Beast Studio

Chapter 286 Sherlock Holmes is online

The Northeast received its first snow last night. The snow was not heavy. Liu Wei got up in the morning, opened the door, and stepped on the snow, which just covered his shoes.

He eagerly opened the live broadcast room. The temperature in the south should have started to cool down significantly now. In many southern areas, it is rare to see snow once a year. Liu Wei felt that the audience in the live broadcast room would want to see the snow-capped scenery in front of them.


"It's snowing, it's snowing, it's Chinese New Year!"

"It's so beautiful! Do you want to build a snowman today?"

It was also the first time for Pangpang to see such heavy snow. He rolled around in the snow like a fool, making the audience laugh.

Ao Changshou packed up his things and came out, handing Liu Wei a certain leather hat, "Put it on, I'm afraid it will get serious soon, and I will catch a cold easily if my hair is wet!"

Liu Wei put on his hat, "Shall we go to Meng Deren's house now?"

Ao Changshou nodded, "I'll bring some dry food to eat on the way!"

The audience became curious after listening to the conversation between Liu Wei and Ao Changshou, asking where Liu Wei was going?

Liu Wei said mysteriously: "A serial theft occurred in the local village. After the broadcast yesterday, Ao Changmin gave me some useful information. I want to go investigate and hope to gain something!"

"Damn it, solving crimes is exciting, I like it the most!"

"Detective anchor is online!"

"Catching a criminal suspect on a snowy day, I feel like I'm watching Conan!"

"I have a hunch that the real suspect may not be human!"

"It's not a human, is it a ghost?"

"I understand. Based on Ah Wei's identity, he should think that a wild animal committed the crime. If a wild animal committed the crime, then the lost items may be the livestock of herdsmen!"

"Damn, you're awesome, brother, you're trying to steal Ah Wei's job!"

Liu Wei looked at the barrage and smiled, and did not answer them directly, leaving a hanging link. However, judging from the discussion in the live broadcast room, the audience was very much looking forward to today's program.

"Let's go!" Ao Changmin came up and handed Liu Wei dry food.

While eating and walking, Liu Wei said with great enjoyment: "Brothers, have you ever experienced such a life? Stay away from the hustle and bustle of honesty and enjoy the beauty of nature!"

The camera of the live broadcast room circled around the vast pasture and the endless virgin forest covered with a "white down jacket".

Snowflakes are still falling sparsely.

The audience was envious.

Liu Wei's mean smile made the audience unbearable and made them feel sour.

It was already half past ten when we arrived at Meng Deren's house, and we walked for more than two hours from Ao Changshou's house.

Ao Changshou pointed to the pasture in front of him and introduced: "That is Meng Deren's pasture."

Liu Wei looked over and saw a police off-road vehicle parked outside the ranch. He had to say that the police officers were very responsible. Although it was snowing heavily, when people encountered problems, they would definitely send the police to their homes to understand the situation. Of course, could the case be solved? This is a matter of course. It depends on ability and some things that are right at the right time and place.

The world's crime detection rate, in terms of homicide cases, China is at the forefront of the world. The Ministry of Public Security has also put forward the guideline that "homicides must be solved."

However, the detection rate of thefts, especially in remote areas where detection techniques are poor, is not too high.

Liu Wei walked to the pasture.

Two police officers are asking Meng Deren to learn about the situation.

Meng Deren's clothes were a little sloppy, the stains on his cotton-padded jacket had turned black, and his hair was seriously curled and messy. No wonder Ao Changmin said he was lazy.

Liu Wei took a look at the fence of the pasture. It was true that many places were in disrepair, but the roe deer living in the pasture were lively and well-raised.

After all, it is money!

No matter how lazy a person is, he will never struggle with money.

Meng Deren led the police to the left side of the pasture, and Liu Wei followed. The pasture on the left was adjacent to a virgin forest, and the distance was estimated to be less than one kilometer.

There was a hole in the edge of the fence on the left, a few wooden boards had fallen off, and some blood stains were exposed on the ground.

Meng Deren dug around and said, "Look, there is blood on the ground. I found it when I woke up this morning. Some of it was covered by the heavy snow!"

The policeman knelt down and held some blood-stained snow in his hands, looked at it, and asked, "Did you lose another roe deer yesterday?"

Meng Deren nodded.

His face was twisted, angry and distressed at the same time.

The police speculated: "The left side of the pasture is close to the forest. We still conclude that a wild animal committed the crime. I reminded you last time to take time to repair the pasture."

He stood up and shook the fence. The fence shook a few times. "Look, the pines are loose. After a while, the roe deer can run out on its own!"

"Comrade police, I think someone must have stolen it. Wild beasts rarely approach people. They are all in the woods. Besides, I have lived here for more than ten years and I have never seen any trace of wild beasts!" Meng Deren insisted. His own thoughts.

Liu Wei got out along the damaged fence and found many traces on the ground.

Seeing this behavior, the policeman scolded: "What are you doing?"

The police felt that he had damaged the scene.

Standing nearby, Ao Changshou interjected: "Comrade police, if a wild animal commits the crime, we can ask him for help. He is an expert!"

"Expert? What expert?" The policeman was puzzled. He is just a live broadcaster, how can he be an expert?

Liu Wei ignored the conversation between the policeman and Ao Changshou, and followed the marks left in the snow.

"What did you find, Awei?"

"I want to know the truth!"

"Awei looks so serious!"

"Shh~, brothers, be quiet and don't interrupt Ah Wei's train of thought!"

Liu Wei stopped, squatted down and carefully observed the traces in front of him, and analyzed: "Brothers, you see, there is about two hundred meters from the fence to this location, and the seven to eighty centimeter wide trace becomes shallow here. .

If a beast committed the crime, such a wide mark could never have been left by it. It was obviously not the footprints of a beast, and a beast couldn't move while lying down, right?

In addition to the blood stains left at the fence, there is only one possibility. This trace was left by the roe deer. After the roe deer was bitten to death by the wild beast, it was dragged from the fence to this location.

If the crime was committed before it snowed last night, there would not be any traces left now. It would have been covered by more than ten centimeters of snow.

The crime could only have occurred after it snowed and there was a lot of snow on the ground.

Although the snow has been falling, it cannot completely cover the traces of the roe deer being dragged.

I have been observing and found no footprints of wild beasts, which puzzles me. According to my inference, there are two possibilities.

First, the traces of dragging the roe deer overlap with the footprints of the beast. Brothers, you can imagine that when the beast drags the prey, it will slowly retreat along a line. It will only turn around when it is holding the prey. run.

It can be inferred from this that the carrying ability of this beast cannot carry an adult roe deer away, so the footprints left behind were erased by the footprints of dragging the roe deer.

There is a second possibility. The beast’s feet were narrow and left footprints. After committing the crime last night, they were covered up by heavy snow. The footprints would not be as obvious as the marks left by the body!"

"That makes sense!"

"With small paws, can we infer a small body? What kind of beast could be that is small and can hunt roe deer?"

"A beast with small paws does not necessarily have a small stature. What if it is a cat? Plum-shaped footprints can easily be covered by heavy snow!"

"Damn it, it's getting more and more mysterious! Could it be a Siberian tiger?"

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