and nodded, and left the study with a big white piti.

Now, when the little girl returns home, she is almost inseparable from Da Bai. Even when she sleeps, Da Bai will stay in her room.

"Let's go, let's go to bed too." After the little girl left with Dabai, Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia and said with a smile.

Looking at his wicked smile, Lin Mengjia gave him a white look, but she still stood up, followed him out of the study, and returned to the bedroom of the two of them.

Perhaps it was because of the intimacy last night that Lin Mengjia completely opened the door to her heart. Now that the two are together again, there is no longer the tension and hesitation they had before.

When she changed her pajamas again, she didn't deliberately avoid Tang Feng.

Tang Feng saw Lin Mengjia's changes, but he didn't think there was anything.

They were originally the most dear lovers. Once, they were like now, they didn't have any secrets to each other, and they could see each other frankly. Now they are just going back to the past.

On that soft bed, the two quilts from last night, now, there is only one left.

After Lin Mengjia finished washing, she went to bed and drilled the quilt, Tang Feng rinsed hastily, and plunged into the soft quilt.

Holding that graceful and exquisite body, and smelling the faint fragrance in his nose, Tang Feng was a little intoxicated.

Women are gentle and gentle, this sentence is really not wrong.

The two bodies gradually approached again, and finally, no longer distinguished from each other.

The light dimmed, and in the room, the tactful Ying crowed one after another, and it was not until a long time later that it was completely quiet.

In the dim room, Lin Mengjia snuggled in that generous embrace.

Although it was summer, she couldn't feel any warmth while nestled in the arms of this man. It was attached to this burly body, which made her feel very comfortable and solid.

It's as if this is a personal air conditioner.

Between her nose, she smelled the faint scent from the burly body again, and she indulged in it uncontrollably.

Until, she was confused and fell asleep deeply. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 259 Beautiful in the Night), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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