When Victor was led by the soldiers to change his clothes, Katerina couldn't help but ask:

"I don't know who you're going to meet in Zaun this afternoon."

"It wasn't before, but it is now. Zaun's biggest gang leader now is Hilko?" Ryan asked indifferently.

"It's that guy. The Empire has recently collected information on him, and they all feel that Shirko is preparing something behind his back." Katerina said.

"Oh? I also read his information, but why did the Imperial Intelligence Service give such an assessment?" Ryan seemed a little surprised.

Katerina threw her hands away and said indifferently: "In their eyes, Shirko was originally a dangerous person who made a move, and this is the biggest reason why he replaced the previous Zaun boss Vander. But he has been too safe in recent years. separated."

"Anfen is also wrong?"

"I agree with the analysis of the Imperial Intelligence Department on this point. They think that people like Shirko must be planning some kind of conspiracy behind the scenes. The airport and the bombing of the building yesterday may be one of them." Katerina said seriously.

Ryan laughed dumbly, shook his head and said, "I have a different opinion. The people in the empire don't understand the feeling of being entrusted."

"The kind of person Shirko who killed all his former brothers, seems to have a heart?" Katerina questioned.

"It's because of the confusion between him and Vander that he has regrets in his heart. And now, that area of ​​his heart has been filled."

"He has someone he likes?" Katerina looked surprised.

She didn't think what Ryan said was wrong. It was precisely because he believed Ryan's analysis that he couldn't understand Silko.

Emotions only affect the speed of drawing a knife, why such people do not understand this truth.

"Remember that blue-haired girl last night?" Ryan reminded.

"Blue-haired girl... The one who blew up the building yesterday. I checked the information last night. She seems to be called Jinx, and she is the most indulgent subordinate of Sirco."

Katerina seemed to be thinking about something, with some kind of strangeness and disgust on her face.

Ryan gave him a funny look, and didn't want to correct it, just shook his head with a smile.

After seeing the attendant in the distance make a gesture towards him, he commanded:

"I decided to meet him today. You help me choose a place overlooking the whole of Zaun and send him an invitation."

"Follow your will, Your Excellency."

Katerina nodded obediently, glanced at Victor who was being supported from a distance, and disappeared in the restaurant in a flash.

Ryan got up and greeted Victor:

"Victor, you suit this dress very well."

Victor at this meeting changed into a set of red and black butlers to serve, his fluffy hair was combed, and with an expressionless face, it perfectly matched the image of a Noxian noble housekeeper.

"There's a present for you, a welcome gift from a friend in Noxus."

Ryan did not allow Victor to refuse, and gestured to the waiter who was waiting next to him to bring up the tray in his hand.

Victor looked at it subconsciously, and there was a delicate monocle lying quietly in the tray, with some kind of rune engraved on it. The rune he had never seen before made him a little fascinated.

Seeing his addicted appearance, Ryan smiled and patted Victor on the shoulder: "Okay, this thing is already yours, you can study whatever you want in the future."

"Sorry, it's really this gift... it's too precious and special." Victor scratched his head embarrassedly with an apologetic expression on his face.

He no longer hesitated, and put the monocle on his face. It seemed that a wonderful light swept across his cheeks, causing his face to change a little:

"I feel...weird."

"The Yirong Monocle, the gadget I developed, can fine-tune the face. Except for people who are very familiar with each other, it is difficult to recognize you. Of course, you can understand and move closer to the aesthetics of Noxus." Eun explained.

"The Noxian aesthetic? It feels a lot better than Piltover."

Victor stared blankly at the mirror in the attendant's hand, which reflected a stern man wearing a monocle. With his slender figure, he looked like a handsome nobleman.

Even if he didn't care about his appearance, he was amazed by himself.

"Come on, let's talk as we go. Maybe I need you as a guide." Ryan laughed.

Victor came back to his senses and bowed his head slightly to express his thanks, "My honor, Your Excellency."

After Ryan went out and got into the mechanical car, Victor said strangely:

"Is that lady not going today?"

As he talked, he seemed to understand something, and laughed at himself:

"Also, a place like Zaun that is filled with industrial waste gas is not suitable for a noble lady to go to."

The locomotive started, and the loyal Noxian soldiers steered it skillfully towards the dividing bridge between Piltover and Zaun.

Ryan looked weird after hearing what Victor said: "Do you think Katarina is a pure noble lady?"

Victor nodded slightly: "Although her outfit today is in line with Zaun's style of dress, it's not bad to be your female companion last night."

"He's from the Kekao family." Ryan nodded with a smile.

"Kekao...a very familiar term, it seems to have a place in Noxus." Victor scratched his head in distress.

He made up for Noxian form before coming, but more

Heavier than Ryan's message. I don't have a deep memory of the rest of the forces, but I also have a certain impression of the Kekao family.

At least, this family should not be weaker than the Myrdalda family.

"The Kekao family is a family of Assassins, and every family leader is the most outstanding Assassin in Noxus, and Katarina is the eldest daughter." Ryan said.


Victor's face was full of surprise, he didn't expect that the seemingly cold girl was so extraordinary.

He wouldn't think that Noxian's strongest assassin has no gold content, and he just received his Noxian soldiers, at least 3 or 5 Picheng magistrates can be beaten in the same situation.

"She'll be waiting for us at the demarcation bridge, and you can guess who we're meeting today."

"It should be the current leader of Zaun, I don't know who it is." Victor shook his head and sighed: "Since Vander died, Zaun has become different from being together, becoming... Well, more radical. A lot of people I know have died for various reasons, and the rest have drank a potion called 'Glimmer' and their bodies have been distorted. Seriously, Zaun has few me someone you know."

"Then have you heard the rumors about the ruler of Zaun?" Ryan asked with a smile.

"It seems to be a powerful careerist? I have always been obsessed with Hextech research, and haven't cared about these things for a long time." Victor was uncertain.

"Other people dream of changing their hometown and can't wait to pay more attention every day, but you are completely different from them."

Ryan never thought that there was anything wrong with Victor doing this. In his eyes, Victor should spend more energy on new technology research than political management.

Moreover, Noxus has no shortage of administrators and reformers, but it does need some top-notch researchers, whether they study magic or science.

According to the information from his old boss, time for Noxus seems to be running out...

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